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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: soulsurvivor Sent: 10/5/2010 6:17:10 PMHidden - Wickedness

firstly i would just like to point out that my semantics are not too acurate as you wisely point out, however what i meant to say was that the term "batty boy" is descriminatory if thats the right word then? or how about pointing the finger? which is what i am doing now i guess, so that makes both of us wrong when you consider that we both have a plank in our eye, judge not or you shall be judged.

I have spent the whole day reading everyones posts on this topic an it has been a most interesting an informative read with some very good comments on both sides of the discussion, but i must say that it seems that some of the "nasty/hateful comments came from the I's who have no children them selves right arc i? an the other dude who told me about my own sons funeral, like you realy know me or my son. talk about holier than thou, some of you homophobes realy know how to blow your own trumpets, i've never heard such bigotry an vanity from a bunch of wannabe's likeyourselves shame on you an shame on me also for judging you like you have me an my son. well as far as i'm conscerned you need to pull your heads out of your own smelly homophobic arses an get over yourselves. Rasta's ha! i think not goodbye an thankyou for showing me your god. its not mine thats for sure.your god is a nazi PS. i hope you come back as a homosexual next time an realize what it is to be a castout. you keep going on about shit thats coz you talk it, an spout stuff from the Holy Bible in a way that is hypocrytical. seeya wouldnt wanna be ya.

pss. to all the real Rasta's that spoke up against discrimination


Haile Selassie I