This church sound good, interesting...... Za-za, please explain more slowly and simple. I am getting plenty info from what you are saying, but it is coming over confusing.
I see that man come from out of man during conception and birth, but I see this as Jah is the creator. I have a son, but I did not create him, I just loved my sister, and Jah create the youth. I did not put his spirit and flesh together, but Jah used me to do it. I cannot say I did it, because I don't know how it happened. So Jah is the only creator.
I see myself as one with Jah, the Father. And he is my father, and I am his son and we are one. But I am not Jah, fully, in the sense of being the same as him in quantity. But I am of the same essence of him, just a small part of him. It is difficult to explain, but this is the main idea.
And I see His Majesty as Jah, too, just in the same sense as me. I see His Majesty as King, so I follow him, and me following him makes him my king. We are one in the direction we trod, and we are one because we are both one with Jah the Father.
First of all, do you agree with all this, and then what can you add, if anything? I know that I am seeking fulfillment, which is the full realization of my identity and self as the son of Jah. Right now I have partial awareness of it, and I have the faith that the rest will come in time. I am seeking the fullness of Immanuel, which is Jah in I. Do the I see like this?
Africa, rastafari, Haile Selassie,that is the only way,the I is definitely right about that. Please give the full message. Slow down though.