Ises Black heart,me glad de i overstand i,me know de wise mind of i ancients nd me aprecilove it,as a youth me love to learn idren,nd corrected if nah like de tribal differences,bt i as a Nguni me nah teach it,no society teaches it,its people who choose it,bt me not against it,as most of de time its personal choice btween man-wombman,be concious with what you do as everylittle thing you do has consequences.My clan de Thwala people accept it,i know their reasons they are i ancients/Ancestor maybe dt is why i have a different view with de rest of africans, ises black heart you made me see dt my example was not dt relevant to dt of zion mountain,dts de benefit of reasoning iron sharpen iron.One black love!zion mountain take note of black heart advise it might be helpfull to de i,as de i pointed good questions to consider before taking any decisions.Selassie i Menen love!