JA, Brooklyn,NY, & London, England
These are the locations of the only Divinity worship of HIM!
The leader of the Church is a Levi. named Abuna Foxe. Abuna Foxe was ordined by the EOC in 1967. After a meeting with HIM in London, England. Abuna Foxe ask simply to His Majesty a order for his followers (Rastafarians) to have to worship HIM in the way and manner the HIM wants to be worship. HIM told Abuna Foxe what he must do and told him to go to JA and tell all other followers of HIM to do the same. Abuna went back to JA and all the ORDERS in JA Nyah, Bobo, 12 Tribes & they rejected what he said of what HIM told Foxe to tell them. A year later after repeat attempts to change the minds of the elders of all the orders Foxe went back to London to tell HIM what the elders said. HIM ask Foxe does he agree with the elders about what HIM said. Foxe said NO! Immediately he sponser Foxe in the practice of Abuna in EOC and guided him how thru the traditions EOC one can praise HIM as GOD. After the years of teaching HIM sent now Abuna Foxe to USA NYC to be exact to open up the first temple. Foxe could not enter the US for he didn't have the correct paper and etc. Selassie sent a letter to immgriation offices that he is sending one of his monks to start to church in US. Foxe was granted access. Ever since he (Foxe) has been spreading the word of HIM and the Divine Worship of HIM. I N ZA ZA are here today to tell all you good people the Jah is calling you to come home to HIM. Foxe said HIM said that there was NO REASON for his people to be in the wilderness any longer!
Services are held on Sunday in Brooklyn, NY
This church deals with the order one must take to become a Rastafarian
First, as in all temple worship from old is bapstism.
Second, Dealing with the "Christman" this level of teaching is to make one realize that "Christ" was in every era of humankind!
Third, Why HAile Selassie I should be worship as GOD!
that's how far I have come to so far. The third order is the longest and must grueling study and level one must learn. Because you have to find out why all the other men called "Christ" became and were "Christ". And how HIM is the KING of KINGS of Christmen of all time!
Once the I finish this level a automatic change happens. Like Jesus asending to heaven when Mary saw him. Or the transfiguration of King Ras Tafari to Emperor Haile Selassie I. Every man has this change with him and with the right order to follow there is a way to bring this out from man. "Word Sound Is Power" the power to change oneself without one doing the changed. In the rapture of JAH!
Please any questions about Ba Beta Christos Haile Selassie I Church (Rastalogy) please ask!!