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Ba Beta Christos Haile Selassie I Church (Rastalogy)

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/13/2004 2:20:47 PM

JA, Brooklyn,NY, & London, England
These are the locations of the only Divinity worship of HIM!
The leader of the Church is a Levi. named Abuna Foxe. Abuna Foxe was ordined by the EOC in 1967. After a meeting with HIM in London, England. Abuna Foxe ask simply to His Majesty a order for his followers (Rastafarians) to have to worship HIM in the way and manner the HIM wants to be worship. HIM told Abuna Foxe what he must do and told him to go to JA and tell all other followers of HIM to do the same. Abuna went back to JA and all the ORDERS in JA Nyah, Bobo, 12 Tribes & they rejected what he said of what HIM told Foxe to tell them. A year later after repeat attempts to change the minds of the elders of all the orders Foxe went back to London to tell HIM what the elders said. HIM ask Foxe does he agree with the elders about what HIM said. Foxe said NO! Immediately he sponser Foxe in the practice of Abuna in EOC and guided him how thru the traditions EOC one can praise HIM as GOD. After the years of teaching HIM sent now Abuna Foxe to USA NYC to be exact to open up the first temple. Foxe could not enter the US for he didn't have the correct paper and etc. Selassie sent a letter to immgriation offices that he is sending one of his monks to start to church in US. Foxe was granted access. Ever since he (Foxe) has been spreading the word of HIM and the Divine Worship of HIM. I N ZA ZA are here today to tell all you good people the Jah is calling you to come home to HIM. Foxe said HIM said that there was NO REASON for his people to be in the wilderness any longer!
Services are held on Sunday in Brooklyn, NY

This church deals with the order one must take to become a Rastafarian
First, as in all temple worship from old is bapstism.
Second, Dealing with the "Christman" this level of teaching is to make one realize that "Christ" was in every era of humankind!
Third, Why HAile Selassie I should be worship as GOD!
that's how far I have come to so far. The third order is the longest and must grueling study and level one must learn. Because you have to find out why all the other men called "Christ" became and were "Christ". And how HIM is the KING of KINGS of Christmen of all time!
Once the I finish this level a automatic change happens. Like Jesus asending to heaven when Mary saw him. Or the transfiguration of King Ras Tafari to Emperor Haile Selassie I. Every man has this change with him and with the right order to follow there is a way to bring this out from man. "Word Sound Is Power" the power to change oneself without one doing the changed. In the rapture of JAH!
Please any questions about Ba Beta Christos Haile Selassie I Church (Rastalogy) please ask!!


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/13/2004 2:31:48 PM


Could the I explain how the Church of Haile Selassie I worship RasTafarI and how they see HIM? Is it different from how other people see and worship Haile Selassie I?

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/13/2004 4:29:42 PM

It not how they see HIM it's how HIM sees HIMself!!!! RASTAFARI
Its very different. Remember most Churches "christian' ones are "masonic"
NONE of the other sects have been taught orders in masonary. Remember they are basically po' folks from JA they have no masonic temple it's only for the wealthy and powerfull ones. Now this is where it gets interesting! HIM is the highest ranking Masonic mason that the world knows of. Not in Power but in Knowledge of oneself. There are plently of powerfull mason in the world like Illunatti, Scotch Rites, Knight Templars, and Prince Hall. But Halie Selassie I has Nyahbingi Order which HE created. Represent Rhowonda(Brundi), Kenya, Sudan(Nubia), Nigeria, & ET. This is the highest order of the world! All masonic temple are learning places for mystic knowledge! All mystic knowledge comes from AFRICA, RASTAFARI! So only Africa most powerfull men can be apart of the order. Now everyone has there own duties. But all the members of this order know and recongizes HIM as the KING OF KINGS of all ages! Look at the pics of HIM cornation, all the foregin leaders were ALL masons including the women! In European Orders they can only acheive 33 1/3 degrees of Knowledge. The degress go as far as 360 degrees! The Europe Mason & US too say that if any man posses any knowledge higher than 33 1/3 he is GOD! That why all nations bow to the "KING OF KINGS" Enough said!

So I sight HAile Selassie I as GOD for many reason in and out the bible. One of them being the masonic King as Soloman was! KING SOLOMAN II or DAVID III. I mean what bloodline he comes from?!!?!?! Soloman was also 360 degree mason that's why he was so smart or wise!
Again some use masonic ways for dark forces and others for the light. Some say the darkness is the light. And the light is darkness. And one can't exist without the other. These are the ways of a mason. Mystic if they are good, Warlord if they are Evil(Bush). Also this is the reason NO King but HIM has the name "KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS" that's a masonic title that everyone knew before the time of HIM! Rasta is so deep my brottas that for one to say him know all he have to be old as dirt barely speaking ,wearing adult diapers and he still won't know it all! Deep Deep as the ocean
You guys in here can say all the One love and peace on earth for the whole world but once evil is "abandon and utterly destroy there always will be WAR!" Now that song has a little more meaning huh?!?!?! I can break that whole song up to show the masonic truth from it and tell you what HIM really meant! but I can't do this on the computer.


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/13/2004 6:15:32 PM


What the I is saying sounds interesting. What else can the I tell I and I about the Church?

And what can the I tell I and I about Abuna Foxe?

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 2/14/2004 11:10:38 AM

Greetings I

HIM is the Iternal Allmighty God!
Your way of speaking sounds like you are looking down on all the other Rases, what?
But yes, it sounds interesting, tell I n I more about this.
One sentence is very interesting.... you said, Haile Selassie I did not agree with how Rastafarians worshiped HIM, and Foxe is the only one who was taught by Selassie I how to do so?
Are there any proofs for this? Because Iman follow I n I Elders since Iman trod RastafarI! So I do not admit such things if there arenīt any proofs!

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/15/2004 11:49:53 AM


If there was proof of these meetings and conversations, the RasTafarI people that Foxe originally told about it would have accepted his words. But I think it was only Foxe's word that was a witness to these meetings. I too question whether Foxe met with Selassie I at all.

So even though these meetings can't be proven, I and I can at least hear what this church deals with to judge for I and I self whether it is true or not. Or if the meetings can be proven Za-Za, feel free to show I and I the proof.

And I ask the I not to get vex over the doubt that people have about this church. It should be expected that people would doubt it unless Selassie I himself made it known to the people that it was true. So if the I tell I and I more about the church and Foxe, then I and I will have a more complete picture of what it is about.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: peter mloyi Sent: 2/16/2004 11:16:49 AM

I'm in africa but never come across the EOC people's. HIM was very close to Rastafari though He didn't say any thing about it's doctrines. He did also welcomed rastas to his church.
Rastafari is not only devine in selasie but also the african thing as you all knows it. Everyone is speaking about deninity of selasie only but not natural life of rastas, diet, africans union and africa's experience.
According to the teachings the topic suggester had mention I didn't get him mentioning his experience with Rastafari and how the EOC is considering Rastafari as a movement as you see we rastas are devided but outsiders can not notice it.
May you plese say more.

Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/17/2004 9:15:22 AM

Bro Gad.
If you build with Rasta from yard and are elders from the time of 1906-62 they should know of Foxe. Remember the proof is the Church ITSELF!! Foxe was told by the JA elders to meet with Selassie, basically Foxe was the JA representive of all the orders. Foxe didn't set up this meeting the elder of the camp did, Foxe was a youngman at the time but full of truth and rightousness as sighted by his elders! When Foxe came back to them knowing(JA rasta's) that he met with HIM. Selassie sent back a message for all elders to follow HIM the way HIM wanted to be followed or worshipped. A lot of what Foxe told them of what they have to do as far as being accepted in Selassie name was against what the Rasta in JA have already been practicing. So in general they DIDN"T AGREE WITH SELASSIE! I don't know all the rituals and practices from Nyah to Bobo but when Foxe came back from London in '62 they rejected what he had to say. But not all some left their camps and followed what Foxe had to say. Some didn't. Again the Church is the Proof! The Church!
GAD I didn't say HIM disageed with JA rasta!, JA Rasta disagreed with Selassie or what Foxe had told them what HIM said! And as far as proofs "what proof you have that Jesus the Christ walked the earth beside people saying that he did" remember the first document about Jesus the Christ came to public 70 YEARS after his "so-called Jesus" death!! People of such weak faith!!! BTW Abuna Foxe does services in Brooklyn every Sunday until he leaves to go either to JA or London. If you can find the man you can talk to him!

Ark I
As far as Foxe I only seen the man once. And his is dreader than dread! Now as far as worship I really don't want to comment on this cause like I said I'm still learning Temple worship I HAVEN"T BEEN BAPTISTIZE YET!!!!!! But I'll say this, its not to far from the ways of EOC worship but instead of "Hail MAry full of Grace" Like EOC you say that in Amahric but replace the mary with Selassie! Again brothers InI still learning but this learning has NO END! All that knowledge on the streets of your cities is less than half the story! Believe me I'm just finding this out! My life is/has changed every since I know the Emperor Haile Selassie I Ba Beta Christos NEVER turned HIS back on HIS people! But His people still NO turn to Selassie I.
Also when was Selassie I last seen?? INNA CHURCH praying! awoh!


Messenger: Roots Dawtha Sent: 2/17/2004 9:29:45 AM

Greetings Za-Za,

Can the I tell I if Abuna Foxe will ever travel to Georgia(GA) to educate rastafarian here in GA? I would love to meet him? And how are sistren being treated and looked upon in the divinity worship? You said only JA,BKLYN,NY,LONDON,etc are the divinity worship,do you see a divinity worship temple in GA anytime soon? Although I know some on this forum might fight against I on this statement but I have never seen Haile Selassie has GOD but a child of God, a leader and a honorable man. In your comment you said,if I did not get it correct,please forgive I, that the followers of the divinity worship see Selassie has God. Is this correct? Why so? The reason for my resoning & thought on HIM is that HIM can't make man/woman only the Higher ONe so how the I see HIM has GOD. The Creator make I & I no humans can do this? Talk to the I about this,cause I need to hear more. Sound very interesting. RASTAFARI!!!!

Roots Dawtha

Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/17/2004 10:00:28 AM

If you don't see HIM as God you NO rasta! You cannot join the Church of Selassie with this mind set....I sorry but its just like going to a Jewish Temple and saying "Jesus is Alive!"
Yes we do see HIM as GOD! Just as Adam was GOD! Just as Joshua was GOD! Just as the so-called Jesus the Christ was GOD!

What do you mean man can't make man?? Are you crazy??? (just kidding!)
Show me where in any book or anything that the "Higher ONe" made a man? The bible no say that! The bible say that God made man but who made God? That answer is JAH! The invisible one "The one who was, is and shall come" Genesis has confused you like it has all the world! Really it has only been three times that JAH has has appeared to God/man....... Adam, Moses, and John. All the rest have been God appearing to man! Not JAH! But God! A better word is what so-called Jesus called JAH "the father" And BTW Dawtha didn't you come from a man and woman? So I have no clue what the Dawtha chat 'bout when dem say HIM can't make man? HIM have plenty of members of the Royal family....I don't overstand dat??!!?!


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