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belief Vs Knowlegde

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Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/21/2005 1:50:34 PM

I won't explain where they came from because
#1. It's really not that important anymore
#2. It will start more trouble than it's worth
#3. Most people won't believe me anyway

Who says I learned a story?

Messenger: Osiris Sent: 9/21/2005 1:58:01 PM

It's Important to I to know How my people came about.

What does the I mean "learned a story"? So that brief history was fabricated?

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 9/21/2005 3:28:02 PM

It is not a story! There is enough scientific evidence and common sense to verify the facts. Caucasians don't even lie about where they came from, they call themselves Caucasians, from the Caucus Mountains.

I believe my sistren the empress is correct in her assumption. Everytime I brought this information to the forum I was verbally attacked and the evidence was brushed off asif it were a baseless fable.


Messenger: Osiris Sent: 9/21/2005 3:32:42 PM

Empress Nzingha said:
"I'm not going to explain how caucasoids came to be, so don't ask, but lets just say they came to be."

Then I asked why shouldn't we ask. Does the Sistren know how caucasoids came to be?

Messenger: native root Sent: 9/21/2005 3:55:40 PM

why do non africans have ask an african how non african came to be?

Messenger: Osiris Sent: 9/21/2005 4:09:12 PM


Messenger: native root Sent: 9/21/2005 4:09:45 PM

a man without culture is like a tree without roots-Marcus Mosiah Garvey

i suggest the the bredrins research there own is not Empress Nzinga's responcibility or burden.

Messenger: Osiris Sent: 9/21/2005 4:11:40 PM

The Empress obviously seems to know something that I don't. So I am graciously asking her to share her information, and not play this game of implying things but not fully explaining them.

Let's communicate.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 9/21/2005 4:22:20 PM

Afrikans have enough responsibility just trying to research their own origin. And more times than not, any honest attempt to share information is met with hostility.

I would at least from the standpoint of hueman research read upon the Mendel's Law of Independent Assortmant and Dominance and Recessiveness.

I've been called a racist for sharing such information. If the dominant genes make the recessive genes, the recessive are a product and thus share genetic makeup with the dominant. Therefore racism on this issue would amount to self hatred.


And yes I know some information but it is not as important to me now that I have found better usage of the principles.

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 9/21/2005 6:29:38 PM

Blessed love Rasta far I

sis Osiris... Consider the weathy man wo went to the depths of hades and then regretted he did not heed the call of iternal life. he asks to go back to earth to tell his brother so he would not make the same mistake... If the man did not listen to the prophets, why would his brother listen to any one either about the truth..

Sista Osiris, it is something that if u want to KNOW then it is up to u to seek and find and KNOW for yourself. Then it has life it has a value and it is not just a book it is not just heresay... it is REAL once u KNOW for yourself. Thei is a grown woman and no one need to spoon feed the I.. u check?

Heed to the thirst within the I for knowledge.. and seek it and u will find it.. it is not a spoon fed thing overstand? This is not written anyhwere but yet it is APPARENT everywhere when u seek without partiailty without predujice.

Instead of looking at it as a black and white thing... consider ti as a thing of "WHAT IS THE TRUTH?" Can u accept the TRuth of what u find? that is the real question.. turth does not change thing, it changes ou r moind on what and how i site reality.

I site the frustaration, and yet know that when u seek and find for ones self, you will be a pillar of STRENGTH--unshakeable...eyes-up to the very core of ini heart one can shake the i...

KNOW yourself......Be ready to see TRUTH....Put aside ur be_LIE-fs (including how to come to know something) and really seek to KNOW....

a hint.. go over the posts here and there, go to tthe library, rad ancient texts, listen to elder reasoings, pay attention to ur visions, iditate on ur whole life....Use REAL Logic and sense that speaks from ini heart....look at how things be running from times and times. the sistren gave plenty of clues in her "STORY" to get u started!

Thanks an dpraises to the most high
rasta far I
selassie I

One jah one aim one destiny

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