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What is Black Supremacy?

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 24
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: PraiseJAH Sent: 5/2/2024 12:48:32 AM

Greetings in the name of HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, Emmanuel I.

Question: In RasTafari reasoning and teaching is what does Black Supremacy mean? is it the concept that Black people are superior to us white folks (although the language of race is itself a racist lie) or what is it? I am confused and would like some education on the subject.
I try to not let my privileged life dominate my reasoning and when looking into subjects about Rastafari want a Black Mans view because as the Elder Mutabaruka said in a reasoning a while back "Rastafari is a Black Liberation movement with a spiritual nucleus."

So please do give me some innerstanding on what Black Supremacy means. Much thanks.

and as always: All praise to JAH Rastafari the all-mighty!

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 5/2/2024 5:24:09 PM

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 5/4/2024 6:41:04 PM

Blessed Heart of Sabbath Holy Emmanuel Selassie I JAH RasTafarI

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 5/29/2024 2:55:42 PM

True Righteousness of Divine Salvation

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 5/29/2024 3:48:32 PM

Messenger: dembele Sent: 6/4/2024 6:01:26 AM

The thing is that jah is saying that WE ARE THE ISRALITES and that means that we are in control you see go read the bible it perfectly sais that isralites have THE AUTHORITY TO RULE OVER THE WORLD and that,s us man you see adam and eve were created in seria and the real isralites actually came from africa and took over the land that they call israel they actually killed the tribes of people that were settled over there and took over that,s what the bible sais and i believe firmly in the bible and white people are actually decendence from the people of canaan and the bible describes them as OUR ENEMY and that we must KILL them again that,s what the bible sais not me but we need to obey the bible and that,s what the bible sais

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/4/2024 12:50:17 PMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/6/2024 7:23:20 AM

Imagine that..

The BANNED gets banned again.

Original message:

Do not be fooled. “Black Supremacy” is blatant racism. Here are a few things you hear ones on this site say. “Black supremacy cannot be equated with white supremacy” — Total BS. It’s the same rhetoric no matter how much they try to deny it. “Black people have no power and cannot be racist” — Total BS. A deflection tactic to maintain a state of victimhood while simultaneously being racist.

Most on this site believe that white people are genetic defects and subsequently sub human. Not joking. You can use the search bar and find many threads and individual posts on that subject.. So check this, they espouse a racial supremacy rhetoric while trying to say it’s NOT racial, claiming black people can NOT be racist and in the next breath say white people are sub human.

Do not be fooled by this pseudo intellectual topic. Understand that you will never be accepted here, and until you “repent of your whiteness” you will never not be racist. Don’t waste your time trying to prove you are “one of the good white people”.

Imagine having the editorial power to censor anyone who goes against the accepted narrative and challenges the echo chamber. People here espouse a despicable racial supremacy narrative, and when it’s exposed, that person gets censored. They can’t challenge what I’ve exposed, just censor with the same old trick..

Look at how many threads there are discussing the personhood of white people. See it? Whites are subhuman in their poisoned woke minds and then call it “foolishness” with censorship when that gets exposed. Weakness

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 6/6/2024 8:28:44 AM

You're not "BANNED", just - let's say censored, with the "Hidden" posts.

U still can log in yeah? And make posts. That means your not banned...

Messenger: The BANNED — Hemphill Sent: 6/6/2024 8:38:50 AM

You must not remember what happened. It’s been a while though. Yeah my account was removed. Made a new one with BANNED as a reminder.

Any racial supremacy narrative is racist by definition.

If that is foolishness and a banned perspective that needs - let’s say, censored — then that needs exposed.

Where is the lie? Where is the “foolishness”? No debate, no retort, just censor! Do many here view white people as the root of all evil? Yeah. Have there been many threads and posts about the origins of white people coupled with genetic defect or leprosy? Yeah. Do many here claim it’s impossible for black people to be racist? Yeah. Do many here say that “whiteness” in and of itself is evil? Yeah. Will any of the ones who espouse all of this ever accept a “white rasta”? No. So where is the lie? Why the censor?

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 24

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Haile Selassie I