Brothers n sistas it's been a long iwa in illusion, now I n I haffe try to free I n I self from illusions. Many claim to know Selassie I yet dem don't. Dem think Selassie I is pleased by deir claim n misinfomation about HIM. Is Selassie a young kid to be pleased by dat? Many people like Iself have never met Selassie I in person but now dem want to claim dem know so much about HIM such dat dem even posses HIM today video in his old flesh, I wonder why? Many people are so much obsessed with de Jesus character of de bible such dat dem are tryin by all means to present Selassie I to be like dat magical character Jesus. Many ones do say dat Selassie I live but I man question to u rasta people is, does he still live in dat flesh we see in photos? How many more people with resembling features are yu gona misidentify as Selassie I in yo effort to prove dat he lives? Do u think Selassie is pleased by mispresentations n misidentifications? What is it realy dat please Selassie I? Is it to claim yu know HIM even when yu know yu don't (in de name of faith) or simply to try doin de good teachings which yu were told he taught. I man opinion is dat HIM does live but in a different flesh n name so many will meet n talk to HIM n not identify HIM because dem are expecting to see dat flesh dem see in de popular images dem carry. Is it not written id de book dat many are afraid to question (bible) dat yu shall not worship no graven image? No disrespect to rasta teachings n elders but history has tought I n I dat no person who ever walked de surface of dis planet existed n remained in one flesh for many thousads years. So I man think many rasta people will wait to see Selassie I in de previous flesh until dem pass flesh without seein dat flesh. Now to my fellow black people I man seh, free up yo selves from ilusions,its been a long iwa in slavery n colonialism. I n I affe stand firm fo I n I liberators live still. I n I liberators are lookin forward to reaping de fruits of black liberation. Selassie I lives, Garvey lives, Luther king lives, Biko lives, Nkrumah lives, Sobukwe lives, de Mau Mau rebels lives, de slave rebels lives, Queen Nyahbinghi lives, Kenyatta Lives n many more of I n I prophets lives but in new names n flesh. Those names n flesh are amongst I n I. Yes I my black brother n sista if yu want to see Christ just look at de mirror n yu will see Christ fo yu youself are de reincarnation of yo own christ so stop lookin to de clouds fo a christ. Stop lookin unto Israel for a son of God fo yu youself is de son or daughter of God. One perfect black love.