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Where is SelassieI?

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Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 8/26/2005 12:48:39 AM

He is invisible. That's why Babylon can't find HIM.

Tefari Makonnen died once when he was baptized Haile Selassie.

Qedamawi Hayle Selassie ~ LIVES FOREVER !!!

Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 9/3/2005 2:50:32 PM

why some say "Sellassie I is in the moon" ?

I would say, he is in the SUN. because the sun is essential for life, the sun makes the earth warm, the sun gives us light and it is a great inspiration for IanI.

or do they mean, that the moon gives light in the dark of the night ?
what they mean ?

Messenger: native root Sent: 9/6/2005 9:03:27 PM

"Tefari Makonnen died once when he was baptized Haile Selassie."

i dont ovastand what the i is meaning???

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 9/7/2005 2:17:45 AM

Bredda Alex, Haile Sellassie I is the Sun Moon and Stars. Empress Menen and Haile Sellassie I are one and the same, sun and moon thus stars. HIM is the trinity; man wombman and child... HIM is all the elements... HIM is the Almighty light of this world.

Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 9/7/2005 4:12:09 AM


The I means that the old TafarI died when he got the new name Haile I Selassie I. But the I should consider, that though he got the baptismal name on the 40th day, but he himself took it since coronation. HE decided when it was time for TafarI to go.


Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 9/7/2005 4:13:42 AM

By the way...

From my overstanding, TafarI was ever is ever and will ever be TafarI. Haile Selassie I, in I view, is the Title. Like Yeshuah the Immanuel.


Messenger: native root Sent: 9/7/2005 12:26:27 PM

then why dont we call iniselves haile selassiens rather than Ras TAFARIans?

Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 9/7/2005 1:27:31 PM

Yeah do so.

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/7/2005 1:39:41 PM

"Empress Menen and Haile Sellassie I are one and the same"

I'm afraid that's not true.
Haile Selassie was the last prophet.
He is one of the 7 who make One.
But he is not the One any more than Jesus the Christ was the One.

Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 9/7/2005 2:52:22 PM


As Iman would say, this is a personal thing as how one sights the empress. You can't say this is right and that wrong. But if ya check Yeshuah's words: when a man and a woman are the right and perfect for eachother, they ain't two no more but ONE.


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Haile Selassie I