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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/21/2018 10:01:12 AMHidden - Foolishness

Yes, babylon rules the worldly level.. But, not everything is cut and dry.. There are people within positions of power that are not loyal to the world domination scheme of the system.. People that want national sovereignty over satans one world government.. The EU is a cabal of unelected off-shore bureaucrats that decides the direction of otherwise independent nation states.. The people have no say within their own country.. This is the type of Government that babylon wants to implement for the whole world. The TTP -- trans-pacific partnership -- would have consolidate Canada, USA, and Mexico into the North American Union. Dissolving borders and sovereignty while placing unelected bureaucrats to call the shots.. There are decent people within the system that are resisting this move.. The TTP was shot down by Trump.. The bad trade deal called NAFTA that economically crippled Mexico was shot down by Trump.. Same with the Paris Climate Accord, a bad trade deal that Trump got out of.. He is in a 'trade war' of tariffs with China. All of these are simple, basic moves that have brought jobs and industry back to the USA.. Trumps America First policy is a dagger to the Wolrd Government Agenda. They hate it.. If America was to take the next step in fully realizing, equally, the freedoms that most of the rest of the world does not have, it would allow for a new renaissance that would crush satans system.. Its why Trump says 'drain the swamp'.. Now this is just a phrase but the idea is crucial.. We need to eliminate the corrupted career politicians and their conspiracy of full spectrum dominance..

Obviously Trump has said many inflammatory things that turn a lot of people off.. However, he has also called out the Clinton crime network, hollywood sex abuse, fake news media, and political corruption like no other President has EVER done.. That is why babylon absolutely hates him. They want him dead.. They are censoring this realm of information across the board on social media in an attempt to continue their dominance of the flow of information.. Congressional hearings advocating complete removal of independent media that challanges the 'official narrative' by calling it conspiracy theory..

But yes, you are right that the Hegelian Dialect is at play here.. Problem, reaction, solution.. From my perspective, it is being used against Trump and America First.. Creating the perception with constant babylon media coverage that Trump is Hitler. This serves as the problem.. Well this 'problem' encites the reaction the authorities consider desirable.. The misinformed and proggrammed masses then run around protesting and causing violence until the 'solution' of Trump being killed or removed is realised..

America is on the verge of a second civil war because of the tantrum the system is throwing.. So many people are unaware of babylon and follow the orders faithfully.. It is social suicide to say anything other than hatred towards Trump.. Well i dont hate Trump, i think he is doing much better than Hillary or Obama..

Haile Selassie I