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belief Vs Knowlegde

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Messenger: 1_Kings_10 Sent: 9/16/2005 6:00:53 PM

Ras Tafari

"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" who can resist an invitation so full of compassion?

Because of this personal experience in the goodness of the Bible, I was resolved that all my countrymen should also share its great blessing and that by reading the Bible they should find truth for themselves. Therefore, I caused a new translation to be made from our ancient language into the language which the old and the young understood and spoke.

Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumbling before him. He is perplexed and knows not whither he is drifting. But he must realise that the Bible is his refuge, and the rallying point for all humanity. In it man will find the solution of his present difficulties and guidance for his future action, and unless he accepts with clear conscience the Bible and its great Message, he cannot hope for salvation. For my part I glory in the Bible."

His Imperial Majesty
Haile Selassie the First
July 23, 1961

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/16/2005 6:40:25 PM

"I have always held the view that the only part in the bible which comes straight from Jah (no disrespect to the prophets of old) is the Ten commandements which rest in Ithiopia inside the Ark of the covenant with the rod of Aaron"

Unfortunatly, Moses cannot be trusted.
The ten comandment actually comes from a much more anchient text known as the (forgive me if the number is wrong) 32 do nots. This text was created for the caucasoids that intergrated into Kemet as a way of civilizing these barbarians. Throughout the years it was reduced to 10.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 9/16/2005 9:53:10 PM

Yes I

Moses cannot be trusted; I have made the very point about the origin of many laws, rules, and rituals with regard to those that were loosed from the Caucus mountains and was faced with harsh hatred here on the forum.

I still contend that those who are spiritual do not need such rituals. We do by nature what the unspiritual learns to do by way of repeated rituals.


And yes, Moses was a traitor!

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 9/16/2005 10:50:43 PM

Dr. Hoffman:It is a magnificent answer and I am deeply grateful for it. To turn to another subject, Your Imperial Majesty, are there any passages of the bible that have become especially meaningful to you?

H.I.M.: I have the highest respect for the Bible as a whole. We also recognise the rightful name the Bible bears. We find that in all the periods of the Old Testament, in the time of Patriarchs, Kings, and Prophets, great miracles were done. On the other hand, the time in which Our Lord HIM-self gave the command to go to all the world and to preach is also of high value. Then, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,- the four gospels in which the sayings of our Lord are recorded- are pillars for all men on the earth. Therefore the Bible should not be cut into portions.

Fulfil The Ten Commandments

Words of God
Haile Selassie I
Jah Rastafari Selah

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/17/2005 5:32:31 PM

And yes, Moses was a traitor!

I cant believe i just read that, sistren
Cant be I forefather u a talk about
You can read all the books you want( and check who they were written by) and qoute as much as you like . You can disagree but dont fling disrespectful words like that.And remember before InI know Moses from the bible I knew him from Egypt and Ethiopia, go to Ethiopia and talk to the elders
How come you a talk about "harsh hatred" and then say such things sis?

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 9/17/2005 6:17:07 PM

the reason I talk about harsh hatred is because a while ago, i brought up the subject and one of the forum members didn't seek to reason, only condemn me personally (shooting the messenger, so to speak)

when two disagree, I believe they should share information and evaluate it and the source of the info, not verbally attack each other

i heard of moses before the bible, in ethiopia, and i heard of him teaching the grafted population 33 1/3 degree of knowledge or tricknology

i also heard and read of this from varied sources, some griots in mother afrika tell how he convince idren to take them in as long lost cousins, victims of grafting, and they turn barbarian ways into society and ruin it

i believe there is a degree of truth in varied forms, but i do also believe the bible has been tampered with or at least lies are brainwashed into people by false prophets referencing the bible incorrectly

think about the fact that a lot of southern black ministers during slavery and post reconstruction could not read or write the english language, but they still preached the godspell, and relied on what the oppressor told them the bible said

now we can read it for ourselves and we should and i do but i always pray for Jah within me to spiritually enlighten me to what He would have me know (revelation)

think about SANKOFA, NuNu's son was brainwashed right before our eyes, and the nerve to force Sholah to confess God, MY GOD GIVES US THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE TO SERVE HIM!


Messenger: JahIseek Sent: 9/17/2005 8:35:42 PM

Ises ITINUAL to H.I.M.

Blessed... CRUCIAL reasonings...

Moses got his 10 commandments I-RECTLY from the "42 LAWS OF MA'AT"....

Only difference is that the LAWS of Ma'at were AFFIRMATIONS that one LIVED THEIR LIFE IN ONENESS WITH NATURE and the INIVERSE. I HAVE NOT DONE SUCH AND SUCH.. NOT THOU SHALT NOT... this was because in this Incient AFRIKAN Livity ONES AND ONES just LIVED RIGHTFULLY.. No one had to TELL THEM NOT TO KILL or STEAL.. THEY just DID NOT !

So before ones and ones start CONdeming the Ras Sistren.. CHECK DEEPER... for the Ible has BEEN (white)MANipulated DONT be FOOLED!

The CARVED TRUTHs and the DEAD SEA SCROLLS (which contained the Laws of Ma'at.). DATE BACK MUCH FURTHER than that of the Ible.

Dont allow the white mans thinking (that Egypt is pagan,etc) KEEP you from SEEKING TRUTHS that ILoved MAMA AFRIKA and IANDI ANCESTORS have left for IandI TO REMEMBER that which IandI ALREADY know WITHIN IANDI.

Giving UTTAHMOST thanks for the reasonings.



Sis Jahseekah

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/17/2005 8:49:48 PM

Blessing to all
Jah Rastafari Liveth

yes i No man cant condemn another. The I say check deeper , a dat i been stressing all the while, brethren.
But why condemn the teachings of moses just because it is supposed to have originated elsewhere? Doesnt every man learn from someone else? Even though the bible makes no mention of the first 30 odd years of christs life InI know he mmust have been initiated in the mystery schools that originated in Africa same way


Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/17/2005 9:16:56 PM

Sis Jahseekah

Thank you sistren for the correct information. I was having one of those moments where my memory was cloudy.

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 9/17/2005 9:19:10 PM

much luv and blessings to the empress and idren on this particular reasoning

this is crucial to InI trod

may I suggest that if one truly respected another's teachings, they would do so because such teachings would stand on its own merits (no need for COMMANDMENTS)

again, I submit that if Jah be in me, I would adhere to universal law, not have to be commanded to do so, WE JUST DO IT

no need for rituals, because we are spiritual

also, half or third truths-notice how the word spiritual contains the word ritual (rituals are a fraction)

10 commandments being less than a third of the 42 affirmations? again partial truths

just an observation, not hearsay

with luv and RASpeckt


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Haile Selassie I