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What is Black Supremacy?

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 24
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 6/6/2024 8:47:27 AM

Oh yeah thats right, your original account was banned. True, true.

I have been a long time on this platform, oftentimes sporadic, but I turn up from time to time.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 6/6/2024 9:23:43 AM

Give Thanks Black Christ Salvation, I hid that fool Hemphill's utterance. I give thanks for the I's Reasonings, the forum goes through ups and downs as the I stated Bless Up Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I JAH RasTafarI

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/6/2024 11:03:36 AMHidden - Wickedness
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Messenger: Arma Gideon Sent: 6/6/2024 2:25:34 PM

Blessed Greetings To All 1&1's

The BANNED - Hemphill , the I seems to be having a hard time "oversstanding " what Black Supremacy means within RASTAFARI. It seems by the I comments that you have a self-serving concept that you wish RASTA to take one . Where in this world are white people being oppress & subjugated by blacks ???? You seems to harbor the same mindset of early colonialist that migrated around the world , "hi - hello - nice to meet you- you're primitive - let us rule over you to give you a better life - we will give you a little hut for all of your acreage & democracy for all of your mineral wealth "..... does that sound about right?
You hear the words "Black Supremacy" and equate it with your white supremacy ideology of racial oppression . Step back and breathe for you know not nor do you overstand , take it all in in the fullness of where the forefathers came from and where we are striving to reach .
oh , just so you know >>>> " Black Supremacy = liberation,freedom & justice" .....keep it all in context , not just what you one want it to be .

Guidance Protection in all Aspect

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/6/2024 3:00:03 PMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: Arma Gideon Sent: 6/6/2024 10:36:42 PM

Greetings To One and All , Raspect in all Aspect:

The BANNED — Hemphill, InI have come to the conclusion that there is a deep "hurt" within the I being. It seems that de I have a hard time letting go of the status quo that exist in the world in regards to people of color. In de I view we [Rasta as well as the black diaspora] should just settle for the way things are in regards to how we feel in the brotherhood of man , the treatment we receive globally by those whom chose to see us as less than human . If you do not hold that view[outlook] then why is it that the I fighting so hard to burden InI to accept your screwed view [out of context] of people of color. De I seems bright enough and capable to do the research in retrospect to what we are fighting against. Are all white people evil ? of course not . are all black people saints ? most certainly not. Are we to be contented with the injustices and oppression of slavery and the system of things that continue to reap its rewards to this day?
I Am personally interested in what you would like Rasta to be [in its identity]...... enlighten InI

In Everything Let JAH Be Praised

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/7/2024 8:07:16 AM

Slavery does not continue today, nor the injustices that came with it. To blame every struggle on white people and white supremacy is an extremely elementary perspective to view the world from. Build your people up, no one here is saying that is bad. Shoot, even self segregate and have nothing to do with white people. No resistance. But here’s the deal, if that was all “black supremacy” was, focusing on your own race and working to uplift, then you would call it that. But you don’t. You purposefully use the word sound of racial supremacy because at the deep heart of it, hatred fuels it and that’s inescapable.

See how everything I write gets censored? Even questioning one iota of this group think gets one shunned. Here’s the kicker, see on this site the deep hatred for white people? You have convinced yourself that the world views you as sub human, like you’re living in the 1800’s or something, when in reality, the most common “sub human” rhetoric is towards white people. It’s said so casually here on this site that white people are a genetic defect, even claiming leprosy as the origin of white people.

IPXninja: “ I forget where I heard this from but in the bible lepers were sent out of the camp to the north.

If this practice was standard then you would have had people with the same mutation being pushed in the same geographic locations and they would have reproduced among themselves.

During this process the mutation would have become the norm and the melanin would have itself mutated to survive the disease until there was no longer the disease; just the mutation

At some point these people would form their own identity and history and disconnect from the fact that their ancestors were brown”

The casual racism is astounding, then have the audacity to tell others that they’re guilty of what you proudly espouse.

Ask anyone here is “whiteness” is good or evil. 99% will agree that “whiteness” in and of itself is evil. Someday the gravy train of blaming every worldly woe on the evil white man will run out, then self accountability will smack you hard.

Censored in 3….2….1

Messenger: Arma Gideon Sent: 6/7/2024 4:50:01 PM

Heartigal Greetrings to 1&All :

The BANNED — Hemphill , Thank you for your reply. I've reread your reply a few times before answering , for I&I did not want to give a reactionary reply but rather to ponder what you state by looking thru your eyes pon things. In doing so I&I realize that we coming from different vantage points, you looking in and I&I looking out . I&I do not think the I will ever grasp what is being said here , for you using the "A_B_C" contextual reasoning while I&I coming from generational experience rooted in I&I core.

As I&I stated in I&I past reply : "Are we to be contented with the injustices and oppression of slavery and the system of things that continue to reap its rewards to this day?" .... The I replied : "Slavery does not continue today, nor the injustices that came with it. To blame every struggle on white people and white supremacy is an extremely elementary perspective to view the world from ". That reply alone tells I&I that either the I clueless or the I is willing to lie and cover it up. Of course the injustices remains to this day in the form of systemic racism & injustice, how do you not know that???

InI did not read your previous replies that got deleted , but that is of the discretion of the moderator who[m] set and enforce the governing rules of the forum .

We are already building up our people in the best way possible , btw we already tried self segregation ... and everytime we were killed for it, so if you do not know that fact it further tells me that you really don't overs the battle at all. Black Supremacy mention here does not ride on the back of whites nor does it carry the same connotation , and that is what you are having a hard time with.

The comment that you went on to make in your reply to I&I >><< " You have convinced yourself that the world views you as sub human, like you’re living in the 1800’s or something, when in reality, the most common “sub human” rhetoric is towards white people." left me shaking I&I head in disbelief for it's too easy to dispel that comment and erase the though with proof that to this day we are still being treated as sub humans.

But all in all a burning question came to I&I mind that I&I must ask the I : " Do white racism and white supremacy as well as white privilege exist ???? "

In Everything Let JAH Be Praised

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/7/2024 7:23:13 PMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/8/2024 4:05:23 PM

All your questions answered, just like they were before.

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 24

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Haile Selassie I