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Science proves existence of Kemetic Gods

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Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/22/2014 8:18:51 PM

And how does it not make sense to experience birth thru your owna body? You think the brain of a child starts working at birth? King, the heart is beating and brain functioning from early in the first trimester of pregnancy.
But the realms I reach, I don't just experience dat. I experience from da very first zygote cell

.... of the very first Ancestor.

Anything outside that is illusion. Rastafari realms

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/22/2014 8:21:54 PM

I > Conscious awareness

Messenger: seektruth Sent: 9/23/2014 12:32:07 AM

Greetings Ark I
You philosophers love playing smart but not being clever. Garveys Africa didn't make an error and his logic is simple, but you seem to have problems Iverstanding it."

Garvey Africa's logic is illogical. Witnessing can only take place in the consciousness; no consciousness no witness. There is nothing smart about that, it is just obvious. In life you cannot talk about witnessing if you are not present; this is a matter of facts. If the case was brought before a court of law it would be thrown out. You are aware of your ancestors, because you have been given a history. Your ancestry is only information in the food grain, this is your DNA. It is only the knowledge "I AM" which is of course false. All this information about you ancestry an other such knowledge you have collected, or been given, inherited or acquired by the others was not there earlier. You were not aware of your ancestral linage when you were two. Now what part of that do you not understand? You are here and now, the idea of ancestry only appear in your mind as memory; you are not contained in your memory only your ideas, concepts, belief systems and incidentally your philosophies all appear in your mind. Do you understand what it means to be present? Do you know what is meant by being conscious and aware? And are you aware that what "ACTUALLY" happens, happens "HERE" and "NOW" not in the past and not in the future. When you refer to memory or dwell on the past you are not actually present.

"I and I Life doesn't start when I and I are born, it started a long time ago through our ancestors."

It neither started when you as a body was born or your ancestors were born in your imaginings; that is not to say they did not exist; they did at some point in time, the evidence of this is contained in the food. life is consciousness it has come about spontaneously, all this talk of ancestry relation is ignorance.
Whether it started a long time ago through your ancestors or before the planets formed you are not a witness to any of it. Only the dream in which it is contained and even then it is not quite true; witnessing can only take place in the now. Furthermore, nobody witnessed there own birth period. You have witnessed the birth of your off spring but it is an impossibility to witness your own birth.

"Even this present Life in this present body doesn't start when we are born, it starts when the sperm joins the egg, which is approximately nine months before we are born."

There is not starting point to life; life is consciousness; it as simply appeared, what has been born is only a concept. It is this concept that will also die. The same concept will be reborn but in a different format, how it take shape is anybody's guess .

"So whether Garveys Africa meant that he witnessed his birth through his ancestors, or through his present body, it is the truth same way, because both his ancestors and his present body existed before his mother went into labour and gave birth to him."

Yes he did exist before but not as a body only as pure consciousness without an identity. The idea that you are a body, is the given. Like everything else that has been given to you, on close examination it disappears. I am the body idea is ludicrous and the cause of all calamity. In reality there is no coming or going, waxing or waning, it is one homogenous whole, final and complete unto itself; therefore it has come from nowhere and is going nowhere. The reality of this is indescribable as it is unperceivable, but actualised in the self.


Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 9/23/2014 12:43:57 AM

Wake Up- The Meditations

Your walking down the road but walking in a dream, why was you born ? To seek truth, well RASTAFARI come to live truth, what's real is what IS ,but all I read you write is nothingness, see RASTAFARI Is JAH SPIRIT MANIFEST IN THE FLESH


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/23/2014 1:00:13 AM

3rd defintion he has made up: Witness

I am I ancestor. I dont need to witness or be aware or read a book about the material make up of I for it to be I. It is just I.

I'm illogical for saying I am not an illusion, or an intangible consciousness?

Selassie I Jah is not a consciousness. His Majesty give onto we divinity as a HUEMAN in FLESH. And happy with Life as it manifest.

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 9/23/2014 1:31:17 AM

The Power of the Trinity is One

Jah The Most High , The Great Spirit and His Children (inChrist) Are ONE

The Power of The Trinity, Haile Selassie I AND I

why separate and not see the whole thing as One
Unity of the trinity, unity of the human family, unity of the mind body and soul, and the unity of the newborn babies with the Ancients and Ancestors of I-manity.

The Bible Teaches the spirit is in the blood and in water and these are one thing, we are eternal but do have part that is always passing, iverthing has a eternal and a temperal aspect, just as earth endures from generation to generation though its shape always changes always reformed so I soul is eternal and form its in is always changing too, the soul endures though bodies do not its ok, Jah works in mysterious ways

For Rastafari is the Livity of the Body, and most blessed it is to incarnate as a human being. To have dominion over the Earth and help and service and protection of Angels. Let I live up in reality , JAH Will be done on Earth as In Heaven, ZION KINGDOM COME

Messenger: seektruth Sent: 9/23/2014 7:50:48 AM

Greetings Duru

"Yes I , seek truth talks about shankaras "Advaita Vedanta" nonduality , which is also a concept or must be then an illusion"

Of course, all is conceptual and all is unreal. Even to say you exist is not quite true. How are you going to prove it? You cannot even prove to yourself let alone prove it to anybody else, the moment you utter a word your are drawing on the capital of experience, which is only your memory. Memory is only a figment of the imagination. Similarly by the same token of experience you know that you exist by being conscious and aware of that state in consciousness. Your conviction that the body is not an illusion bears testimony to the reality that you exist as pure awareness WITHOUT A BODY!

"I was stuck on illusion as well without realizing dat d present moment is d only reality"

The present moment is not the reality, it only has the stamp of reality. The absolute reality cannot be known. The eternality of the self; the only reality, is reflected in the embodiment of consciousness as a infinite process of birth and death.

"but on this presence it includes all that is and obviously its always been here and now and by denying the so called projection of consciousness will simply make it worst ,"

What makes it worse is ignorance of your true nature. It is your light that reveals all that you see or rather what is seen. If you have a light and you put a colour filter on it what do your think be projected? Your light of awareness is projected onto the film of destiny your mind and projected onto a world of your own making. You contradict yourself when you say it's all there and spontaneous the deny its preordination. The oak tree and its destination is contained in the seed, likewise the whole universe is contained in the atom, it appear in movement because it has exploded into time; the mind shuttling back and forth between past and future creates momentum for this motion in time. Potentially it will always be here just as the reflection in the mirror is always there when you stand before it.
You have it back to front Duru
By denying the embodiment of the consciousness you break the cycle of birth and death and all suffering ceased to be which is obvious. To eliminate all suffering is the end game, a boon that is so rare and hard to come by.

"this is why many ascetics and celibate is born simply killing d whole joy of life "

Pain and pleasure are one, you cannot have one without the other no more than you can have light without its counterpart darkness; they come in varying degrees and intensities. Just as do the the pleasures of life. One man pleasure is another man pain. Now I'm not prescribing asceticism or celibacy what is, is and it is the total functioning of the consciousness as a whole. Nothing is to be denied. but rather understood and seen for what it is; an appearance in the field of consciousness. Once there is the understanding. it disappear of it own according. In reality nobody is doing anything, it is all happening by itself

"since d whole projection is reflection of InI which can't be illusion for instance if d sun is d reality does it then mean then that its light and rays are illusion ??? Obviously dem are 1 and not separate meaning d same and obviously real."

Haha!! The sun is also an illusion and will eventual burn out, once all it's gases have been exhausted. Even the stars and their galaxy's will eventually be sucked into oblivion then finally the black hole will implode. Leaving a reflection of the self in the form of light without iridescence. The whole process of resolution and dissolution will start all over again. Do you not see the repetitiveness within yourself? It is the same thing but only on a grand scale. A concept is born flourishes and dies. All this that you are witness to is the cause of friction between oneself and the idea that you have of the self .

"Regarding free will ,I did not say life is predetermined since dat makes life like a movie meaning being scripted seems dat someone or somebody must be responsible for it"

Again you contradict yourself, if it is spontaneous, then by all means it is happening by itself; therefore, if it is happening by itself, nobody is responsible. It is your mind that gives you the impression of movement is nothing but a film passed before you; your light projected onto this film intersects with the colours, coupled with the momentum of time causes it to appear in movement. Once this reel come to and end it rewinds and starts again only in a different light

",no man , life is spontaneous not predetermined, all happenings happens as it is, "

Exactly has it is. What is the difference; spontaneous, random accidental are all aspects of predetermination. Do you know when the urge to defecate will arise at the exact moment in time ? Do you know the exact moment in time when you will be overcome by sleep? You only think about these things without any clarity.

"but this is from d point of view of d higher I but from d lower I it functions thru free will , "

You are deluded in thinking that you are free to do as you please without the involvement of its necessary corollary. For every action there is a reaction, one cancels the other out, the balance is restored as if nothing happened in the first place. Nothing is happening and nobody is doing anything all is happening in dreaming.

"InI bun Babylon totally spontaneously ,all wickedness is being bun down by InI spontaneously still ," reunification of Africa for d equality of all mankind is happening spontaneously but d efforts is happening thru d lower"

You are deluded into thinking that consciousness comes in varying degrees and qualities.
Consciousness is a whole and function as a whole. As I've said, there is a balance and it is kept in check, self regulating and spontaneously happens by itself.
To me there is wickedness, there are no wicked people, they are what they are. Do you think that Africa reunited under a new leadership will be the end of a suffering? People are influenced by their leaders no doubt and from time to time there are leaders who catch a glimpse of the reality and act accordingly. It is their influences that affects the people and for a time the flow of life becomes sweet for as long as the tide is hight, then quite naturally and suddenly things fall into decline. Ebb and flow of life is a natural function of the consciousness. Look around you!

"I , d realization of InI dat mind is not conscious but a tool is spontaneously happening but d effort still comes from d lower I while d higher I is simply witnessing it , So even though all wickedness is continuously happening righteousness will keep on burning it spontaneously as it and d effort or free will is being done by d lower I as it is ,"

That happening is happening by it self for the self. There is no higher or lower self; there is just the self identifying with the minds process of wax and wane.

"just like d grass is growing spontaneously so is life...."

..... And so are you. This idea of doership is absurdity, you do not live life , life is lived through you, this body is merely an instrument of conduct .

"some grass get rotten and some grow as a forest , d more aware InI are InI become a forest and d deeper d roots d higher is d tree and"

But what has this to do with you. You are only a witness to all of this, you are not in the appearance of thing, the subject cannot be an object in the consciousness no more than the handle of a touch can be in the beam of the light that it shines .

"sweeter are d fruits then d seeds will spread while d birds eats d fruits and spread its seed,"

This is all part of the ongoing creation process which never ceases. Even whilst you are sleeping it continues relentlessly; unabated .

"all d wicked will someday learn from its mistake only time will tell and InI is d fiyah dat keeps on burning it and so as it is happening spontaneously ."

You mean everyone will be liberated. And naturally so, just as the seed in the right conditions sprouts into vegetation, blossom and comes into bloom, releasing the fragrance and realisation of the flower in its full glory.


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/23/2014 12:28:08 PM

Seektruth: "Even to say you exist is not quite true. How are you going to prove it? You cannot even prove to yourself let alone prove it to anybody else"

If you cant prove to yourself you exist

You have no chance at trying to prove your argument and theory to others

Who would entertain such reasoning.

(And still signature his post with a SELAH)

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/23/2014 12:35:32 PM


an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.
"stripes embellish the surface to create the illusion of various wood-grain textures"
synonyms: mirage, hallucination, apparition, phantasm, phantom, vision, spectre, fantasy, figment of the imagination, will-o'-the-wisp, trick of the light;
ignis fatuus
"the magical illusion is created using mirrors, lights, and paint"
a deceptive appearance or impression.
"the illusion of family togetherness"
synonyms: appearance, impression, imitation, semblance, pretence, sham; More
false appearance, deceptive appearance, deception, misperception;
"the lighting helps to increase the illusion of depth"
antonyms: reality
a false idea or belief.illusion

Foreign doctrine which directly oppose rasta teachings and the wisdom of the Incients. The hola SUN is no illusion.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 9/23/2014 12:40:50 PM

noun: foolishness

lack of good sense or judgement; stupidity.

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