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why do InI smoke herb?

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Messenger: Ras Raza Sent: 8/16/2014 9:44:56 AM

Iman think sin semilla means a female ganja plant that is growing without being pollenated. If a female plant is not pollenated by a male plant, the grow energy goes towards making more THC instead of making seeds. This is what I think though.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 8/16/2014 10:25:49 AM

True Kings.
Iyah must LIVE UP, and the herb is an option, as well as the dreadlocks. Iyah vibrations of love and Inity is a MUST, all the rest are things that can be learned (Ital livity) or chosen at will (the ganja).
However, the ganja is without argument a healing and sacred herb for those who use in the sacred Irit and in love.

Sinsemilla has definitely come to refer to this female-isolated growing process Iyah, but the words themselves simply mean "without seed".
Iwombman do not at this time garden the herbs, but in the past I did not use that process of "sinsemilla". I&I have qualms with isolating wombman from man, and isolating female plant from male plant. I&I love LIFE, and the creation of more life needs Inity and ma'at of male and female. But true, the sexual frustration of the female plant makes her buds stronger.
How do the Iyahs who garden the herbs reason up on this topic of "sinsemilla" growing?

Give thanks and Ises to the Most I Itinually!
Shabbat shalom Iyahs.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/16/2014 10:42:39 AM

^Interesting analogy Queen. But remember, to use only FEMs doesn't equal to being anti-Life. 1 female can produce 1,000,000 more FEMs with an unlimited yield..... plants don't work like man and wombman to sustain life.

Cuttings and shoots :)

and the more I think about it, better that way to Iman, than producing hermaphrodites.....

Give I some well cured brown sensi anyday of the week.

In the words of Midnite:

Morgan Heritage made the term ' you dont have to be dread to be rasta' famous but i'm not sure. I think a must for Rasta is a form of cultural expression (not necessarily dread) and that is a part of what make it different to Christians or other religion. It not jus something you have 'in your heart' but a living & visible expression of culture, including image..

Selassie I

Messenger: Ras Raza Sent: 8/16/2014 11:13:02 AM

For real RasTafari? I did not know that 1 female can produce multiple females, give thanks for sharing that. How do they do it?

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/16/2014 12:10:21 PM

^^Jah Razor, has the I not tried cultivation yet? As long as you have 1 good healthy female, it can serve as the 'mother' for all cuttings/clones. This ensures the same strain and blend of herb is preserved, without ever needing to be introduced to a male. And destroys the chance of hermaphro-mixup

Only if growing 'bush weed' or if trying to mix and blem a new crop of genetics and a new strain would I sight the need to keep the fems and males unseparated.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/16/2014 12:28:30 PM

A brethren once told I this was the original meaning or original story of the feeding of the 5000. Lol, how could two fish be used to feed so many people? Well, if it was plants they were dealing with and not fish.......1 female plant (through cuttings and clones) could provide 50,000 with herb ;)

Messenger: Ras Raza Sent: 8/16/2014 1:38:17 PM

Seen Iyah, I did not sight the I was talking about cloning haha. Iman know about clones however, I never cloned a single plant myself. I will perhaps attempt to do it next April/May.

Messenger: Ras NazIr Sent: 8/17/2014 6:18:17 PM

Its really easy to clone. Take small cup or pot, fill with soil. Use pen or pH meter stick to make appropriate sized hole. Dip cutting in water and dip into some indole3-butyric acid (its a powder or gel available in every gardening section and store), then plant into previously made hole, water enough to ensure the cutting and surrounding soil stay moist. They should have roots in a week or so.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 8/18/2014 6:46:36 PM

Seen Kings! I&I know that cloning/cutting is a way to produce more plants from the one "sinsemilla" plant!

However, I&I simply haven't used this method of gardening... I&I wanna let mama nature take care of the genetics, all I&I do is plant the seeds/water/add compost for nutrients.
So this is probably what Iman GA called "bush weed".
But Iwombman admittedly very inexperienced with growing all plants, including ganja.

I&I do not condemn this all-female method of growing at all. In fact, the dispensary medI I&I use is certainly grown this way. I&I just have never used the process in I personal gardening.

Still... I&I wonder, if the I's find plant cloning ethical, how do the I's reason up on animal/human cloning? Is it ethically the same, or different, from plant cloning?

Ises and love. Give thanks Itinually for the reasonings Iyahs.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/19/2014 10:09:02 AM

Queen, thats an interesting question. Can tell the I is vegan.

But if we look objectively, humanity has always manipulated plant life for purposes of cultivation, farming, and earthly stewardship. Looking back at the most ancient of ancient civilisations this has always been a constant. Biblically: "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Also, it can be argued plant cloning makes uses of natural process while human cloning is an artificial thing. If somebody chops my foot, Jah know it won't grow again. If you chop the limb of a 'mother plant' the limb will itself turn into a new plant / gaining life of it's own, and the mother will continue to grow healthily.

There is no ethical dilemma there for I

Still, you do have some Ras who smoke bush weed strictly. As long as you don't have a craving for the Hi Grade stuff!
Just as some ras don't smoke Skunk or Ferti (if even organic) weed at all, some don't even smoke green herb........

So whatever sits right within the I consciousness :)

One question for the I: Naturally, when we think of human cloning we think 'dem a try play God' and it sounds bad. I don't want the Govt running round with a carbon-Garveys Africa! But, how does the I feel about stem cells? And stem cells being used to help repair damaged and otherwise dead tissues/organs such as within the heart, liver or even brain. Stem cells use embryonic 'pluripotential' cells which can grow into a cloned version of the cells (whichever kind of cell) which surround it. Put some stem cells near heart muscle and they will turn into heart muscle etc. This is called 'stem cell cloning' and is at the forefront of modern medicine; technically being a form of human cloning............. What would the ethical stance be there?

Have a blessed day while the I thinks about it. x

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Haile Selassie I