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Robert Nesta Marly the long awaited Messiah

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Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 2:51:42 PM

Well that was elaborate.

RasTafari Makonnen Haile Selassie I the I

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 2:55:12 PM

"Nesta is said to come from Agnes a female given name, which derives from the Greek name Ἁ;;;γ;;;ν;;;ὴ;;; - hagne, hagios or hagnos meaning "pure" or "holy" or "Saint".
The Holy One in Greek is “ho hagios,” which is a title for the Messiah throughout the New Testament. (Mark 1:24; Luke 1:35, 4:34; John 6:69; Acts 4:27,30; I John 2:20, Psa.16:10) Hagios or Hagnos refers to “a person or thing that has been set apart as sacred or consecrated to God. “Messiah” (mashiach) means the anointed one. Anointing with oil symbolized holiness (Nesta). The anointed one was made holy and set apart for God. Hagios also means "likeness of nature with the Lord" because "different from the world."

Your telling me mama was thinking this as she sat choosing the name for her son?
Maybe she didn't need to consciously think it but her conscience was intertwined with the cosmos and received a higher communication from Bible God himself? I don't know it seems your whole thesis is based off of these kind of reaches. And before you tell I n I comparative studies of kemet and ancient india etc you have to show where you are getting that information from or if from a direct translation/glyph/script


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 3:09:08 PM


Blessed Idren!

It really doesn't matter who was first (africa or Mesopotamia) the important thing to know is that Africa is NOT our place of origin. Every african tribe whether its Dogon of Mali,the Zulus or ancient Egyptian all stated our ancesters came from the Stars, more specific the Star system Sirius and thats a fact! Nonetheless, its healthy conversation... One love"

Well science will tell you we come from the stars. But in what form? Whether dealing with the creation stories of kemet such as the Ogdoad or the current global scientific agreement - InI formed as human being homosapian sapian right here on Earth. Meaning Yes my lord.... AFRICA is where we originate. For at least 200,000 years in this capacity (and that's post Pangea before anyone goes there), African modern human being. We adhere to an African King with sovereign African power, who taught InI panAfricanism as he partnered with the champions of the movement. Africa Africa Africa. Black man never try and diminish the importance of that recognition, especially if de I is of the Maafa.

Look into the primordial nucleides and elements and the early formation of the universe or the galaxy to see how we came from the stars. The kemetic creation stories mentioning stellar origin we're dealing with the creation of the neters and not human beings so I don't know how relevant that is. You also named the dogon, but hardly convinced me this is how 'every African tribe' see things - careful with that wordplay. Yes some people really believe human come from outer space, in human form (not talking about esoteric definitions of consciousness) and get carried on a path of foolishness. The be all and end all being a subtraction from your own a African legacy.

Messenger: Har-Tema Sent: 1/8/2016 4:43:14 PM

Blessed luv idren....

The name nesta was came from Bob's white father. He was the one who gave the child the name Nesta Robert Marley but bob was told Nesta was a girl's name so he changed it to Robert Nesta Marley......

Also, in regards to Africa which is not the true name of the continent but for this day an era we will leave it as "africa". First there is a difference between the word Man, Mankind and Human: Man in hebrew is the word "Ish" meaning man and in Sankrit the same word (ish) means God, another name for shiva etc.... I'm from Belize in central america the heartland of the Olmec Mayan so i overstand some for its culture and language and the word "IX" pronounce 'ISH' means Jaguar representing the jaguar people/shamans- feminine energy (Olmec). Mankind (kind of man) and Hue-man (different hue) are the created beings WE created which is what the sumerian, mayan, egyptian story tells.. All those culture speak of our ancesters creating another form of beings that image US the black man.... Why did you think slavery occurred? As the bible state "whosoever put in bondage in turn will go into bondage". Our ancesters slave them (which was not the same as they did us- look at the moors of spain etc.) and they slave us in return. We are paying the karmic dept of our ancesters..... We are not Earthling my brother.. All the mysteries tell this story even the real history that is hidden within mythological stories and comic/cartoon. Yes cartoon holds some of our true history...

Whenever i see Qedamawi Haile Selassie I see the Gods - Annunaki etc. Lets see...
Selassie once stated, "I AM HE FROM ORI", and ORI, ASAR or OSIRIS is directly related to HO-SAR or O-SAR, which means THE SAR. SAR means 3600 in sumerian (the Egyptian 25-year lunar calendar is called the Osiris moon (reborn moon), and 3600 new moons can be called Ho Saros (Ho Sar or O-Sar) in Greek meaning "The Sar" as prelude to the name Osiris). Therefore Selassie was saying "I AM HE FROM NIBIRU/Sirius C".

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 5:10:00 PM


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 5:10:56 PM

Bless up

So to forward, was Bob father aware of all of the eloborate connections you put on the name Nesta? Or are you reaching with information? I'm open to any further explanation. I have a first name, English, whe if I were to look up the definition.... Had nothing to do with the thought process of the mother whe named I; which in itself, was strictly a by product of the foreign culture InI have been forced to dwell inna. A man can't use I government name and tell I about I self as though it bears any relevance. You shared some nice coincidental semantics about the linguistics of Nesta


Africa is Africa in the language in which we are communicating. There has never been any one true name for that which you are talking about. Looking for it will run you in circles. I am not interested in the translation of man in Hebrew. You later mentioned King Ori and I'm glad you sight the Ites, but he was practicing a culture which predates that which was known of Hebrew in Ethiopia. The Hebrew culture is a peripheral branch of the entity that which is African, with little OriGinal thought or practice to offer if we are honest. Nobody can question they are too a long part of Ethiopian history so I don't fight you. But the origin was Nile Valley culture, of which the Axumite kingdom and of which King Ori and all sovereign Erhiopians pre the foreign persuasion of ezana; were adhering to, originally.

I don't know about Mayan. But Nile Valley teachings of creation where one talks about from the stars whe I have seen are talking about the Neters (you may refer to them as the Gods), and not of homo sapian sapian. If you find a referenc for such - you would then have to show and prove why all of a sudden they are talking LITERALLY when the basis of the ancient teachings is of metaphysical metaphorical esoteric format?

Where do you think we come from? The I can't bare witness to African creation?

Give thanks

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 5:24:01 PM

Marley literally say His Majesty is the Almighty I, God black, and black supremacy. We bare witness to this. Why can't de I hail up Marley like ones should do, and just leave it deh so it deh!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/8/2016 5:26:47 PM

Why black Peter not the messiah? I know a wailer who would argue a must him haha

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 1/8/2016 6:37:56 PM

Greetings and give thanks for a thought provoking reasoning!

First, from I overstanding and OURstorical knowledge, Sumer is a CHILD of KUSH.

The African Origin of Ancient Sumerian Civilization

Lands of the Black (Headed) People

“After Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag had fashioned the Black-Headed (people), vegetation luxuriated from the earth, animals, four-legged (creatures) of the plain, were brought artfully into existence…”
One of Africa’s many civilizations is that of Sumer. Founded along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in Asia-Minor, it in many respects was a twin city of Kemet; spawned by the same progenitors Nubia-Kush, it mirrored Kemet in numerous areas. In the names of cities and towns there was Anu, Mari, Amon, Kush (Kish), Assur (Ausar), and others. Like Pharaohs of Nubia and Kemet, Sumer was as also governed by divine leaders called ‘En’, who also were considered ‘Son of the Sun’ or, the ‘Son of Anu’. The Ntcheru of Sumer were called Dingir, and they too paralleled those of Nubia-Kemet"

Painting scene from Mari (North-West Sumer) of the Annunaki


Perhaps it is more than a coincidence that the Egyptian word sahu means “stars of Orion,” whereas the Hopi word sohu means “star,” the most important of which are those in the constellation Orion. To read more on the Ant People and the Hopi connection to ancient Egypt,

Tribes like Hopi, Aztec, Apache, Pueblo, Seminole, Creek, Tuscarora, Susquehanna, have documents in their possession that tells of the stories of the black Gods who gave birth to them. In fact, the Hopi book of the stars that was given to them by the Dogons.

The Hopi believe the Creator of Man is a woman.
The Sumerians believed the Creator of Man was a woman.

The Hopi believe the Father Creator is KA.
The Sumerians believed the Father Essence was KA.

The Hopi believe Taiowa, the Sun God, is the Creator of the Earth.
The Sumerians believe TA.EA was the Creator.

The Hopi believe two brothers had guardianship of the Earth.
The Sumerians believed two brothers had dominion over the Earth.

The Hopi believe Alo to be spiritual guides.
The Sumerians believed AL.U to be beings of Heaven.

The Hopi believe Kachinas (Kat’sinas) are the spirits of nature and the messengers and teachers sent by the Great Spirit.

The Sumerians believed KAT.SI.NA were righteous ones sent of God.
The Hopi believe Eototo is the Father of Katsinas.

The Sumerians believed EA.TA was the Father of all beings.
The Hopi believe Chakwaina is the Chief of Warriors.

The Sumerians believed TAK.AN.U was the Heavenly Destroyer.
The Hopi believe Nan-ga-Sohu is the Chasing Star Katsina.

The Sumerians believed NIN.GIR.SU to be the Master of Starships.
The Hopi believe Akush to be the Dawn Katsina.

The Sumerians believed AK.U to be Beings of light.
The Hopi believe Danik to be Guardians in the Clouds.

The Sumerians believed DAK.AN to be Sky Warriors.
The Hopi believe Sotunangu is a Sky Katsina.

The Sumerians believed TAK.AN.IKU were Sky Warriors.
The Hopi name for the Pleaides is ChooChookam.
The Sumerians believed SHU. SHU.KHEM were the supreme Stars.

The Hopi believe Tapuat is the name of Earth.
The Sumerians believed Tiamat was the name of Earth.

The Hopi call a snake Chu’a.
The Sumerians called a snake SHU.

The Hopi word for “dead” is Mokee.
The Sumerians used KI. MAH to mean “dead.”

The Hopi use Omiq to mean above, up.
The Sumerians used AM.IK to mean looking to Heaven.

The Hopi believe Tuawta is One Who Sees Magic.
The Sumerians believed TUAT.U was One from the Other World.

The Hopi believe Pahana was the Lost Brother who would one day return to assist the Hopi and humankind.
The Sumerians would recognize PA.HA.NA as an Ancestor from heaven who would return.

This is why American Indians have inherited the features of all 3 groups. American Indians like the Hopi are related to the Dogon of Mali, & these Hopi were established by Hapi, son of Horus. Also, Quetzalcoatl the main God of the ancient american indians, is actually equivalent to Enki of Sumerian accounts. It is in this region (the Americas) that Atlan (Atlantis) another 'Home Away From Home' was established by the Elders.

And so a long time passed, and the Great Spirit gave each of the four races two stone tablets. Ours are kept at the Hopi Reservation in Arizona at Four Corners Area on 3rd Mason.

I talked to people from the black race and their stone tablets are at the foot of Mount Kenya. They are kept by the Kukuyu Tribe. I once had the honor of presenting a sacred pipe at the Kukuyu Tribe carved from the red pipe stone of Mount Kenya. I was at an Indian spiritual gathering about 15 years ago. A medicine man from South Dakota put a beaded medicine wheel in the middle of the gathering. It had the four colors from the four directions; He asked the people, "Where is this from?" They said, "Probably Montana, or South Dakota, maybe Seskatchewan." He said, "This is from Kenya." It was beaded just like ours, with the same color


The god who is most involved in human affairs is the god of water [Enki]. He has a whole entourage of water spirits with him, and the origin of Sumerian civilization is supposed to have come from this deity and his entourage of spirits. Again, Dogon culture is intimately connected with the water spirits. They even subscribe to the idea that these beings are half fish and half human. This is coming from an interesting fusion of ideas that can be found in West African religions.

Messenger: Har-Tema Sent: 1/8/2016 7:22:38 PM

This doesn't take anything thing from Selassie by identifying Bob as the Messiah and the Ring that was pass down to Bob from Selassie's son or grandson was that approval. It was the King who instructed his own son to bestowed it on bob in the same way the story goes about solomon giving a ring to sheba to pass on to there son Menelik. Like I said Selassie is a mysterious man and one who is full of awe-inspiring as the name Tafari means. He understand many mysteries as the I was a Philosopher as well, even the things we are conversing about... These mystic People such as his majesty speak subliminally for example look at the stainless windows on the african hall in the OAU, it was inaugurated on February 6, 1961 (marley's birth) and it shows what seem to be a younger Selassie holding a torch with a figure resembling a young Bob without the locks.. Keep in mind this was the same year (1961) some delegates of Jamaica including some rastas (Planno) was invited to Ethiopia. The same day the delegates arrive to ethiopia april 21, 1961 was the exact same day 5 year later the king would visit jamaica on april 21, 1966.

You see whether Bob's father or Mother was aware of the significant of the child we will never know unless we talk to them. But Bob's mother did said in her book she had dreams and visions of a divine child being born from her and this was before she was pregnant. Infact, she shared the same birthday as his majesty July 23. Ancient new years of the egyptian, sumerian and even olmec due to the helical rising of sirisu and flooding of the nile.

Also look at the so called bones of "Lucy" that was discovered in ethiopia, this fossil is not even complete yet scientist claims all human on this planet can trace there linage to her via mitochondrial dna!!! This was always a lie in my eyes for the same bone lies they used against his majesty they have replace it with lucy. The more these "scientist and anthropologist" aka european dig to try a find their origin they find us the black man and woman. You most know my brother THERE WAS NEVER A TIME WHEN THE BLACK MAN WAS NOT! We came from before time on our own like the darkness prior to the light. We are omnipresent and everywhere.... Even before the earth was created the black man was there, before the sun, moon and stars we were present... As Elijah Mohammed said we are 76 trillion years old just like the amount of cells within the body...

Here's a quote from Bob, "My home is not a material place out there, my home is in my head"

Also, the colonial names that was giving to us by our slave masters still holds plenty truth even if u r unaware of it.... All these language are related in some way or another.

I will do a little writing on the Egyptians side of the name Ras Tafari Makonnen and Qedamawi haile Selassie and you will see this truth. The real meaning behind these names. I will share it on the forum
Bless I

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