The first step is repentance. The first step in the life of God is repentance. Our Lord God says in the Gospel of Luke (XIII : 3 & 5) that if you cannot repent you will perish. Repentance is the door of life, of returning to God or returning to the divine image, but what is repentance ? Repentance doesn't mean not to commit sin any longer, because a person may not commit sin but he loves sin in his heart. Perhaps he doesn't commit sin because he is afraid of the results or because he is afraid of shame or of any danger, or of punishment. But the real repentance is to hate sin. If we hate sin you cannot do it, because it will not be desirable to you, it will be against your will and against your nature. This is repentance.
Repentance is returning to God. It is to be reconciled with God once more, to be transferred from this obedience to obey the commandment of God. Our great teacher, Saint Paul, says in his Epistle to the Hebrews, when he is rebuking them,
Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin (XII : 4)
That means that you use all your strength, all your power, even if there is blood shed, to struggle against sin.
Why does the apostle say that the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit lusts against the flesh ? This is for beginners, but for people who are perfect there is no conflict between body and spirit. Both are walking in the ways of God. Also repentance is not sufficient, because repentance may give an idea of the negative way, but we should work in the positive way. How ?
How to live a spiritual life; to practice all spiritual means, to practice prayer, contemplation, practicing Haile I Selassie I teachings , reading the Bible, attending spiritual meetings, , the practice of virtues of the bible , peace serenity and love in order that your spirit may be fed with these spiritual means. There is a good verse in the First Epistle of Saint Peter (III : 4). He is speaking about the beauty of a gentle and a quiet spirit and in the Book of the Song of Songs it is written