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It is not Wrong to eat Meat

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Messenger: ras big Sent: 2/27/2013 4:13:09 PM

rebuke nt de I 4 reasoning he started de topic so we can share views n sharpen I n I, so no need 2 condem, bt convince de i dat, if u rebuke n nt cum with tangeble reason why we shud drop de topic, dat cant be noble

Messenger: Black heart Sent: 2/28/2013 6:54:49 AM

It is wrong to eat meat. As much as I n I don't judge dem who nyam flesh I n I still condemn de eating of flesh n de sufferation caused to animals. I n I know de eating of an animal by anada animal is canibalism. Mi just can't ova why will anyone boda himself to promote canibalism. If some ones feel dem can't do without flesh eating den let dem keep deir flesh eating with demselves instead of tryin to spread dem bad habit of canibalisms to de good vegetarians. Without any apology I n I cast de fire pon meat eting habit. Fireburn canibalism.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 3/2/2013 4:20:46 AM

It is NOT Wrong to Eat Meat.

Greetings Idren in the name of our Creator Haile Immanuel I Selassie I Jah RastafarI.

I just need to put this thread in order of I and I name and the BoBo AshantI Order of Melchizedek of I Moses.

Leviticus Chapter 11

The LORD AshantI I BoBo I God of the Seven Clash told the Isrealites and today is speaking to the Isrealites called Ethiopians to show them the truth.

Jes-us was a Jew and ate at the Passover the meat and sea animals described in that book of Leviticus.

Emperor Haile Selassie I was an Ethiopian Coptic Christian, and followed those customs of eating the meat described in Leviticus on Feast days, and also fasted .

And also to do what the Father instructed Jes-us to do, Jes-us had to eat the meat described in the book of Leviticus to fulfill prophecy.

So don't go against the Rasta eating meat,
because Jah eats meat and dat person eating fatted food by kfc or big mac or steers or any fatted animal meat is a rasta person and could even be Jah people that you go against.

Then how does Jah feel you go against Jah own children?

Even if Jah tell dem whatta meat is safe to eat ?

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 3/2/2013 4:25:26 AM

Jah gave us freedom of choice,but you reap what you sow.You play with fire you ah go get burn,you fornicate you will get AIDS,Bro Melchezideck,you continue eating flesh then you will suffer the consequences which are many to mention.Each man fi himself,by th works of your own hands shall you be judged

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 3/2/2013 4:29:39 AM

Lightning and Thunder will strike you down if you mix your cannibalism with Rastafari.RASTAFARI AND FLESH IS LIKE WATER AND ELECTRICITY!!!

Messenger: Matthew Sent: 3/2/2013 6:05:20 AM

Blessed love

RasTafarI Livity is a ancient livity. It is InI connection with the Incient Irits that cause InI to live this way. Ital is the root. InI RasTafarI in the west are those ancient souls from ancient times, InI trod is back to the future back to RIGHT

Black heart and Zion Mountain......
My lords it is a joy to hear Zion Africa people standing firm for Zion Africa Incient livity
The Is are the gatekeepers of this WHOLE livity

Selassie I Blessings

Messenger: ras big Sent: 3/2/2013 11:09:13 AM

idrens we r all one, united in de common faith, de faith of our lord of lords, de only true jah, bt we hv our own views, no matter how our views differ, we still r one, a friend of mine once said wht u see is ur blessings, we can read de same passage in a book bt wont come out with de same massage, we r one, nt separated, lets nt call 4 one n one fi fire, jah led n examplary life in every aspect of life, whether it was political or ecinomical spiritual, ect, food shud nt separated i n i, let de creator be in us 2 guide our minds n speeches, dat we may overstand doctrine, n be one in mind n spirit, we ourselfs dont motivate divisions, let us be sober minded, n hv luv n respect 4 one and all, n be grounded in unity,

Messenger: chica Sent: 3/4/2013 4:05:22 PM

Greetings, Ras Big. Thank you for your sound advice.

I do admire Mekhezidek for standing his ground on his understanding of scripture. When I read scripture, i finding Jesus feeding fish to thousands of people on more than one occasion. He even prepared fish for his disciples. And Leviticus does allow for the eating of fish.

Zion Mountain said: "Jah gave us freedom of choice,but you reap what you sow.You play with fire you ah go get burn,you fornicate you will get AIDS,Bro Melchezideck,you continue eating flesh then you will suffer the consequences which are many to mention.Each man fi himself,by th works of your own hands shall you be judged"

Nowhere in scripture do I see Jesus condoning fornication. But by feeding fish to thousands, it is apparent he does condone the eating of fish. So how can you compare fornication to eating fish?

I have also noticed that some vegetarians take on a holier than thou attitude towards those who do eat fish. I believe that is unfortunate. Eating a strictly vegetarian diet does not make one man/woman better than the next. So why come out so harshly against those who choose to indulge? To be so harsh seems so Babylonian to me.

Ras Big is right. We should not let this become a dividing point. We are all still children of Jah.

And the fact still remains that HIM ate meat and drank milk, yes? How do you square away that one?

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 3/4/2013 5:04:16 PM

I wasn't comparing eating flesh and fornication,I point was based on the end results of Iverything,flesh is not good 4 one's physical health and spiritual health.Jesus fed multitudes with fish,nowhere is it written that He nyam fish.Another point is Rastafari is an Incient livity long older than the Ible.Rastaman is not to be limited by th Ible,I don't need Ible to prove dat eating flesh is wrong,even science,prophecy and history testify that

Messenger: chica Sent: 3/4/2013 5:50:09 PM

Even you acknowledge Jesus fed people fish. And you say eating fish is wrong, sinful. So you are now saying that Jesus committed sin upon the people by feeding them fish? Come again? It has also been said in some circles that smoking weed, ganja, marijuana, whatever you call it nowadays is wrong. Yet the Bible does not say it is wrong. So some folks smoke and some do not. For those who smoke, it does not mean it is sinful. For those who eat fish, it does not mean it's sinful. Different ways for different people.

Still, HIM DID eat meat and drink milk. Are you suggesting HIM was sinful in doing this, yes?

And HIM probably smoked the herb, as well. And it has been said that smoking herb leads to other things, other drugs, and in MANY cases, that is just what has happened, it has led to more dangerous drugs.

Also, not everyone smokes for religious reasons. Many smoke simply because they like to get high and use religion as the cover for staying high. Whose kidding who? So just as over-indulging in meat has negative consequences, over-indulging in the herb also has negative consequences, yes?

Just as you don't need the Bible to tell you that eating fish is wrong for your livity, I don't need the Bible to tell me that smoking herb is wrong for my livity.

Even so, we are still Jah's children.

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Haile Selassie I