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The Plandemic (FAKE VIRUS)

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Black Christ in Flesh Sent: 12/14/2020 5:54:29 PM

You just sound like some country man who's not educated.

Messenger: Black Christ in Flesh Sent: 12/16/2020 5:31:19 PM

Uh stop it already. You disgust me. Just because none of your loved ones have been exposed to the pollution now you want to risk everybody life. This is a serious health crisis were in, and most aged people are at risk of dying. Not that they wouldn't die already of old age, but that shows immaturity and carelessness on your part if you want to go around telling people the virus is a hoax. Youre a sorry excuse of a human being. I would like to think that you would contract the virus like Donald trump, and if it's really a hoax, don't take any treatment, seen. Just suffer and die. We all remember how Donald Trump constantly remarked that C19 is a hoax, but yet when he tested positive first thing he ran to the hospital and called his doctor. Such buffoonery. He should have maintained the status quo and done nothing about it.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 12/16/2020 6:17:56 PM

No, this is not a "serious health crisis" as the Pope of Rome wants you to believe.

Covid is a hoax, but that is not what I am here to say.

Yes I

Mask wearing means BUFFOONERY


What I am here to say is that this Plandemic is a Plan that the Pope of Rome issued out as a law, so that everyone in the whole wide world bow down to Satan.

In Constantine's law of 7 March 321 A.D. Sunday is hailed in heathen mythology as the Sun's Day.

In one inscription Sunday is called the pagans lord day of worship.

To them, the pagans, the sun was the lord.

The Romans (Pagans) have it that the Sun is the lord.

The false god Corona is a pagan idol and is sun worship at its best.

The whole world bowed down to Pagan Rome and honours the Pope by sacrificing their Livelihoods and Jobs and Freedoms and Rights to the Pagan lord Corona.

When sacrificing to the sun, the whole world must give up their freedoms and be on lockdowns. The whole wide world obeys the Pope of Rome and takes a rest by going on lockdowns and by doing so they sacrifice themselves unto Satan, and the mark of the beast, by putting on a mask, and sacrificing their livelihoods and freedoms and rights and jobs, by honouring the false god Corona and its year or time of rest.

The Coronavirus is Paganism at its best.

Anyone who believes in the Coronavirus is bowing down to false gods, bowing down to the sun, and also bowing down to the Pope of Rome.

Blessed I

JAH Bless

More fire upon the Vatican

Fire burn the Pope in Rome


Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 12/16/2020 6:18:30 PM

The whole wide world is bowing down to the Pope of Rome and his false lord, the sun.

The whole world is bowing to false gods, bowing to paganism.

The belief of the coronavirus is paganism at its best.

More fire upon the Vatican

Fire burn the Pope in Rome

JAH Bless


Messenger: Black Christ in Flesh Sent: 12/16/2020 7:38:35 PM

Maybe you're bowing down to the pope of rome by being an agent of propaganda

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 12/17/2020 1:18:27 AM

He is an agent of white supremacy, not the pope.

The fact that he's still saying it's fake tells me that his talking points aren't sophisticated enough to adjust to changes in what people are actually experiencing. So even though my buddy from work had covid and had a seizure on it that caused him to nearly bite off his tongue (and he is a conspiracy theory guy who at first thought the government was behind it because they wanted the lockdowns) and even though my girlfriend tested positive and had to be quarantined in my basement, lost her sense of smell for a time which hasn't fully recovered yet, even though all that is now part of my experience, we're now supposed to believe that some dude on the internet who APPEARS to have come out of nowhere for almost no other purpose than to get more black people to not wear masks and spread the virus to each other... and we're supposed to believe him over our own experience?

I haven't seen anyone here who is stupid and it would take sheer stupidity to fall for his propaganda at this point.

We all know that white supremacy is real. We all know there are agents of white supremacy who consciously agree and desire to maintain the power they have. And we know they feel threatened because of the rise of black people in American culture. We know they don't respect human life. We know they have training camps that produced people like Dylan Roof. So we already know that it really isn't a bridge too far for them to spread disinformation and propaganda. People do that in war and and they believe they are at war even if we don't.

The papacy is a historic bad guy. There's no doubt about it. The papacy was involved in the murder of millions. The papacy used Rome as its fist, in order to rule the world. The crusades and inquisitions can all be blamed on the popes. However... the pope is now more of a symbolic evil than a real threat. When protestants left the Catholic church it was a real blow to the institution. They took the spirit of Christianity and recognized that the influence over the state wasn't a good idea. The founding fathers of the United States wrote it into the constitution that America would be free of the threat of kings and popes.

After that... the pope could only make suggestions. And depending on the suggestion US presidents have listened. But without direct control those suggestions had to be politically sanitized or else Christians in the west would become even more estranged and more people would simply leave the church.

There was a time when leaving the church wasn't an option. Just like there was a time when an Israelite didn't have a choice whether to believe in (at least publicly) Yahweh. Moses's power and authority was based on this belief and so he didn't tolerate anyone who didn't believe. This is the worst mistake in human history; allowing someone in power to dictate religious beliefs. Once this sword of Damocles is removed from over the necks of people, and they are FREE, they will be able to think for themselves and remove the shackles of power that false religious figures have over them. The pope did the same thing Moses did. He (the pope at the time) tortured and killed people they called heretics.

The truth is they had to do this in order to maintain their power because their God was invisible, deaf, dumb, and blind. And if people stopped being afraid of the specter of their God they had to be afraid of his flesh and blood followers. I believe many of them knew they were lying to the people because no God ever told them to do the things they did. Yet they felt they had to do these terrible things to people in order to maintain control over them.

I myself was raised to believe that God was jealous and so if I stopped worshipping him and serving him and doing all these Christian things that he would turn his back on me and between the burdens of life and the demons out to get us, I would suffer. My mother probably still believes that it is only her prayers that are keeping me safe. It's sad that she thinks this but she's too set in her beliefs to be free. I myself have never been better though.

And that's the thing. Once the people can get to FREEDOM... that's when these popes and preachers lose their power. We've been misled to believe that we are hopeless without God; addicts to sin and naturally corrupt. But that's just their religious control, trying to stay relevant by bashing you down to the ground and stealing away your belief in yourself. And without belief in yourself... you will be nothing because you will be what you believe you are.

But some believers are different. They convert their religious ideology into a belief in themselves. They overcome the mental beatdown the church serves like the breaking in of a horse. Black Christ in Flesh, you are a real example of this and that's why I respect you. I respect you because you believe in yours self and haven't been fully corrupted by Christianity. Christianity was given to black people for the purpose of controlling us, not setting us free.

Martin Luther King was a perfect example. Everyone respects him as a peace maker, but he didn't realize how much he had been a tool for white supremacy until nearly the end, when his views started coming in line with Malcolm X and he started talking about economic justice. Christianity taught us to be good slaves. It taught us to serve. It didn't teach us to be free or to be powerful or to be mighty. It told us that we were weak without God and it was God who decided for us to be in the position we were in; under the boot of the white man.

And those who carry on that mentality simply stay under the boot; not by force, but by their own doing. And when we start agitating our brothers and sisters to rise up and become everything we know we can be, agents of white supremacy, find us and use religious words and texts, hoping to steer us into either back into their fold or to the slaughter house. Make no mistake about it, this person is telling us to go kill ourselves and counting on our belief in the bible to make us do just that.

So be careful. If nothing else, protect yourself. If you believe in the bible that's fine. But you better know it more than those who would use it to oppress you. And you better get more out of it than they ever intended. And no matter what, you better believe in YOUR SELF.

Messenger: Black Christ in Flesh Sent: 12/17/2020 6:28:27 PM

Okay I so far understand your stance with christianity, but as much as Christianity is a microchip, I want you to know that christianity originated from the black man. No matter who are the authority over Christianity this day, the first Christians, speaking of IMAN Jesus and I man twelve disciples, whole a we black Africans. We eat Africa, sleep, africa, we talk Africa, we do everything African, but perhaps if you would use this as an excuse for madness, Haile Selassie is a Black Man, and a descendant of King Solomon and David, who is also the ancestor of Jesus Christ, so you see, it's a black man thing, no matter who come around in ships give us book and shoot us. The holy books them originate from Jerusalem, seen, the promised land of a I MAN Abraham and I Moses. So you see it me cant forsake that which was a gift from God, but will meditate about it, even if me cyant recover it at the moment.

I like to assume that it is your stay in a foreign land that has dumbed you down so you forget about your father's land, but here, a I man live in the Africa ghetto, and no matter the hardships a high man face everyday, Iman still hail the God in Flesh, I Christ still live up to leviticus and honour the commandment of love. Why a Iman Christian despite being a victim of the system, ? Because a high man know better than praise tha God of my oppressor.

The snake headed alien oppressors actually worship the devil, so calling them Christian is folly, because they ARE NOT CHRISTIANS. Thy're simply pretending to be Christians but are indeed the synagogue of Satan. They take that which dont belong to them and enforce their rule of law by uncanny means.

A so me say, ah high man a the black Christ. Me dont know bout no white Jesus, but a high man son of the most high Black God of black heaven and black earth, seen star.

I think high time has come I and I Israelites should pack and leave outta Ethiopia, because the Ethiopians have only corrupted our religion in the style of rome, and the rastafarians? well, they dont want anything to do with Israel, so that day will come, when I and I Israelites shall gather, take the ark of the covenant, which is our property because I moses I made it. Ah Iman israelite blood. We shall leave back to Mt Zion. Inna caanan. with our God and ark and everything, like the exodus from Egypt. That day is written in the bible. What a fine day it shall be.

Messenger: Black Christ in Flesh Sent: 12/17/2020 6:44:42 PM

The pope has the microchip, yes or no? If yes then he is just another WHITE SUPREMACIST. If NO, then he is a son of God. I wont tell you the answer, but Sons of God dont trick people out of their life.

Seen there is no microchip coming in the next million years, because the people them already have it. The pope have it. The president have it, the pastor have it. I dont have it, but I like to think you have it alreadybbecause of your previous remarks on christianity and evolution, I dont mean to say this, but you sounds like programmed speech. seen star.

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 12/17/2020 8:31:39 PM

Blessed I

I have spoken about how these wicked babylonian pagans kill babies and worship the sun.

Now they are saying it is fine to inject yourself with those babies. Yes I, they are wicked, devil worshipping, cruel, ritualistic people!

And now they want to inject us with the vaccination made out of cells taken from tissues of aborted babies.

Open in the second book of Peter, chapter 2, I and I reads, false teachers are bad and dangerous.

Many years ago, there were false people who did not speak JAH truth. In the same way, there will also be false teachers among you. They will teach wrong ideas that will destroy people. But they will say that those wrong ideas are true. Those false teachers will even refuse the Creator, who made them. And so they will cause JAH to destroy them quickly.

Many people will believe and copy the false teachers. So, those people will do very wrong things, like the false teachers. And, as a result, other people will say bad things about the true way that JAH wants us to live.

Yes I

The false teachers promise that these people will be free. But the false teachers themselves are not free. Instead, they are like slaves. They cannot stop doing the bad things that will destroy them. If anything has power over a person, then that person is its slave.

These false teachers knew our Lord Jesus Christ, who saves us. So they had become free from the power of the bad things that belong to this world. They had stopped doing those bad things, which make people even worse. But now they have started to do those bad things again, and those things have power over them. So, these false teachers are worse at the end than they were at the beginning. They are worse than before they knew JAH.

It would have been better for them if they had never known JAH right way. But they have known the right things that JAH wants us to do. So it is worse that they have stopped doing those things. They have stopped obeying the rules of JAH, that people taught them.

The proverb is true that describes what has happened to them: "A dog returns to its vomit," and "A pig that is washed goes back to wallow in the mud."

The false teachers only want your cooperation. So, they will tell things to you that are not true. They will tell those false things to you so that you will give yourself to them as a compliant slave.

A long time ago, JAH decided that he must punish them. And JAH is ready to do that. Certainly, JAH will destroy them.

Fire burn the wicked

More fire upon the Vatican

Fire burn the Pope in Rome

JAH Bless


Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 12/21/2020 2:41:35 AMHidden - Foolishness
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