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Why does God want worship?

1 - 1011 - 2021
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 11/5/2019 10:34:36 AM

This question is mainly for anyone who believes in a personal God who desires worship. If you don't in a personal god that wants this feel free to give your thoughts as well.

Messenger: Rakamau Na Ras Sent: 11/5/2019 10:18:09 PM

My guessed is to gain energy and strength to help the people or to deceive the people. Life is energy. To go further with this some people sacrifice animal for rituals for that energy to complete the ritual.

When you show nature love and thanks you give part of your energy to nature. (Which we should do all the time, nature always giving. Yes, she so kind and sweet)

Now when you worship someone you give them strength. You increased thier energy. And by doing this thier mind, body, and spirit increased. And with that being say they are able to attained wisdom and a higher consciousness to universal knowledge.

Is worshiping a personal Neter(God) necessary? I don't know. What I worship is the Creator, ancestors, nature, and what I can say when you give energy, you receive energy it may be big or small.

Now when I think of reincarnation I think of sudden kings, queens, Neteru(Gods) that never have fulfilled thier mission in the life before and came back to earth reincarnated. Might not be aware of thier past life but have a strong urge to lead a people. It's this same energy within them that got praise, or worship in thier previous life.

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 11/10/2019 2:08:56 AM

Why does God want us to drink water?

Why does God want us to work?

Why does God want us to procreate?

Why does God even want us to be alive at all?

Why does Tafari mean worthy to be feared/revered?

If we dont' worship Tafari we worship carnality and babylon.

God gives us the choice to worship or not. The question is if we dont worship the most high- who/what is we want to worship instead?

We are born to worship, to give reverence. We used to give reverence to the stars and the power that put them there- infinite power. Now we call movies actors "stars" are worship music and movie "stars" as idols. Worship not money either, nor your own intelligence, worship not your ego....worship life, worship truth, worship God. We are being who must give reverence and
if we dont put our reverence in right place it will be in wrong place by default.

God wants us to worship HIM because in doing so we are blessed, ours spiritual life is activated and grows in worship of the most high and we transcend our mortality and limitations by focusing on the creator above all that is created.

God doesnt want or need worship like he needs our attention and energy- he want us to be able to choose, for ourselves what is right. He wants us to choose to be and do whats good with all we have.

If we plant a seed, or have baby. We want the seed to worship the sun and the baby the mother. See, God is in the life giving sunlight and God is in nurturing mothers. Jah is in INI, JAH is in everybody, this is why the commandments are to love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and to love others as ourself. Worship of God is practical, when you feed a starving child you worship God. When you care for the elders you worship God. When we help the needy, the oppressed, the orphans the widows, we worship God.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/10/2019 8:39:00 AM

I agree with jessep86, Big Ups King.

InI are servants of the Most High JAH, naturally. Does not the leaves of the tree serve the root?
What if the leaves of tree only served themselves?
Imagine someone watering only the leaves of a tree, expecting it to grow. Will they not wait in vain?
By watering the root, the whole tree is sustained.

If JAH is not what we worship and serve, then something else will take JAH's place; for we are made to serve, it is our true nature, it is our higher nature, as Christ also comes to serve. If InI don't serve JAH, then InI will end up serving Babylon and worshiping and serving Nimrod (man), building up their Tower of Babel, again and again...

People make money their god
People make science their god
People make religion their god
People make fame their god
People make food their god
People make sex their god
People make cars their god
People make big houses their god
People make sports their god
People make celebrities their god...

And they will serve these things over JAH the Life Giver, JAH who sustains InI, JAH the source of All things, the Deepest Most Incient Root, the Root of Roots! Lol

To worship anything other than JAH; is like watering only the leaves of a tree: unnatural and foolish

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 11/18/2019 2:35:08 PM

Why does God NEED us to drink water?

Why does God NEED us to work?

Why does God NEED us to procreate?

Why does God even NEED us to be alive at all?

Our bodies require water. I don't necessarily want to to drink water. I need to and so I do it. I don't want to work. I need to work to survive. Everyone doesn't need to procreate and actually this is bad if we produce too many humans because the more humans we create the more we need to work in order to survive and the more we need to compete in order to work.

Your post is confusing and contradicting because you say God gives us a choice to worship or not but then you say right after that "We are born to worship". If that's the case, if its nature rather than nurture, the who made us that way?

You also say not to worship money, our own intelligence, or our own ego. But these 3 things are what gave birth to the concept of God.

This will be difficult to explain but I'll try. Human beings didn't know where we came from. Science traces us back to earlier forms of ourselves that indicate that we evolved from lower life forms. However, human ego rejects the idea and instead says you are the sons and daughters of the king of the universe. But king is a word from our human language, just as father is a word from our human language (and intellect). And so we base who God is on very human words and feelings derived from our own ego. But it is MY intelligence that leads me to accept that I didn't come from some high lofty castle in the sky, but most likely some under sea vent that isn't remotely sexy.

The God we worship is a projection of our own ego. All the things we didn't and couldn't know, we answered those questions using superstition because it was more important for us humans to have an answer than it was for that answer to be correct or... truth. It was easier to believe that some invisible God was speaking to various people than to question why God would be invisible and would speak to only these people. Religious people tend to be those who need to have the answers to life's questions because they aren't satisfied with not knowing.

This is true, even with death. We took everything we were afraid of and we imagined how God would save us from it. We didn't want to accept the truth; that one day we too would die. And so we got together and told fables of how our loved ones would come back to us and we would live in mansions and walk on streets of gold. None of which makes any logical sense when you break it all down. We just don't think about it that deeply because there's no "money" in it.

"money" is simply the pay off. You think people are worshiping God? What if God offered them absolutely nothing but pain and misery? Would you still worship? Or would the reason to worship be lost? Think about everything humans expect God to do for them. It's like Santa Claus. Pearly gates? Perls are like the vomit of clams. It simply looks pretty to us and so we value it higher than the sand that it came from. Gold? We humans like Gold because its shiny. Do you think dogs would think Gold was valuable? They can't even see color. Why would Gold be valuable to God? Makes no sense. Gold is only valuable because of its scarcity. If God thinks Gold is so great then why not make more of it? We imagine that God will make streets out of gold when he didn't even make streets before. For a species that wasn't supposed to evolve we sure as hell had to create all of our own technology and risk destroying the planet in this pursuit. So why would God suddenly want golden streets? He doesn't want Golden streets. We do.

When I was a Christian in my late teens I stopped wanting all these "heavenly" things because I didn't understand why it was so heavenly when it was obviously so materialistic. I also didn't understand the whole lion and lamb situation. A lion looks the way it does because it hunts. If it didn't need to hunt it wouldn't even look like a lion anymore. But we humans reject the competition in nature even though it is what makes us what we are. The lion is a carnivour and millions of sperm cells compete to fertilize a single egg. It's not a system built on love and fairness and everything happening as a perfect creator intended. It's messy. It's redundant. We don't worship stars because we need someone to worship. We worship them because we recognize competition and we give respect to those who rise to higher heights; like Bob Marley, and like Haile Selassie. There's no difference there; only the amount of reverence you personally give which is based on how much YOU, ego, value that person and who they are or what they do. You don't worship HIM based on what I think of him. You worship HIM based on what YOU think of him. And if you weren't intelligent you probably wouldn't know anything about him. And if you were ignorant about him would you hold HIM in such high esteem?

The reason it's hard for whites to understand the reverence for HIM is because there's no direct benefit from the historical man because he fought for his people against their people. The reasons I think he was great isn't because he was born that way. It is because of his accomplishments and how he represented his people. But that is also serving towards my own ego and self esteem because I value him in reference to my black identity.

You may not be feeling me at all and that's cool too but this is also why humans worship God. Not only is it largely about what they believe God does for us, but about "money". "Cash me out." Mansion in paradise. Never need to work again. Streets of gold. Lion lays down with the lamb. This was the ancient's vision of Utopia. Notice, their vision doesn't include any technology they didn't have. There's no computers, TVs, cars, etc. Instead of driving we'll simply "walk and never get weary". A lot of this stuff really is based on ancient thinking.

Why do angels have wings? And some even have 6? Well it was because heaven was in or beyond the sky. How else would they travel? But would wings work in space? Would wings on a human even work at all unless it was the size of a hang glider because wings only work for birds because their bones are hollow. Do you see where I'm going? If I use science to think about these things it reveals the flaws. If I use superstition then it only needs to make sense on the surface. "Angels have wings so they can fly, duh". But hold up... Have you seen how big a hang glider is? And that's just gliding as in you're going to keep losing altitude unless you catch an updraft. The idea of angels with wings is that they could 'flap' like a bird. Physically... this would require a lot more which is why humans invented airplanes before anyone ever invented real working wings. Now if you say "oh but the wings are magic" then I call foul because then why would you need wings at all.

Clearly, wings came from the minds of humans who hadn't yet reached the level of basic physics. God is the same as angel. Our view of God is no more informed. Any depiction of God is based on human form which makes absolutely no sense unless God was born on another M-class planet with similar gravity because every part of our body can be explained by our adaptation to our environment. Don't believe me? Look at how a sperm cell looks. Why does it have a tail like a tadpole. None of this stuff is magic. The magic is in our minds. So what do you know about God, other than he looks like you, thinks like you, dresses like you, etc? I see that and I say, guess what? He IS you. We created him. And so by worshiping him we're worshiping ourselves by extention because he is our vision of the greatest person.

But this "greatest person" is alo full of selfish wants and needs. We just don't think of it beyond level 1 because we have adapted to and conditioned ourselves to be servants to the idea of God.

But think about it this way. I'm a parent. I don't know if you are too. I would never command my children to love me. I can only desire their love and do things to try to make them happy and show them who I am and be the kind of father they could love. Humans are bastards. Humans are fatherless children. We want someone, not only to have created us, but love us. But how much of this concept, purely a human concept. What need would a real life God have for love? Much of our love has to do with, honestly speaking, our biology. We have chemical reactions that help us procreate. These positive feelings reinforce the natural cycles. We apply all these human traits to God as if a real God would need them. Why would a real God have 2 eyes? or 2 ears? Why? What good would these things be outside of the atmosphere of a planet? These are limitations, not body parts of an all powerful deity. But they were the best things we could imagine while still maintaining our ego-centric attachment to the idea of God as our divine heavenly father.

You know what is the life giving sunlight? The actual sun. The sun created the Earth and everything in it. The sun created the very elements of the periodic table; the building blocks for everything else. It all started with the sun. But it isn't better than the idea of God because the sun doesn't and cannot love us. Take the sun away though, and we would die instantly.

My goal is not to offend, but rather to inspire deeper thought. If you have thought about all these things more deeply than I then by all means share that with me so that I may go deeper.

Peace and One Love

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 11/18/2019 9:16:21 PM

Haile Selassie nuh business if a one say Haile Selassie

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 11/19/2019 6:16:42 AM

jahcub: "By watering the root, the whole tree is sustained."

again... Why does God NEED to be "watered"???

(an almighty all powerful God shouldn't "NEED" anything from anyone)

what you describe is a transaction. If a tree is outside you typically don't need to water it because the water cycle will cause rain and dew and as well, the root systems of trees typically find moisture underground. So I've never seen a tree that need water from a human. I would imagine that I would feel sorry for such a tree. Wouldn't you?

jahcub: If JAH is not what we worship and serve, then something else will take JAH's place; for we are made to serve, it is our true nature, it is our higher nature, as Christ also comes to serve.

You seem to be suggesting that we were created to be servants. I disagree with this. If this were the case wouldn't be most happy and fulfilled by being slaves? I doubt anyone would volunteer to be my slave. If you worked for me you would expect pay. Thus your service is transactional based on you getting something in return for your service. Some people even expect a tip.

If we were created to serve then I would have a problem with that. Because what does that say about a creator who made us with the motive and intent to be his servants? And without pay so.... slaves? What does this say about a creator who would create such beings for such a self-motivated purpose?

Jahcub:If InI don't serve JAH, then InI will end up serving Babylon and worshiping and serving Nimrod (man), building up their Tower of Babel, again and again...

Just for kicks... let's say humans work together to build a skyscraper. What's wrong with that? Was it you that said humans have a choice when it comes to worship? So what if we choose to worship a man? HIM was a man. HIM actually has a lot in common to the honorifics and respect paid to Nimrod. Are you simply opposed to Nimrod because God in the bible seems opposed to Nimrod? What if you didn't know God's position on Nimrod because you didn't have the benefit of a bible? How would you know it was wrong to serve Nimrod if you recognized him as your king? Let's also know and completely understand that in Israel Kings (like David) were absolutely worshiped. The actual hebrew word is the same when it comes to the "worship" given to both God and the king. I can provide proof of this if you need it.

But again... just for kicks... let's say tower of Bav'el was a monument to false gods. Who cares? Why care about that? What would have happened if completed? Would magical, previously nonexistant gods, be born? Would gods, who YHWH said did not exist, suddenly burst forth onto the scene? According to the bible nothing like this would have happened because there is only one God. And yet, their choice to worship anything else was forcefully taken away if you believe the story. At the same time, what prophet or missionary was sent to Babylon? What warning did they have? Who gave them access to the truth? Who was it that told them who the real God was and why didn't God simply talk to Nimrod? Part of critical thinking, whether you accept the story as is or not, is considering more than just that one angle where we fall under the assumption that what happened was good and necessary.

Let's say I make Google my god. I can ask Google a question right now and get an answer. Can you? The God of the bible sounds more like a terrorist. He strikes the tower just like the 911 Hijackers, but without a plane. Of course, you'll probably think I'm wrong for saying this, perhaps even daring to say it, but I say it because I'm not afraid of him. I don't live in "terror" of him. We are to believe that as a result of the people CHOOSING to worship something else under the rule of a mighty leader, that nothing NATURALLY bad was going to happen and therefore God had to cause something supernatural to happen.

Did he tell them they were wrong? Or did he confuse their languages, making it harder to preach to them in the future and making sure that their beliefs were spread around the world? Again... critical thinking. The result of this divine intervention didn't cause ANY of them to worship the God who had basically just attacked them. Rather it simply isolated them with their beliefs and made it difficult for them to connect with each other which would be the basis of many future conflicts. Serving any other god, because it doesn't have the power to, would be less destructive to humanity than a god that gets jealous and kills millions of people who don't know him or choose to be his slaves.

Making a car your god might be stupid. But ultimately, safer than an immortal deity with axes to grind. And at least you would be getting the benefit of actually driving that car and it providing you with transportation. I'd ask if God ever gave you a ride anywhere but people have a tendency to give God credit for anything good that ever happens to them. So God helped them get the car. God keeps them safe while driving the car (except when you get into an accident). But by this logic God helped Nimrod get into the position to have so many people worship him. Had God known in advance maybe he shouldn't have done that? Or maybe he should have either recruited Nimrod at a young age or took him out much like many would do if they knew a child was going to grow up to be Hitler. So the choice to intervene in one place and not others is questionable to me.

jahcub: And they will serve these things over JAH the Life Giver, JAH who sustains InI

If God sustains you then why on earth would you need to eat or sleep? Seems like such a waste of time and money if you are actually animated by a supernatural power rather than something natural and scientific in nature. Where as Jah, for me, is not a person, but rather energy itself, of which all matter consists of. It is energy that gives life because it is energy that is life. And therefore energy can take on any and every form, including a car, food, sex, celebrities, money, and Google. Without energy you have nothing. With energy you have everything because there is nothing that isn't some form of energy.

Your version of God is according to the bible, and it is a magical being that created nature with magic. My version of God simply BECAME nature. While magic is natural and is in want for explanation, energy is governed by physics and explains itself through the language of math and science as well as others. But because I don't view God as a person, it isn't a projection of human ego. It simply becomes human and includes human ego because we are manifestations of that same energy, constantly becoming everything and is truly eternal because science says that energy is never destroyed, only changes forms. And so this is why my version of God isn't offended by science (nor can be offended by anything) or has to rely on human story tellers to cause people to worship it.

Who doesn't look outside, at the sky, the mountains, the trees, the beach, and isn't humbled and amazed? And its not because this reaction is commanded. This reaction is simply a natural response to the greatness that we see. No prophets, no priests, no angels, no missionaries, no books, none of that is needed for people to give reverence to what their own eyes can see. SEE. Not imagine is there, watching everything you do and waiting to judge you someday. Or someone you're waiting for, to do something for you, save you from other humans and yourself, or any of that. It is simply self-evident.

There are no theological debates over the color of the sky. There is no tree that ever told one nation to go to war against another. Energy just is. And it cannot be manipulated by worship or prayers to intervene because it doesn't need us. Especially because it IS (also) us. It is the sun AND the moon. It is the slave and the master. It is the volcano and the iceberg. It is everything.

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 11/19/2019 8:23:34 AM

sorry. I meant to say magic is UNnatural and in want for explanation.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/19/2019 2:32:16 PM

Messenger: Rakamau Na Ras Sent: 11/19/2019 9:04:37 PM

Devotion to God also allows the personality to free itself from the fetters which can lead to the divine. Worship, ritual and divine love allows the personality purified by truth to destroy the subtle ignorance that one can suffer from.

To understand this one most go back to its source.

I overstand where my Rastas are coming from. In my opinion everyone got a will to use it freely and creatively to craft their own destiny in thoughts and action. Subconsciously only one can know why one are doing and thinking in away. A way of life can also be a journey to discover your true self.

1 - 1011 - 2021

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Haile Selassie I