Greetings Jah Li Rasta
Greetings To One & All
Nice question posed by the I ..... and the answer to it is somewhat
based on cultural practices . Now without going to what I&I feel is
a reason not necessarily the answer , one must acknowledge that not All
practice polygamy and every ras will have him reasoning on the matter.
So with that in mind I&I look at it as a cultural thing in that sprung
up out of colonialism slave master practices that bred slaves like
and sheep . And as it moved forward we bred out of wedlock , leaving
male with no wives but baby-mothers. Now that man may have had one
or a season with a female and moved on for whatever reason , linking a
new female and so on. Mister Marley had one wife as far as I&I know and
baby-mothers , if he had married more than one then I&I would say that
Now the Luke 20:34 can not be taken by itself but in full context
of what was said before leading up to the Lords reply , for the Lords
reply was about being in heaven after the resurrection where one will
not be given in marriage nor marry, as the verses after 34 states //
the verses before 34 are just as important for overstanding the
totality of it all. It points to a new order for man & woman , not
a carnal order but a higher righteous order in the midst of de
Yea there is an order from judeo-christian teachings biblically stressing one man to one woman >>.<< Gen 2:23-25 "23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
We all have to give answer to the Almighty for the things we do - say - and what we put our spirit/soul into
Hope that de I get the fullness of I&I response to the I question.
In Everything Let JAH Be Praised