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Trespass of The Tribe of Judah - Fortelling of Slavery

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Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/21/2015 11:22:35 AM

This is why I bring up the topic. To see what others feel. I have been lent this perspective from black people.. Never thought of it that way until then..

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/21/2015 11:57:50 AM

Shasatabe Makonnen is 100 percent right. This is an attempt to pacify people. Let's have black people blame slavery on themselves on God whatever just not on the European! No black God send I into slavery

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/21/2015 1:35:41 PM

Well JAH design everything.. so if it happened, it was meant to.. What is to be must be.. I never said that the Europeans were innocent.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/21/2015 2:56:09 PM

Interesting.....would you say God creates evil? That's in the book too. Evil is all part of Bible Gods plan? Let's say premed murder for example.... I have a relative who was murdered and in no way could I serve / praise a God who has that in their plan.

If what is to be will be then what about free will?

Bless up

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/21/2015 3:20:30 PM

Yes, JAH is the source. Anything in existence comes from Him. JAH sees and knows everything because He is inside moving All.. Free will exists but JAH already knows our decisions. Letting us make mistakes in order to learn.. We are destined to reflect JAH love even through times of tribulation..

Just how I see it.

One Love

Messenger: Sister Sent: 4/21/2015 3:51:20 PM

Garvey’s: I have a relative who has worked with abused children, and was herself abused, she asks the same question – what kind of god would allow this to happen. If everything is ‘god’, the question might be valid, but the alternative, nothing is god or there is no god, is just as invalid, no? There is creator and creation, there is physical and metaphysical, they can be transcended or divided.

“A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted…”

Its hard not to send blame to those who claim there is sense in suffering, on whatever scale, when suffering is acutely experienced. To I eye there is a spiritual lesson in everything every day, whether I see it at the time or in the broader context of I life, or if the lesson is for another person. And as we are One, on an even broader scale the experiences and lessons are shared, across nations and across time, if I allow Iself to be open to receive them. This is I humble perception of the thing.


Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/21/2015 4:20:09 PM

Jah design everything and knows all and at the same there is free will?

I argument against dat is, IF God is all knowing and makes a prophecy (God cant be wrong, right) in order for God not to be a liar or false then the thing has to come true, correct? If thats the case then those people had no free will, they had to do wat was prophecied. Just like in Egypt with Pharoah, he wanted to let the people go but "God" hardened his heart, so he had no free will.

Bible God seems to love blood and war and misfortune

Creation doesnt need a creator if creator has no creator!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/21/2015 4:24:39 PM

Give THANKHS for the response but my questions were working within the premise of this thread...... How can a God who is beyond time, who is all powerful, allow wickedness to happen?

Personally, this dilemma does not exist as I don't subscribe to the idea of a God. Way too personified for me and therefore these problems exist...... People imagine a human being sat somewhere looking at all humanity throughout time and allowing things to take place...... Whispering prayers back to us every now and then.

I'm more toward the understanding no one 'God' created us all but all that is living is is a manifestation of 'God'. No seperation of creator and creation some would even say the creation is the creator

At least we should agree we are Gods or gods over our own decisions. Slavery came from the decisions of men.... FACT..... And I still believe it is disingenuous to preach otherwise. Turn the other cheek..... Love your masters... Etc etc the book is full of such pacifying statements now let's have them blame themselves for the wickedest crime against humanity in human history.......

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/21/2015 4:51:48 PM

I am not pointing fingers or diverting blame.. I only want to know what people think about verses like Deuteronomy 28: 15-68.. Are these passages false or is there any truth? The first time I was introduced to this topic was from a black woman.. So I am trying to clarify..

One Love

Messenger: Shasatabe Makonnen Sent: 4/21/2015 5:52:31 PM

InI personally and whole-heartedly believe that Deuteronomy 28 was a made up tale to, in GA's words, 'pacify' the black race, not in particular, but more so than the others. As a black person that is the only thing that honestly makes sense to I.

One Love

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