Hidden, not any more, brought out for the public to see
Blessed I
Yes I
The vaccine of babylon does not work!
The ritual of wearing a mask is an outward mark and symbol on one's head and the ritual of hand washing is a ritual of the beast. For the pharisees hold the ritual of washing hands before entering a building, before one can buy and sell, one has to have the Mark of the Beast on one's Hand and a mask on one's head.
Fire burn the Pope in Rome
More fire upon the Vatican
Fire burn the wicked
Fire burn the Tyranny
Mask wearing is dangerous.
Take off your mask to breathe fresh air and to clean your lungs.
Remove your mask to breathe fresh air and to clean your passage ways from bacteria build up.
Only doctors and nurses wear masks to stop infections from reaching their patients.
Patients need not have to wear masks as shown in nature by natural science.
The governments don't care about the people's health.
The Pope does not care about the people.
All they want is for us to suffocate wearing masks while the bacteria builds up in our lungs.
A mask is the outward symbol and mark of the beast that is put on your head on its face in front.
The alcohol in the hand sanitizers are deadly and dangerous. Alcohol enters through the spores of the skin. Alcohol is strong drink.
They are making everybody drunk with the wine of Babylon.
They are marking everyone with cult rituals on their hands and in front on their faces on their heads with marks of the beast.
They are forcing everybody to bow and dedicate yourself to Corona, the sun god, false god, pagan rituals.
The ten commandments says that we must not bow down to false gods.
Don't dedicate yourself to false gods.
Open in the book of Daniel.
Read the book of Daniel.
The three Hebrew boys did not bow down or dedicate themselves to the mark of the beast.
The three Hebrew boys did not, at the sound of the media, sacrifice their livelihoods, freedoms and rights, to bow down to Babylon!
No! they did not bow down to Babylon!
Don't wear a mask!
A mask is dangerous and can kill by building up bacteria infection inside ones lungs.
Alcohol makes one drunk.
Don't bow down to the mark of the beast.
Don't bow down to babylon or accept its marks and symbols on the I or on one's hand or in front of ones head on the face.
Don't follow the tradition and rituals of the pharisees and bow down to Babylonian paganism.
The three Hebrew boys did not bow.
Don't bow down to Babylon
Go and open and read in the Revelation, chapter 13, verses 16 and 17,
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Yes I
Babylon will fall down
Fire burn the Pope in Rome
Fire burn the Vatican
More fire upon the Wicked
Haile Selassie I