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Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/7/2024 7:23:13 PMHidden - Foolishness

It is interesting that you have continued avoiding the challenge I posed to you in my first reply to you. Saying : “what specific laws and policies are objectively racist and oppressive towards black and brown people in the USA?? And I mean specifics, how else can we erase it if we can’t pinpoint it? Where is there subjugation and oppression?” You never answered with anything specific at all. Instead you, predictably, stayed as generalized as you possibly could. Saying : “Of course the injustices remains to this day in the form of systemic racism & injustice, how do you not know that???” Could you be anymore surface level?? Zero proof. Zero specificity. Just claim it all “matter-of-fact” like you’ve never been challenged on it before. It’s 2024. The “generational experience rooted in I&I core” is not persisting to this present day. The laws that DID subjugate and oppress black people were changed. The policies that DID subjugate and oppress black people were addressed and changed. Again, what law is still holding you back, what institution and what policy actively oppresses you? See, because I can run down a whole list of specific institutional policies that actively give preferential treatment to black people.. shall I?

Race based college admission policies “Underpinning the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action in college admissions was stunning data highlighting the vast racial disparities in qualified and admitted applicants to both Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. Both institutions had markedly lower acceptance rates for Asian and white applicants than black and Hispanic candidates who fell into the same academic decile. This was highlighted in a brief filed by Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA), the plaintiffs in the case. Here is a look at some of the key data points: At Harvard, an Asian candidate in the eighth highest academic decile had 5.1% chance of admittance, compared to 7.5% for white, 22.9% for Hispanic, and 44.5% for black applicants, per the brief.”

Celebrating hiring initiates aimed hiring less white men

Corporations celebrating D.E.I (diversity, equity, inclusion) hiring practices

Coca-cola apologizes for telling workers to “be less white” during mandated diversity training

Starbucks mandated racial based diversity training, then fires employee for being white, ruled to pay damages

The Supreme Court has ruled that race based college admission is unconstitutional, yet the mainstream corporate structure plows ahead celebrating race based “inclusive” hiring practices. Coca-cola and Starbucks (two HUGE corporate structures) perfectly showed the reality of D.E.I when they told workers to “be less white”… D.E.I is race based preferential treatment and should be eliminated simply by principle. But no, it’s not. It’s celebrated and heralded as a saving measure…. “Judge an individual based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin” seems to have been lost in the name of “fighting racism”. Ponder that.. It has become popular and mainstream to associate whiteness with dirty and evil.

How can you claim systemic racism when the system bends over backwards with programs and initiatives to benefit black and brown people? Hiring practices, admission practices, “diversity and inclusion” initiatives, on and on. See? That’s ACTUALL proof of exactly the opposite you claim. Specific examples showing systemic privilege based on your skin color, and active systemic disdain for whiteness. This isn’t even touching how this plays out culturally, we’re sticking to institutional and systemic. Well, at least I am, you’re just making claims with no evidence and asking how I didn’t know… That’s not an argument.

Back to “black supremacy”… I have showed you specific examples of people HERE on THIS SITE espousing a rhetoric that claims white people are a genetic defect. Of a diseased mutational origin.. I linked the page and quoted the comment. You have been extremely telling in your denial of and refusal to condemn this rhetoric. On that note, you will not find anyone here who doesn’t think that whiteness is racist and evil. Seriously, this was sent today by PraiseJAH: “Why is The Banned - Hemphill allowed here. this is a place for Rasta Reasonings. Not for men who are stuck in racist identity of whiteness” You can not possibly continue on claiming that black supremacy is not rooted in a racist view of white people in any serious manner.

Arma Gideon: “left me shaking I&I head in disbelief for it's too easy to dispel that comment and erase the though with proof that to this day we are still being treated as sub humans.“ Yet I gave you SPECIFIC PROOF of its existence here on this forum, and you provide zero proof of 2024 subjugation and oppression. There are no laws that stop you from doing anything another USA citizen can do. If you want to talk about outside of the USA, then okay, but as an American, I can only speak on what is happening here. By the way, you’re not hunted by police in America, that rhetoric is abandoned from reality.

Arma Gideon: "Do white racism and white supremacy as well as white privilege exist ???? "

There are racist whites, just as there are racist blacks, racists browns, greens, blues… It’s an individuals mindset, not a phenomena only capable of white people.

White supremacy? No. I do NOT view white people at being superior to any other race. That is a rhetoric that I will never support, though often immediately and frustratingly accused of doing so (even by you).. There is no overt “white supremacy system” that controls all things and is the source of all strife on earth. That is a boogeyman. There is a technocratic state working towards the enslavement of mankind through a unified one world governing body that DOES essentially control all things and is the source of strife, but that’s not the conversation we’re having here. Again, the biggest threat white supremacy poses on black people is teaching the next generation that they have to “be 10 times better than them to be equal”…Joe Biden quote..

White privilege? In 2024? Obviously not. Again, if you think otherwise, I challenge you to provide specific laws and policies that prove me wrong, like I have done for you.

If I may ask a “burning question”: How can a white person sanctify themselves if whiteness itself is evil? Take on the banner of black supremacy? Become Rasta? Tried that.. Was told I was culturally appropriating and to stick to my own culture.. Don’t believe me? Use the search bar and type in Hemphill. Been on this board since 2014. Used to subscribe to black supremacy, I know the rhetoric through and through. I simply became aware of the inevitability of the anti-white racism and could no longer subscribe.

Censored in 3….2….1

Haile Selassie I