Joy and Happiness in the Black Christ Salvation...
Black Supremacy is Love Supremacy!
JAH is LOVE Let Us All Love.
Messenger: Eleazar
6/15/2024 10:23:07 AM
Give Thanks and Praise,
Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I JAH RastafarI
Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill
6/15/2024 11:30:25 AM
Yep, censored again. Funny how that keeps happening.. Pointing out blatant hypocrisy is against the rules here folks!
If you praise Haile Selassie I and post his quotes, maybe they should be followed? Drop the racial supremacy rhetoric. “Black supremacy” was never advocated for by H.I.M. Actually, what you just posted shows that he was exactly against any form of black and white, let alone using those as forms of supremacy. To continue on with this hyper racial rhetoric in the face of H.I.M shows that your hatred for “whiteness” is greater than your love of Halie Selassie. You follow the world and its Critical Race Theory over the natural truth of creation. No one, and I mean no one here has denounced the rhetoric of whiteness being evil and white people coming from a mutated and diseased origin.