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Trespass of The Tribe of Judah - Fortelling of Slavery

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Messenger: Black heart Sent: 4/23/2015 3:55:11 PM

Hemphill. De story of de tree of knowledge u talk about is a fiction. what is it dat u refer as punishment? African cultures &.religion existed long bfore de bible was created, just get dat loud & clear. What are yo questions anyway? Worshiping anada man as yo God doesn't make u better than somebody else who worship a different man. yu can worship whomsoever yu want to worship but yu should bear it in mind dat de person yu worship is man like yu & was crreated by de creator just like u.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/23/2015 4:32:44 PM

I cannot believe that this is so hard to comprehend... I NEVER said that the Bible come first.. Creation is first. Spoken into existence and recorded through cultural happenings comprising the Bible.

This is why I bring up the topic. People refusing JAH word and substituting there own.. Again; Matthew 10: 33-34..

Haile Selassie uphold scripture. I do the same. There is only one Father of Creation. Best to acknowledge H.I.M. or no-go Zion.. This is what The Bible say, not something I came up with.

One Love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/23/2015 6:26:13 PM

king don't skip. You say no culture existed before the word ..... Which also was 'correctly' recorded into the bible

I say I see African cultures exist TENS of thousands of years Before the first Israelite showed up... Or even before the Word and it's stories chronology put the world being as old as........

So show me or tell me and make I overs how the San people from now to espeicially 20,000 years ago lived according to the doctrine of the Word instead of something divinely inherently and supremely their OWN.

No one thing or one way or one culture has ever been the totality in history...... Think about how that really sound.

If you draw ites from the Bible as Haile Selassie the First officially claimed he did. Don't let fundamentalism and literalism creep in .... Under any form. Don't start using the text itself as a basis to try and eradicate the multi-sourced and referenced history (not spirituality and scripture) of others who don't think alike. Istory as InI original African first one, are not born Hebrew nor Christian nor named Adam nor danced around apple tree with talking snake nor turning other cheeks and loving massa nor blaming them self for slavery.............. This was not our beginning king. And don't limit we to a one word one doctrine from the beginning ideology.... It sounds good... But WITHIN the bible itself Israelite teachings go from eating Ital to accepting certain kinds meat to accepting more meat as long as the huff look a certain way... (N dem way deh) over a period of time. That mean even within the word.... the word DOESNT stay the same throughout time! (wasn't that your original point? Which comes from the word) Bible contradict itself three times over... Fyah. But that's only a problem if you taking these as a literalist....

Because we have been indoctrinated from babies into thinking the BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD. Most people who read bible text think (and probably even hear their reading voice in their head) this is God speaking directly to them. Even if talkin g of what you believe to be a parable which may not to be 100% literal.... Because it is God telling this story to you, the MESSAGE within the text must always be true. FORGET looking at direct authorship and at the social and cultural happenings of the time in which the bible was documented as if this would have any effect of the human efforts of the text itself right? No. God speaking. Must be right.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/23/2015 9:26:04 PM

GARVEYS AFRICA, I thank the I. The last post ties into Ark I's response to the original topic post. Bringing I closer to overstanding how ones can connect to JAH without guidance from The Bible.

Let I start by saying that When I posted 'No human culture's exist before The Word.' I mean The Word as the beginning. The "Let there Be".. 'The Uni-verse speak All into creation.' This is the best way IandI mind can conjure the beginning. JAH being, always, then willing a living construct and children into being.. I say, nothing of Humanity could have existed before JAH create it.. 'This Word[Let there be] has been correctly recorded in The Bible. Correct enough that JAH H.I.M Self support it, eternally.' IandI do not have direct cultural links to pre-Bible ancient African traditions. I can only look from the out-side-in, using The Bible to give I a glimpse of what transpired. The major reason I hold The Bible as truth is because Haile Selassie does. Who am I to deny such knowledge and wisdom?

'So show me or tell me and make I overs how the San people from now to espeicially 20,000 years ago lived according to the doctrine of the Word instead of something divinely inherently and supremely their OWN.' -- I cite JAH's creation as the systemic anomaly. Both the beginning and end in the same moment. All is designed, All is seen, All is known; for The Source[JAH] moves and sustains every aspect of existence by metaphysically experiencing it within us.. These ancient people lived by the doctrine of the Word[Let there be] in that their very existence is doing exactly what they need to. Setting up the foundation for the rest of Human existence.. This is not 'instead of' but coinciding with what is divinely, inherently, and supremely their OWN. Living The Word, not yet detached to the point of a document needing to redirect people to JAH..

I see The Bible as quite literal in some aspects.. Revelation 5 literally points to the coming of The Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah. Yet at the same time, The Bible is metaphoric, 40 days 40 nights.. I use The Bible as a tool to help I know what has been inside all along.. I couldn't have known what I know now if not for guidance from The Bible.. I have been born and raised in the middle of the babylon system.. Kansas.. Most of I life has been a path away from JAH. Indoctrinated at such an early age I knew no better, yet JAH call I out of this path. Inspiring I to look to The Bible with a fresh perspective. It has immensely helped to grow I..

I have created this topic thread in order to gain perspective on particularly themed verses that have troubled I.. Again, when I reach an idea that I don't readily comprehend, I tend to hold The Bible higher than I view point.. I also look to those who have more knowledge than I.. i.e Rastafarisabbathical.. A black man holding truth in Jeremiah 5.. This is not a perspective that I personally out-right hold, I do not know enough about it to say one way or the other so I lean towards The Bible. What The Bible insinuates in the highlighted verses is that a covenant was broken, thus allowing a chance for strangers[White slave owners] to commit atrocities, which they took FULL advantage of and damned themselves in the process.. A duality, Karma..

I see Haile Selassie I as JAH. THE Father of ALL creation.. So when HE speak, to I, it is the Word of JAH. Then when HE promotes The Bible, I too cite that as HIS Word.

I appreciate all that has been shared with I as this topic post could seem VERY offensive. I only wanted to ask questions and explain IandI perspective. I thank the I's for allowing I to do this.

One Love

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/23/2015 9:45:46 PM

Negus Selassie I upheld HIM heritage and cultural traditon of which Judeo-Christian bible is a part of. Selassie I dem aint loose their knowledge of self and had bible forced on dem its part of HIM genetic story so why not InI Africans uphold our roots that stem not from bible but the different African traditions thru out the continent and we from d west find the nutrual connecting common factor of RasTafari LIVITY exspresses in FULNESS and religously indoctrinates.

We have From Nile to Niger, Senegal to Limpopo and Orange, Nyasa to Tchad and many many languages and cultures and peoples and WORDS to just say dis over dat so RasTafari incoorperstes the Irit of all, d whole of d continent's Irit and WORD

Just because Selassie I do a thing doesnt mandate a one is obligated to follow, one has to be an individual of oneself also

Selassie I follow Jesus, Jesus tell a rich man to give ALL his belongings away, told his people take flight when they saw war coming

Jesus follow Moses, Moses NO one dies for another's sins, eye for an eye, stonings and so forth....

Man a humble but set his own still tho

Messenger: Black heart Sent: 4/24/2015 12:07:11 AM

Hemphil. De bible doesn't know about creation. If by JAH yu refering to de Creator then yu haffe know dat de bible is not de word of de Creator but words of some people. De fact dat HIM uphold de bible doesn't make it any better & it certainly doesn't change de fact dat African spirituality is independent & older than de bible. Just get dis clear in yo mind dat slavery of Africans is neither a curse nor a punishment. HIM is man just like u so don't think we'll be shaken by his opinion on de bible

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/24/2015 1:05:58 AM

Right, the bondage of slavery is not a curse but an affliction. Seen. But what about the continued 'troding in the wine press'? Specifically speaking about USA, are there ANY amount of negative forces associated with holding Martin Luther King or Obama higher than H.I.M Haile Selassie? I can work best with what I can see everyday, this is America. IandI perspective of historical parallels are drawn from todays American NWO. The beast of babylon. Very very very few people in USA acknowledge H.I.M as Yaheshua in Kingly Character. A nation turned away from JAH. Consequences?

One Love

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/24/2015 1:30:20 AM

I see todays NWO as a form of slavery. Spiritually/mentally[Holding MLK, Obama or any political/spiritual figure over H.I.M.]causing the physical/economical forms of slavery... The continued existence of THIS evil is because peoples refusal to wake up. To Deny JAH... The truth is available, H.I.M. pave the way. Too many people willingly ignore truth and fail to stand up to evil, thus allowing it to grow to the size of todays system.. Which has been prophesied

One Love

Messenger: Black heart Sent: 4/24/2015 3:10:16 AM

If somebody upholds Martin Luther king higher than His Majesty & u upholding His Majesty higher than Martin Luther, dat doesn't make any of the two of yu better or wurse than de other. If deh are some negative forces associatted with dat somebody's act then de same negative forces are most likely to be assoviated by yo act too. Both of yu are holding de same ideology of upholding one man above all mankind. Why all dis fuss about who to worship anyway? Eliminate bigotry.

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/24/2015 9:19:10 AM

Most people in the USA prolly dont even kno who Haile Selassie I is, and as you say for yourself dem too can work best with what they see everyday and Obama and King would what they kno!

Christ in his kingly character is not even universal with Rastafari!

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