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Global Afrikan

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Messenger: PurpleBlue Sent: 11/28/2015 12:46:52 PM

The Meaning of China's Most Ancient Art

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 11/28/2015 2:51:54 PM

Please don't misoverstand the difference between pointing out western mindset and racial prejudice. Those comments would be equally applicable to any race with a western perspective.

Symbolism has layers upon layers of meaning, ready to be reveived by its observer, according his depth of sight and overstanding. It is no more simply symbolic of the letter "H" as it is in the Tetragrammaton of YHWH.

Aside from the already discussed symbol of "building blocks of Life, DNA, Kundalini, Milky Way, etc, it alsorepresents the concepts of:

- one
- several
- spirit
- double vital force
- place
- wick of twisted flax
- water

For the record, the following is by a European archeologist who, as far as this subject is concerned, has transcended western understanding.


Cosmic Serpent: DNA and The Origins of Knowledge - By Jeremy Narby

"These enormous snakes are there, my eyes are closed and I see a spectacular world of brilliant lights, and in the middle of these hazy thoughts, the snakes start talking to me without words. They say that I am just a human being. I feel my mind crack, and in the fissures, I see the bottomless arrogance of my presuppositions. It is profoundly true that I am just a human being, and, most of the time, I have the impression of understanding everything, whereas here I find myself in a more powerful reality that I do not understand at all and that, in my arrogance, I did not even suspect existed. I feel like crying in view of the enormity of these revelations. Then it dawns on me that this self-pity is a part of my arrogance. I feel so ashamed that I no longer dare feel ashamed"

"This meant that the gaze of the Western specialist was too narrow to see the two pieces that fit together to resolve the puzzle. The distance between molecular biology and shamanism/mythology was an optical illusion produced by the rational gaze that separates things ahead of time, and as objectivism fails to objectivity its objectifying relationship, it also finds it difficult to consider its presuppositions." 

"My investigation had led me to formulate the following working hypothesis: In their visions, shamans take their consciousness down to the molecular level and gain access to information related to DNA, which they call “animate essences” or “spirits.” This is where they see double helixes, twisted ladders, and chromosome shapes. This is how shamanic cultures have known for millennia that the vital principle is the same for all living beings and is shaped like two entwined serpents (or a vine, a rope, a ladder…). DNA is the source of their astonishing botanical and medicinal knowledge, which can be attained only in defocalized and “nonrational” states of consciousness, though its results are empirically verifiable. The myths of these cultures are filled with biological imagery. And the shamans’ metaphoric explanations correspond quite precisely to the descriptions that biologists are starting to provide.


DNA: An Ancient Knowledge

Like almost everything we are “discovering” today, mankind has known about DNA for many thousands of years. They may not have known about the exact chemical structure of the molecule, or the exact mechanisms of its function, but when we examine the symbols, allegories, creation myths and medicine of the ancients, we find that DNA is described in them. But DNA is a molecule too small to be seen without the aid of electron microscopy. How could ancient civilizations, which, as far as we know, had no such technology, know about DNA?

The first obstacle to such understanding lies with our misguided faith in Darwinism, whose theories included or led to, among others, the fallacy that any civilization older than ours must inherently be less intelligently and technologically evolved. So when we see symbols, allegories and myths that seem to be describing DNA, no matter how compelling the evidence, modern “science” sweeps the evidence under the carpet, because it interferes with the Gospel. As we see time and again, for a branch of thought (science) supposedly functioning as the antithesis of religion, its mindset is every bit as dogmatic as the most rigid religious beliefs. In fact the pathology that led to scientific discoveries, such as the heliocentric model of the solar system, being suppressed is very much alive and well today in the minds of a disturbingly large percentage of scientific community.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 11/28/2015 5:32:31 PM

As we see time and again, for a branch of thought (science) supposedly functioning as the antithesis of religion, its mindset is every bit as dogmatic as the most rigid religious beliefs.

The I them don't see this in yourselves also? From what I have seen, some of the I them are quick to dismiss something that doesn't fit your dogma, and quick to accept it if it does, on a variety of subjects. Regardless of the evidence or lack of evidence.

There is just too much assumption and unsubstantiated connections in the evidence I have seen so far.

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 11/28/2015 6:40:04 PM

I suppose this is another example of InI sighting different perspectives/reflections of a river based on our different positions.

It's important to reiterate that InI are not in the business of converting or demanding agreement. It is each ones right to walk their own path. This being a forum/circle of reasoning, it is overstood that different thoughts will be shared.

Di I expressed doubt and eluded it was ini imagination, suggestions ini to be realistic, and asked for references. That was done, in abundance, and a myriad of ways.

So the question begs to be asked: of all the information shared on this subject, from different sources and references, ancient and modern, historical and biblical, scientific and esoteric....NONE made di I pause for a second a consider it at least worthy of being plausible and possibly worthy of consideration and further research l?

Does it truly sound dogmatic, completely impossible, and worth total rejection? Not little iota of di I's mind is sparked with the inspiration or curiosity to research?

If not, ini respect that each will sight according to their overstanding & cultural perspective. So be it.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 11/28/2015 7:34:35 PM

NONE made di I pause for a second a consider it at least worthy of being plausible and possibly worthy of consideration and further research l?

Does it truly sound dogmatic, completely impossible, and worth total rejection? Not little iota of di I's mind is sparked with the inspiration or curiosity to research?

I do think it is worthy of looking further into it, and I will. I am just saying that as of right now, I haven't seen enough to make I say it is truth.

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 11/28/2015 8:58:16 PM

Fair enough bredren.

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 11/28/2015 9:46:30 PM

Injust had a thought as I passed on a street I see a Mexican and Moroccan Arab standing conversing. I think to I self, are they speaking of themselves as the Yellow race (lol) because the are in a black majority area?

Then I think well that similar to I reasoning with the Goddess
There skin tones are similar but hair texture quite different. The Moroccan had semi-kinky curly hair, the mexican straight. They are from different geographical regions but the Mexican is said to have migrated from the Asian continent...

So I wonder would d I Goddess consider the Moroccan and the Mexican as the same race, of Asia?

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 11/28/2015 11:27:45 PM

Lol! Asia?? Why Asia? InI respect all cultures, but glorify in Afrika.

There would be several factors that would come into my immediae assumption of their racial background, as there are Nubian Moroccans and pale skinned, blue eyed ones. There are Mexicans that look Spaniard, some more Indian, while others obviously of recent African heritage.

The San people of southern Afrika are "yellow", but I wouldn't define them as Asian. In fact, they are the obvious blueprint/mother of Asians.

Not sure why di I would think I'd ddefine.them as Asian. The title of this thread reflects my passion/love, which is the Afrikan Origins of things. I could overs if di I would have asked if I considered them Afrikan...

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 11/29/2015 1:01:50 AM

I was tryna make a comparison with them being supposedly being of Asian origin (when i say Asian I mean the continent not specifically East Asian Chinee ppl)
And the I sayn the Indians are African

Thats why I stated that the Moroccan and the Mexican had similar skin tone and why I stated the Moroccan had kinky hair abd the Mexican strait hair

It would be similar to a dark skin kinky haired African and a dark skin slick hair Indian

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 11/29/2015 8:45:17 AM

Seen breddah.

My intention is to point out the Afrikan origins and foundations of civilization and humanity. Our global contributions. The Afrikan continent is the root, the rest of the world it's branches.

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