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Where is SelassieI?

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Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/14/2005 12:38:28 AM

"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

God made man in His own image. Man was alone, therefore asexual. God made man a companion man with womb or woman. Woman ate fruit from the tree of life, making her capable of carrying life. She gave the fuit to man who ate the seed.
The result man places seed in woman and she bares fruit.
The fine print: The physical world is a world of dualities (light/dark, wet/dry, hot/cold, etc). In order to have life you must also have death. If babies are born, elders must die.

Over the years history has seen a migration of society from matriarchal to patriarchal. In the begining families were centered around women the way they are centered around men today. A concept that is concidered primative by modern society.
Mother loving is how black people ended up on the bottom of the social heirarchy. Caucasoids introduced patriarchy (aka patriatism) to negroid societies as a way to cause seperation and strife. Mother lovers became motherfuckers (the highest level of insult in any matriachal society) as the male ego was attacked by outside propaganda. These mother lovers became the first passangers on slave ships that fliped civilization upside down and began a world wide reversal of sociological progression.

Cacasians used machismo to make matriarchy a sign of weakness, and finally succeded in bringing down an empire that had existed without any real outside threat for millenia (not hundreds but thousands). This empire is of course the Ethiopian empire which included at least Kemet (modern day Egypt), Yemen, Nubia, Israel and India. From which came Empress Makeda, the mother of modern day Ethiopian royalty, the creator of Rastafarianism (don't be confused), and the original virgin mother. And as Emperor Salasie is the product of her lineage, Jesus the Christ is a decendant of David (who was a pharoh of Kemet, not a king of Israel, don't get it confused). Unless, of course, you believe that Mary concieved without a man.

Solomon's mother was married to someone who was not David. Solomon was married to a woman that wasn't Makeda. Jesus hung out with a former prostitute.

Concider what you believe and why you believe it before you call it truth.

Messenger: JahIseek Sent: 9/14/2005 7:58:37 AM

Bless UP Empress Nzingha,

GIVE THANKS for the Is reasonings... I not sure if I feel the whole mon made first thing.. could be due to I reading/brought up on the I-ble... HOWEVER, I SIGHT the LOGIC within the Is reasonings. Something for I to I-ditate on...



Give thanks for the Is input also.


Sis Jahseekah

Messenger: JahIseek Sent: 9/14/2005 8:43:49 AM

Yes Empress..

I meant to comment on the Is reasoning regarding Matriarchal to Patriarchal!

YES I.. I LOVED these reasonings. I sight SAME thing... Motherloving to Motherfucking.. YES I FOR REAL!

And the I hit it RIGHT ON THE HEAD so to say:

"A concept that is concidered primative by modern society."

Isnt it interesting how this wicked shitstem IandI find I selves in this time.. CONsider ANY peoples living at ONE with NaTURE and showing LOVE and RASPECT to NATURE.. primitive?

Give thanks again Sistren!


Selassie Love Iternal

Sis Jahseekah

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 9/14/2005 10:50:19 AM

Blessed love rasta far i

Give thanks and praises for the reasoning and ini blessed for such truthful i-site..eyes-ups ones and ones

selassie I

Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/14/2005 2:01:18 PM

Is this a lesbian rastafari feminist convention ? Man could never be asexual, the idea is absolutely absurd. If you know anything about basic physiology you would realize that it is totaly impossible. Never mind, Man was meant to live forever. Elephants are matriarchal. Lions are patriarchal. David was never Pharoah. Where do you get that from ? You can't rewrite history and distort facts to serve your own purpose. Isn't that what you were critizing white people for doing ? King David, the Lord's annointed, ruled over the lands of Judah & Israel. You are disrespecting the faith of the ancient fathers, Abraham, Issac and Jacob, who believed in One God without perceiving His physical manifestation. Honestly, your make believe concepts will crumble. You nah see it ?!? You are reverting to paganism. Empress Menen herself was a devout Christian. She would never approve of any attempt to undermine the Bible and pervert the truth.

Selassie ahazite kwilu alemat nat ::

Messenger: JahIseek Sent: 9/14/2005 3:41:01 PM


u seem to show yourself time and again. Why do you say such HATEFUL things to others? And yet CLAIM to FOLLOW CHRIST??

This is why I was saying to you things like "how very christian of you"

In the sense of twisted christianity and its followers that LOVE to point fingers at others and call them all kind of name and sinners etc etc. AND YET they never take the TIME to LOOK INSIDE THEMSELF at the madness that they are sending forth..

Instead of REASONING with someone - u are name calling.
Instead of saying.. Okay u think that.. i see it this way ( AS A HUMBLE HONORABLE HUMAN BEING) u name call and stand on your HIGH HORSE.. acting as though YOU and YOU ALONE KNOW Every RIGHT and WRONG thing. Bredren.. It cant go so.

I dont follow the asexual thing.. but did u hear I CALL PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR NAME?

Cool down mon, try to reason as HIS MAJESTY WOULD. With HONOR and HUMILITY.

It may get you a bit further in life...


Sis Jahseekah

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 9/14/2005 8:33:22 PM

there is no such thing as a lesbian rastafari feminist.

Messenger: native root Sent: 9/14/2005 8:57:45 PM

tefer, the i should try thinking before he speaks, or types,in this case.

ps this is a Rastafarian site isnt it?y all the dogma?????

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/15/2005 1:09:11 AM

Has it ever occured to anyone that if there is only one human being on the planet, that being is automaticly asexual? Every cell in InI body is asexual. Without a seed I cannot make a new life, I can only reproduce myself (healing process). If a being never reproduces then it doesn't matter how it does it, seen.
One chicken can't produce an egg, so who cares which came first.

Someone look on a map and tell the Bredren where Israel is; and also let the the bredren know the definition of the word empire so that he can attempt to heal his ignorance. He seems to think that ignorance is a sin so...

Messenger: Ras ElIjah Sent: 9/15/2005 10:13:55 AM

Ok I would like to say Empress that this was a most intelligent reasoning, about the coming of Kings althought I find faults to it.

"Over the years history has seen a migration of society from matriarchal to patriarchal. In the begining families were centered around women the way they are centered around men today. A concept that is concidered primative by modern society."

The History of the tribes of Israel were founded under men, or atleast I have not read anything to disprove this so my word isnt solid.

"Mother loving is how black people ended up on the bottom of the social heirarchy. Caucasoids introduced patriarchy (aka patriatism) to negroid societies as a way to cause seperation and strife. Mother lovers became motherfuckers (the highest level of insult in any matriachal society) as the male ego was attacked by outside propaganda. These mother lovers became the first passangers on slave ships that fliped civilization upside down and began a world wide reversal of sociological progression."

It was King Solomon's word that his son, by the Queen of Sheba was to return to Ethiopia and reign as King while in possesion of the Ark. BEFORE that Makeda was not a follower of God, it is said in the Kebre Nagast that Solomon taught her of that knowledge and upon her return created the first instance of "Living for ONE God"(later the foundation of the Christianity in Ethiopia). If we believe in Haile Selassie I the most devote Christian known to basic man and as we really know the actual 2nd coming the fulfiller of prophecy, than we should be looking fora man/woman of God, and Makeda was not this in the beginning of her ruling as Queen.

"Cacasians used machismo to make matriarchy a sign of weakness,"

This is by far believable about almost all, the King's before David in the seperate tribes also downpressed. Though threw my readings have not found this to be of David, Solomon nor the son of Solomon & Sheba and thus to Haile Selassie I(could this be cause of the divinty God bestowed upon them?)

"Empress Makeda, the mother of modern day Ethiopian royalty, the creator of Rastafarianism (don't be confused)"

I dont agree with being looked over by a scientific eye, so no ism for I only Jah RasTafarI to describe I. I would not consider her the creator of RastafarI but the mother of, for the creation of RasTafarI was HIM coming in fullfilling prophecy.

Ras ElIjah

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