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Trespass of The Tribe of Judah - Fortelling of Slavery

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Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/21/2015 6:38:23 PM

I appreciate the perspective. The only thing that I want to add, is that Haile Selassie oversaw the translation of the Haile Selassie I Revised Amharic Bible. Within this document, that H.I.M. uphold, is Deuteronomy 28. Would Haile Selassie not exclude false doctrine within the revised edition?

Haile Selassie I: "We in Ethiopia have one of the oldest versions of the Bible, but however old the version may be, in whatever language it might be written, the Word remains one and the same. It transcends all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race. It is eternal."

One Love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/22/2015 1:42:15 PM

That's not to say His Majesty's interpretation of Deuteronomy 28 is that of a prophecy of chattel slavery.

To be honest, we do not know His Majesty's PERSONAL views on scripture, even if his official stance is obviously that of Coptic based Ethiopian Orthodox......who wouldn't have taken this stance as a sovereign ruler of Ethiopia? Not to forget this was DIFFERENT to his childhood religious upbringing.

But yeah...... I cite that particular text as troublesome and misleading. For blaxk people especially.....all this talk of foreign gods and confusing who is actually foreign from who, all this talk of praise I ONLY or suffer 400 years of human torture........ Haile Selassie teaches against any 'one way' doctrine. No good can be gained insight can be learned or truth can be acquired by telling black people they are responsible for slavery and it was the will and workings of their God....

I feel like playing sizzla no white God for a while and catching a meds

Any other thoughts?

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/22/2015 4:03:13 PM

Most Christians view dat as bondage in Egypt,

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/22/2015 7:16:36 PM

I view America as spiritual Egypt. Paralleling scripture, repeating history..

When I come across verses in the Bible that I don't readily comprehend, I do not think that it must be the verse that is wrong or misleading. No, I work with it being IandI misunderstanding that is leading to the confusion. The Word is eternal, I personal view while reading is not.

The verses I have highlighted on this thread, plus many more, simply depict people turning away and failing to acknowledge HE WHO HE BE. There are consequences to turning from Jah, No? Anyone failing to acknowledge Jah[Not to say that there is only one way to acknowledge]and replacing H.I.M with a false Idol, is surely to meet the whirlwind and rocks. I ask, How many people in America uphold an image of White Jesus?.. Or a Black Messiah in MLK, instead of H.I.M..? When told of the truth, most reject it. This action alone is enough to perpetuate the confusion and disaster we see... babylon

Slave owners are to blame, obviously.. But solely? Were there any behaviors accumulating bad Karma that manifested in action through Whites playing Devils advocate? The Bible seems to say so.. And as far as evil being a part of creation; Did humanity not descend into death by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Is this not punishment for disobeying Jah? ...Just a couple other thoughts...

One Love

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/22/2015 8:24:32 PM

The people who were captured into slavery were NOT American and knew nothing of white or black jesus or HIM!

Many of these peoples had/have spiritual systems 1000s of years older than the bible and dont stray way from their respective truths of who or what is Jah to them

Even d bible in itself dosent agree with what Jah is as the the golden calf is also called (Yod heh waw heh) YHWH in Exodus

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/23/2015 11:29:07 AM

IandI last post stands, the questions have not been answered.

No human culture's exist before The Word. The Uni-verse speak All into creation. This Word has been correctly recorded in The Bible. Correct enough that JAH H.I.M. Self support it, eternally.

Use The Bible as a reference point to historical events and as a guide to know the Self. Learning from ancestral heights and lows to grow a better future. It is eternal.

One Love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/23/2015 1:18:31 PM

I see we gone DEEP into the realm of indoctrination

No culture exist before the bible or the pentateuch ? What makes you say this? This sounds like nonesense.

'The Uni-verse speak All into creation' - this is an idea that originated from a CULTURE of people that existed thousands of years before the WORD.
The whole idea of the word being first..... speaking things into existence etc comes from one of MANY cosmologies of ancient Africans from before the Bible or scripture existed....before any Hebrew existed. Dealing with the origins of Ra...... Dealing with Heka....... or dealing with (a personal favourite) dJAHuti..... the OG scribe who spoke the word which brought the ehaven and earth into existance..... And nobody says these were to be taken literally

Garveys Africa and The Word before The Word:

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 4/23/2015 1:47:47 PM


Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/23/2015 2:07:21 PM

Human culture exist before JAH creation? This is nonsense.
I did not say 'The Bible' exist before culture, only that it correctly describes The Word of JAH; Which create All.

Still, no one has answered IandI previous questions... Avoiding them?

One Love

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 4/23/2015 2:44:30 PM

Matthew 10: 33-34

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