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Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 10/25/2013 8:37:18 PM

For the record Garveys Africa, I am an English Rastaman, and I agree with the I wholeheartedly.

One does not trod RastafarI without studying Marcus Garvey, and it is from Him that I learned plenty about self respect and dignity as well as the priceless value of culture, which awakened the rediscovery of I own roots and the drive to redefine the culture around along righteous lines. His calls for all white people of conscience to do whatever they could to avert the disasters of racial conflict moved I deeply and marked a stepping up point in I Livity.

Haile Selassie I gave the Shashamane land grant as a gift to the Black peoples of the world in recognition of the service they had rendered in defense of Ethiopia during the Italian invasion through the works of the Ethiopian World Federation. I pray one day I might pass through on a visit, but I'm home already, babylon though it is, so I won't be settling there.

And yes I, until equal rights and justice are actualized among mankind, there will be no lasting peace in the world and love between people will be rare indeed. The ideals of international morality and world citizenship are just flimsy illusions without that foundation of equality and justice, so I say with no apology to anyone that the nations of the earth do need the time and space to know and love themselves from a firm foundation before they can know true and lasting peace on any kind of scale among eachother, and no one nation can tell a next one how to do it. So if Africans say they need Reparations and Repatriation, I'm not going to argue, and as a man of conscience and morality I'm going to do what I can to bring justice just as I would wish anyone to do for I. It doesn't serve anyone but the evil people of this world to maintain a parasitic system of immorality and injustice. In fact it will only bring destruction on those who set it up and maintain it, so as far as I am concerned, it is in Europe's best interest to kill white-supremacy dead once and for all, since we did invent it and mash up the world.

And by the way, Blackman Redemption is actually one of I favorite Bob Marley songs.

On the topic of Bobo priests that has been going in this Reasoning as well; last time I went to Sabbath service with the Bobo Shanti, one of the priests did say to I that one day I could be a priest to I people, the key there being to I people. It makes sense to I, and would make just as much sense to the Bobo, who live the principle of 'every nation to their station', that Black priests should minister to a Black I-sembly. But the Bobo Shanti is an International Congress with branches all over the world among all people in this time, so it would make sense for the Bobo in South America to have a South American priest, and the Bobo in Japan (and there are Bobo in Japan) to have a Japanese priest, just as it would make sense for any English Bobo to have an English priest. That is just natural, since a man coming from the same roots and background is likely to have greater affinity and overstanding with someone, and from the perspective of priestly duties, that is very helpful, a must even. That isn't racism, that's just reality, and it is no obstacle to sharing and expressing love among I and I regardless of nationality or colour, because Haile Selassie I did already tell I and I that human beings are precisely the same, and that means they all carry culture and experience based on where they are from and what they have been through, and while it is One red blood in all of I and I veins, there are many and varied peoples and cultures in the world, which should be celebrated and loved for what they are.

Blessed love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 10/26/2013 6:30:13 AM

Read this after replying in the other thread. No point responding twice. You have alot of overstanding anyway Nazarite give thanks

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 10/27/2013 2:08:49 AM

GarveyAfrica I agree with the I.
After so many years of downpression the whiteman wont let I have I own roots,culture and religion.One cant be Hindu if not Indian I guess,neither a Buddha if not Chinese,so why not the blackman too.

What is whiteman's,its theirs,what is blackman's,its for everyone.DATS THEIR MENTALITY SINCE SLAVERY

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 11/3/2013 6:33:25 AM

^^Zion Mountain, you have just repeated what the Ancients have taught from long time. Whether right or wrong, I'm personally subscribing to their doctrine which i sight as perfection. Again, I'd point to Johhny Clarke - Commercial Locks (its all on Utube) for a reference point to the General Consensus of RASTAFARI in the 70s-80s (when it was controversially at its most powerful as a movement) concerning 'Foreign' dread....


Messenger: JahBuckihi Sent: 11/3/2013 6:12:35 PM

have only caught the tail end of this reason here, but raseism is raceism and pure descrimation. it is everywhere ones an ones tod, at worest is IanI to condone it for ANY reason at all. IanI black Ithiopian king, King Rastafari, his Imperial majesty Haile selassie I , is plain and clear in his teachings about descrimanation and race. to justify any kind of discrimanation useing Haile Selassie I as defence is fornacation of mouth , mind , and heart. I am a black rastafari troding in america, in the long past i have felt screwy vibes from ones an ones from jamacia and afikan contint .......why ? cause i was born in america. tell I what justifcation this has....none at all ! its the same tired ass wickedness that praises dirty filthy babylon. more ises due Hail Rastafari, Haile Selassie I

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 11/4/2013 4:32:27 AM

yes it's because you were born in America. The American slaves have gone through slavery and post slavery in a white majority country. This is different to the black majority countries of the Caribbean. This meant the American slave has been subject to the highest degree of whitewashing. So while that doesn't mean your not or can't be a righteous rasta...... We just a keep an initial skepticism, as we know you coming straight from slave master yard after 400......

But rasta usually connect with African brethrin throughout the world and diaspora king. Don't know what screwy vibes you a talk. More power to di i. But trust the ex slave to say 'no racism'.

I represent the Garveyites by the way

Messenger: Jah Dub Sent: 11/4/2013 11:57:52 PM

I am a white male in the USA and I used to claim to be an aspiring Rasta....but so many people seemed offended that I backed off from claiming Rastafari. I find hope and inspiration from Jah and Rastafari and I continue to study for the enhancement of my faith in Jah as I overstand him. That is mine for sure-regardless of skin color

When it comes to race and Rasta, tho....The Emperor has spoken:

"We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations, but to our fellow men within the human community." (Haile Selassie)

Jah Dub gonna play dub music now!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 11/5/2013 4:30:28 AM

Jah Dub..... You sight Jah and live righteous but don't label yourself as a Rasta? This is what I been talking about for a time on here - Just because you sight jah and live 'good' according to whichever principles doesn't mean you have to claim the specific group call Rasta. Big up and continue

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 8/22/2014 8:55:25 AM

..."not even a White bird shall fly over Afrika.."

Give thanks for the Black Christ Salvation, brought forth by Melkizedek the High Priest of Salem, the Prince of Peace, King Emmanuel the 7th Adoni-I JAH , JAH Ras Tafari

Holy Emmanuel I , Selassie I , JAH Ras Tafari !!!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/22/2014 3:39:56 PM

^^Who say that King Emmanuel?

BIg Up

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