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No White Rastas allowed in bobo shanti

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 3031 - 40
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Matthew Sent: 10/9/2012 9:01:33 AM

Dr. Hoffman: Your Imperial Majesty, how does it seem to you the Apostle Paul meant by the statement, Faith works by love?

H.I.M.:What St. Paul said here is not a mistaken statement. You all know what St. Paul was and what kind of work he was engaged in before his conversion. Later on, after his conversion he had faith and love, and if he had not had that he would not have taught people this in his epistles. Neither love nor faith are separable from each other.

An elaboration of this is Paul's exposition in one of his Epistles which speak of love and faith. Without love all of our human efforts in the sight of God can be useless. He loved us and on our behalf He was given as a ransom, and it was because of love and His love for us that He accomplished the act of love.

Messenger: jehosaphat2011 Sent: 10/9/2012 11:16:57 AM

yea. when H.I.M. reveal Himself to his own, then no man, not even his children, can prevent I mam and wombman. Selassie I.

Messenger: jehosaphat2011 Sent: 10/9/2012 11:31:13 AM

The Race is not for the swift, but He who can endure. RastafarI.

Messenger: jah bless Patel Sent: 10/9/2012 3:20:14 PM

No White men in this congress ....was written in the link for requirements to be bobo shanti .
@ ras kanjas . BLessed love my lord , I think u need to bun fire pon narrow mindedness , need to ask a priest who wrote that to find out what the requirement means and I did . He told me whenever our god oy emmanual I talked about White and black he described White as egotistical and also similar to racist if u like . And black as opposite (humble and so forth ) . Also who are u ras kanjas ? Bobo priest inna dis forum , binghi ,or 12 mansions.. .?
Ras kanjas didi u know whites were even made priests in ceremonies by holy living god emmanual I . Ras kanjas where r u from ? What country ? I am Indian from Kenya and other bobo shantis got told my nationality and they said not to even worry anyone even a White man can be a priest . (Caucasian) not White as in racial and egotistical . Now ras kanjas I await ur reply

Messenger: jah bless Patel Sent: 10/9/2012 3:41:50 PM

This was a message written to me ok .
And I asked why the link said whites can't join the Bobo shanti congress.
@ Matthew ... U seem to defend the non black skinned rasta so may jah bless u
@ras kanjas u seem to have made a good comment in working for Babylon reasonment so now I wan u to read this . And also open ur mind and appreciate other skinned colours because u come across as a racist to me and this forums members I'm guessing .
My Lord to be white is a state of mind and evil egotistical arrogant and wicked state of mind not a skin issue though some may test you in this manor because of the powers that rule at this time call themselves white but it is not our fathers will that we discredit each other for our outward appearances. Look at our House of Bobo Sabbatical Link and you'll see a Bright Caucasian Angel holding our Royal Banners and sporting a heartical joy on his continence! Believe this man has gone thru some fyah! Yet he is amongst the remnant of the Lords anointed! so dont freak out when you see and hear certain culture that may sound a bit color proud! Remember White Supremacy and the KKK has beaten the Black Race in America and around the world almost to the dust!!! If is wasn't for King Negus who come from Zion for us all down in hell we would never have this culture and Spiritual Order to clean ourselves from Sin! So take time to be Holy for nothing happens before its time! Before we plant a seed we have to make sure the soil is well prepared, then we plant the seed then water it then take care of it until the time when it gives its fruits in due season! So see yourself as a fertile soil and take Jah spiritual seed and take care of it in yourself and nourish it so when time for it to bloom and bear fruit it will be very good indeed! Take your time! One day to Jah is like unto a Thousand Years so be patient for its a powerful virtue! Many have come running and turn away as fast as them come, do not be like some of them that run too fast in the beginning and burn out before the race is done! Jah teaches that the race is not for the swift nor is the battle for the strong but who ENDURES TO THE END, A CROWN AND ROBE AND A MANTION SHALL BE YOU REWARD! so more powers to you in your development and take good care of yourself my lord for Jah teaches also that clean hands and a pure heart shall enter into Zion. He never say only black people will enter into

Messenger: jah bless Patel Sent: 10/9/2012 3:45:05 PM


Messenger: jah bless Patel Sent: 10/9/2012 3:46:13 PM

Ras kanjas u r not god . Why are u trying to act like a god . Ras kanjas why r u racist . Ur black but ur heart is White I think

Messenger: jah bless Patel Sent: 10/9/2012 3:51:26 PM

I want u banned from this site ras kanjas u r like a heathen . U know not much about what u ramble on about ras kanjas . U seem to think rasta is for black man skin only . Any skin can join u seen ? This site is for rug rats like u ras kanjas (babyish in the facts that all u do everyday is just smoke weed and dats all and probably nothing else productive like till the land of jah or anything else . How can u call ur self a rasta ras kanjas . I refuse to come back to this site now to ppl like u ras kanjas but let me tell u this u wolf in sheepskin clothing . Pull ur head out ur own arse booga man

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 10/9/2012 10:54:01 PM

Such distractions. These skin colour conversations are such a waste of time and energy. It is better to Learn and Live RasTafarI and Teach others RasTafarI way.

Messenger: Warrior Dove Sent: 10/10/2012 3:16:01 PM

Truly such conversations are a distraction. The invention of race was created to cause distractions and divisions amongst the people, so that they could be more easily controlled and manipulated, by those (Babylon) who would seek to rule over them.

Through Jah we are One. Rastafari brings us all together as One, for as One we trully are. Babylon uses hate and illusions to divide and conquer the people. Rastafari uses love and overstanding to unite the people.

In Jah we are One
Bobo Shanti expresses this Oneness
For Emmanuel-I has made Priests from amongst all peoples

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Haile Selassie I