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Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 9:41:24 AM

Does InI believe that all understandings on how to bring people to one understanding and one society is based on the New World Order.
For the New World Order to exist it would have to have taken every thing it had know from the old world. I can remeber my trips through American history's reading their reports as if they had discovered themselves as Gods, i.e...Alexander the Great. But I man say this if I went back to Adam took Adam to Enoch would Adam not be in the middle east his seed Enoch bringing forth words from God,the Knowledge that even built pyrimads. I man see its Colonialism, Babylonialism and any ism skism make a man better than another man rich or poor theres Heaven and Hell in each. Why do you think history is even written? What good reporter does not investigate his leads. Im not saying all these things to break any great movements going on right now cause all of these movements is the key and we have to bring all the voices on one harmonious key. Praise God for all enlightment for I am seeking it and I will find it. Love to all
The Rock

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/22/2003 9:55:11 AM

The difference is,

There is a new world order of man, that will only lead to wickedness.

Then there is the new heaven, new earth, new spirit, new heart, from Jah, that will only lead to righteousness.

Notice that the new world man speaks about is about "order" or "force". But Jah doesn't deal with force, Jah deals with Guidance.

Jah Bless,

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 10:02:04 AM

Cane, I read when thy spoke of Cane and Able seperation of oneness one of the I's examples was Canes response to God's question "were is your brother" Did God know were Cane and Able were and every other of His creations were at that time.. He knew .. The Creator knew.. and I know evil seed been here long time .. Yeah. I man know with out one how would we know the other aint that what laws for? isnt that what the other I said. To be frank all illusions are nothing but illusions if I said rainbow country would ya hear me. Thats no illusion cause God created many different colors. Not one power that exists did not come from God... not one.
The Rock

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/22/2003 10:28:10 AM


Without evil, I and I wouldn't need to know anything about good, I and I would just live it.

I don't see any necessity of evil. Evil is just one of our choices, we can promote life and happiness, or destroy life and happiness.

I sight what the I is saying about Rainbow Country. For I, Rainbow Country is where Selassie I is, because Selassie I is the One that sits on the Rainbow Circle Throne.

As far as Rainbow Country in the way that the I is speaking. The I is right that all color come from Jah. And all of I and I come from one father and mother. So I love all I brothers and sisters, and I love all the colors that I see in their faces.

Jah Creation is Beautiful,

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 2:04:47 PM

if all god wanted was good why is there evil

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/22/2003 2:38:37 PM


Things can be destroyed in this world. The fact that they can be destroyed isn't evil. But the choice to destroy it and the action of destroying it is evil.

Jah made I and I in his image. So he gave I and I choice in what we do, because Jah has choice. Jah wants to see a creation that has a choice between good and evil but still chooses the right.

It is much greater to have a creation that is capable of choosing evil, but instead chooses righteousness. If creation deals with righteousness only because they have no choice, than Jah has only created an instrument or tool, not a living being in his image.

It is much greater for someone to stay with you because they want to, then to have someone in a cage. Because once the cage door opens, then the one inside will try to escape.

Jah is making a higher creation. So Jah allows I and I to do what we choose. And when judgement day comes, Jah will keep the higher creation, and leave the lower creation to burn in fire.

Jah Blessings,

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 2:57:21 PM

all thing come all go,but yes he gave us a choice of his nataral law of evil all a choice.

Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 3:16:06 PM

just as when one wanted to speak to the people in old time,
said one thing that ment many i use that same method when i speak or i know what rainbow mine.and thats is what i mean.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/22/2003 3:29:39 PM


Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: the rock Sent: 12/22/2003 3:31:20 PM

nataral law or evil

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Haile Selassie I