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new dreads

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Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 1/12/2005 2:15:38 PM


I see that when some do not grow their locks, they play those down who do. I see that does who are not able to keep ital,they play those down who do. This is weak!

Yeah, Ababajanhoy was a Natty Dread in his Youthman days... and Yeshuah was also a Dread... and so he shall come back, sight iyah?
I am Adam... which means huMAN... so I have to be dread, sight? I n I Nazarite livity is the divine Creation Livity which I n I lived inna Zionland, remember?
Why was Samson the strongest one pon earth? Because he lived this Nazarite Creationlivity... yes Iyah, this is how JAH wanted us to live in the beginning, so it must be.

I do not say that is is necessary to grow dread... but I see for MYSELF that is is the right way. How it was in the beginning so it must be for I n I Ila Israelites!
You know, just because it is only said about Adam, Solomon, Samson, Paul etc that they were natty dreadlocks... that doesn't mean that they were the only ones. it is written in leviticus that no Israelite shall cut his hair... dreader than dread!

I do not let anything touch my dread except clean water... that is everything they need. Adam didn't have no chemicals to put pon his head... and he also didn't waste time on a fashion trend MAKING his locks. Stay rootical...


Messenger: the rock Sent: 1/12/2005 7:54:41 PM

I did not have anything to say about people growing dreads..did i say anything about people should not grow dreads? no.and i know that him had dread as a youth and have posted this befor,and if you think that your hair gives power to you thats cool for you. respect.i did not use anyword, that was hard, what are you talking about.but if you take it that way,i still have to reason on.


Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 1/12/2005 8:02:09 PM

Simmer down. InI all make InI choices. All Good, God is great. Some of us feel it hard to grow locks because Babylon does have influence like at the workplace.

Should InI all walk instead of drive and pick InI own food from mother nature etc because that is how it was in the old days? Times change, but faith and works must stay true that is the essential part in my eyes.

one love and much respect to all,


Messenger: the rock Sent: 1/12/2005 8:19:58 PM

i do not feel it hard to grow dreads, i just don't. and if a person wants to grow dreads thats there thing.i just am not going to say that growing dreads will give me stength, or anyone for that matter.what ever it is that is in a person is from brith,it just take time to grow into it.but i do see all kinds of people with dread even in the babylon work place.


Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 1/14/2005 9:43:35 AM

Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I,much luv & RAHspeckt

ya reasoning is sound, I in agreement

1 Luv


Messenger: gideon Sent: 1/14/2005 10:25:34 AM

If you look to the outside then you will always have a problem with others. You'll have problems with their hair, and with their words. Even if you don't find a problem with what they're doing, you'll still keep looking, so you won't find peace.
It reminds me of these guys in my neighbourhood, they go around in cars with lights on the top and sirens just looking for trouble. You see, they imagine they know the way, so they make themselves judges.
Me and my nation form a army against all oppressors.
I accept all my family without apology...... I don't look to your hair or anything to prove you are my brother, I accept you by faith, this is how I know I am a disciple of my teacher, who taught us to love eachother.
Give thanks to see the proof, because when people hate and judge eachother and themselves according to the outside they feel the pain.

Messenger: the rock Sent: 1/14/2005 12:23:13 PM

Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I and all other that are on this reasoning...

I read that people all around the world give praises to the Isrealites.The first Ethiopians were the first Jews coming from the Tigris and Uphrites river (Eden). The Begining. So Isrealites livitity comes from were every livitity spawn from Africa.

Rastafari is an Ethiopian Orthodox walk because Menilek was Isrealite and Queen of Sheba was the Queen of Ethiopia, them should be called Ethiopian Orthodox Isrealites but Ill leave that alone. If Isrealites and Nazareth livitity is so high then why is God in the bible constantly repremanding the Isrealites? Even from the begining. Whatever part of the bible, front to back, peoples supposide livitity did nothing for their stability and they went astray. Not all but Im generalizing and in a general manner of speaking it doesnt matter what you eat or how you wear your hair or what cloths you wear, a person must look inside and obtain whatever goal he/she is trying to meet. His Emperal Majesty had an afro,as a youth dreads, everyone on here hails his name. Calling themselves a dread saying they follow His Emperal Majesty but who are you really following, those that came before him or those who prophisized of him that reamins to be seen by you. His Emperial Majesty was EOC and just as any other group they too have high livitity and as human beings they have faulted. Did the Nazariths stop Christ from being crusified? NO! but because Christ is of Nazaron people say that they have the highest livitity, is livitity contained in the food that you eat, the fasting, the cloths, or your temple you worship in? if that was the case the Isrealites would of never been enslaved. Also if that is the case then you should look around the world cause there is plenty people with high livitity, from the indian warriors right down the way from me, budist munks, muslims, and so on. Each group has a highly restricted livitity but no one group is prone to sin no more than the next it all comes back to what we all quote, what was in the begining, what was already in the person. Agree or not it is not my biggest thing to map out how to bring sepratly each person to the end of their journey thats their trip for themselves.


Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 1/14/2005 1:26:10 PM

Gideon, brethren, sistren,

Wear your locks and do right, or dont wear your locks and do right.
I do see how locks can give you strength in a way that you show that you are strong not to have others influence your beliefs about choosing for yourself without others influencing you. Do I think they are necessary? NO. Let each of us wear the haqir the way we like. Dont argue locks are bad or unnecessary and dont argue the are good and necessary. Let them be and do right, have faith do good and love one another. I agree with Gideon.

I like locks, I dont have locks. It is a personal choice. I dont believe that locks in themselves make you closer to JAh or a better person and on the other side no locks dont make you better or closer etc etc.

Much Love


Messenger: Ras ElIjah Sent: 1/15/2005 6:45:16 AM

Like I said previously we now had a reasoning that came to no specific conclusion other than "live how you want to". Now you see why I said to not reason about it because their will be nothing but other's trying to prove why they do what they do. I'm sure some good came from this reason, poissbly someone who didnt participate in the other.

Ras ElIjah

Messenger: the rock Sent: 1/15/2005 9:26:19 AM

no i do not see it how you see it , but as you post maybe this info was not for you,maybe it is for you, and you have not learned from it, your trip to take.and did anyone stop reasoning,again,no. but you can still fill free to post what you want.i will do the same.


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