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Ba Beta Christos Haile Selassie I Church (Rastalogy)

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/17/2004 10:36:46 AM


Roots Dawtha, Here are some reasonings I made a while ago about how I see Jah. I don't know if the I has read these things, but here it is in case the I didn't.



Who is RasTafarI

Selassie I is a man that is One with Jah

This might not convince the I of anything, but it shows how I see it.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Roots Dawtha Sent: 2/17/2004 3:53:27 PM

Greetings again ZaZa it is my opinion and If I offend Jah, I ask Jah to forgive I and my ignorance. As a follower you do not have any authority to tell I what I can't or can do. If the divinity worship is of Jah then Jah will allow I to know HIM and to follow. What is to be will be. NO man nor woman can stop what is meant to be. How dare you to tell I that I am not a rasta only Jah crown I as a rasta not you. And Brother NO I AM NOT CRAZY but I am living in a world with people who may view I as crazy. I am a strong,proud rasta,mother, Queen to be, black woman who believe in the most high,have struggle to rise above negative people,influences and thinking. I wil continue to send out positive love for my brothers & sisters unconditionally. Yes at the moment the I may dislike I words,I comment,and I statement and the I do not wish for I to be in the divinity church. For reason, the I beleive I am NOT RASTA. But Jah have a place for I. The stone that the builder refuse shall be the headcorner stone. I hope I will one day get to meet the I face to face,then I & I can reason. But with your mentality Jah does not wish right now for I to meet or be a part of the divinity in which you allowed me to beleive so highly about. Jah will make it happen for I if it is thy will and maybe the I will swallow your words up like a crush bread. One love brother,I still send out positive love and respect to the I. Walk good, RASTAFARI!!!

Roots Dawtha

Messenger: Roots Dawtha Sent: 2/17/2004 4:12:17 PM

Thanks Ark I for your incite,wisdom and sharing. I will re read what you wrote and meditate on it. One Love.

Roots Dawtha

Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/18/2004 9:49:33 AM

I believe you don't know the difference between GOD and JAH? Didn't the so-called Jesus the Christ say you CAN"T go to my father but by MY NAME? It seems you just want to go to the FATHER! This is not how its done Dawtha! I know that once a person gets the fire a blaze in oneself of the Fatheryou feel you need to go to just the FATHER, you can't just go to HIM! So-Called jesus said you can't pray to HIM but to Pray to Jesus and he will bring the prayer to the FATHER! There is limited knowledge of the FATHER but its seems that you and a lot of other people spend to much praying to the FATHER instead of the "Christ". This is why the FATHER sent us his "Christmen" to instruct us to come to the FATHER correctly. And yes in times pass you could pray and worship the FATHER directly. But that is no more! In a new Order and Covnant for us to follow. Its just when one finds the word "JAH" they ingore HAILE SELASSIE I and if you do this JAH/FATHER has no time for you because we can't follow simple instructions and HIS CHRIST! This is just what happen to Nimrod when he didn't want to follow the "Christ" of his era and wanted to sit next to JAH/FATHER himself.


Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 2/18/2004 10:06:48 AM

Greetings I

You can believe or follow what ever you want... but why always come people with that "we are better than the others"?
Why canīt you say this church is just a House like the others... no, you must say "it is better" and so on..
Bun this foolish mentality!
More respect for I n I elders, man!
Donīt tell me I n I elders didnīt follow Selassie Iīs message, even though they knew it came from HIM.
I think they did not follow it because there was no proof.
And what is this fooloish talk about proofs?
Selassie I tell me Yeshuah walked on earth, proof enough for you? But Selassie I never told me something about this Foxe.
And I think he never did so... or he ONLY told it Mr Foxe... without any proof or witnesses....
what a foolishness...

Bro Gad I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/18/2004 10:24:10 AM


What does the I mean that I and I can't pray to Jah directly, of course I and I can. Christ told I and I that I and I can pray and ask things of HIM, but he never once said that I and I can't pray directly to the Father. For those that feel that they can't pray to the Father, they can pray to Christ. But for those that know that they can pray to Jah, then they can pray to Jah. And praying to Christ is praying to Jah, and praying to Jah is praying to Christ because they are One.

John 4
19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Roots Dawtha Sent: 2/18/2004 10:59:26 AM

Selassie I! Give thanks Ark I.

Roots Dawtha

Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/18/2004 11:35:23 AM

Bro Gad I never say one is better than the other because NO ONE here has said anything about a Church that worship HIM but me!!!
But you seem to forget Ex.25:26-27 about the "I AM" instituted Tabernacle/Temple worship! For the use of the people of Israel to worship GOD! Remember they were in the wilderness and you trying to tell me that Temple worship is not important?!?!
And it was Est. by the FATHER
I believe it was Ark I who quote Selassie saying there are other ways to worship?!?! Why did Selassie say its other ways? And when I tell you of another way that Selassie ordined you say it "Foolish"!
Selassie never tell you about Foxe?
Well ask your "own elders" about Foxe if they come from JA, or ask a elder in the 12 tribes about Foxe. Basically ask anyone in JA of the elders of all the sects about Foxe!
Go to JA yourself and see the Church and ask about and there is your proof brotha!! I don't know where you are from and don't know if you visit JA but all this foolish talk will melt away if you ever go to the Temple! It so easy to say "I don't believe" it sooo easy but harder to find the proof I have supplied you with! Now that a "stiff neck fool"


Messenger: Za-Za Sent: 2/18/2004 11:39:05 AM

So Ark I why did JAH/FATHER send representive to the world as "Christmen"? Cause of what you say it seems we don't need "Christmen" we can asend to heaven by our own will??
And if we can why haven't you asended?
This is why I have MAJOR problems with the "SO -called Jesus The Christ" and some of his teachings!


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 2/18/2004 12:04:51 PM


Jah sent these people to teach I and I how to live, and show I and I the error of our ways. Because if we don't learn the ways of Christ, we won't be acceptable to Jah.

Jah is the most powerful, and all things come from Jah, and all things are done through Jah, so Jah is all that is needed for those that have Faith and Trust in Jah. Jah sent Christ to show I and I how to Trust and have Faith in Jah, and how to live in an acceptable manner.

And like I have said before, Christ is One with Jah. Jah in Christ and Christ in Jah.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

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