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ONE LOVE - Quotes - Comments

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Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 3/22/2005 6:08:38 PM

Hello Idren,

I would like to open this post to start a discussion/comments with my fellow brethren and sistren on this topic. I am certain a post with this topic has been posted before but I see this as an important part of our lives and like to get feedback.

The following quotes are from one of the many books I have read.

Denroy Morgan - Morgan Heritage - part of a speech

"The Messiah is one who redeems us from our sinful, natural ways to the ways of God-- the ways that will uplift our souls and allow us to live a life that will shine a light that man will seek and glorify the Almighty Creator of the Universe. As we are here to strengthen the work of the Rastaman, the work of Bob Marley, the words of the Rastaman, the word ëOne Love,' and we believe that if every man possessed that One Love, I'm not talking about hypocritical love. I'm not talking about carnal love. I'm not talking about partial love. I'm talking about divine love. JAH Rastafari! The sacrificial one. Glory to the Almighty. If we possess that, then we'll be able to give that and share that and if we can share that divine love, one unto another, we'll definitely bring about a healing to the nation.

And the healing to the nation is not just a Jamaican thing, it's a world thing because the entire world is in turmoil today. We talk about crime in Jamaica. Crime is in Israel. People are getting killed while they're having a good time in Israel. Jerusalem is supposed to be the land of holiness. We're talking about what's happening in Jamaica, look at what's happening in Sudan, what's happening in Palestine, in Afghanistan. They're trying to set India and Pakistan to war over nuclear power. JAH Rastafari!.

Brothers and sisters, take a look around. Take a look into yourself, find your own love and share it with your neighbor. For these few words, I give thanks."

Robert Roskind - Author - part of a speech

"One love, unconditional love for all humanity, is probably best described inCorinthians chapter 13 as follows:Love is patient;Love is kind and envies no one.Love is never boastful;Nor conceited, nor rude;Never selfish,Not quick to take offense.Love keeps no score of wrongs;Does not gloat over another's sins,But delights in the truth.There is nothing love cannot face;There is no limit to its faith, its hope and its endurance.In a word, there are three things that last forever:Faith, hope and love;But the greatest of them all is Love.

To exercise One Love does not mean that you like a person, seek out theircompany, or allow unloving or abusive treatment by them. It does not meanthat you forego justice or reparations for past wrongs committed, for it isonly through making amends that our soul is cleansed. You would still "Getup! Stand up! Stand up for your rights!" One Love simply means that in yourheart you understand that everyone you hold bitterly is a child of God whomay have temporarily forgotten who they are and gone astray and you wish thebest for them. You understand that, like you, they were sent here by theirCreator to remember their own Divinity by learning and teaching love. All the great teachers of love in the last century--Mandela, Tutu, King, Gandhi,Kofi Annan, Anwar Sadat--all men of color, understood this and, whilepassionately confronting oppression, led their people into love."

I see so much truth in these words. How about you?
Any comments are appreciated.

Much Love and Praises to the Most High!


Messenger: the rock Sent: 3/22/2005 10:20:39 PM

One love is true unity for all people InI must take pitty on those who's chances grow thinner and as we fight this armegedan. This will manifest truth of unity only with the concept of openness. To all things we must seek to work in unity as we are different in cultural back grounds but we are here fighting the same good fight.

One love

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 3/22/2005 10:48:38 PM

Thank you for the post my brother.

Robert Roskind - one more quote I wanted to post.

"True forgiveness is not our pardoning someonewe feel has unjustly attacked or injured us. It is not thinking I, being thebetter of the two, will forgive you in my magnanimity. This is"forgiving-to-destroy." It only reinforces the person's sense of shame andunworthiness. True forgiveness is understanding that every so-called "attack" is inreality an appeal, a call, for healing and help. It is an asking for love,regardless of the form it takes. And if we answer their call with our love,we remind the other person of their Divine perfection, instilled in them bytheir Creator. Our forgiveness is a wake up call to someone who has fallenasleep. This is "forgiving-to-heal." This is what Christ was asking us to dowhen he said "love your enemies" and why on the cross he said, "Forgive themfather for they no not what they do." And by exercising this true forgiveness, by reminding our "transgressors" oftheir true Divine nature, we remind ourselves of our own.


Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 3/23/2005 12:01:15 PM

How do ones feel about this white family (the Roskinds) preaching one love and FORGIVENESS in a land where slavery and racizm (not to forget poverty) have ravished the land? I am not doubting their intentions are nice and all, I am questioning if this is just? 4000 years of blood sweat and tears, seems a white family preaching one love and forgiveness would be quite a slap in the face. I am speaking on the reality of the scars and the necessary action to be taken to heal this...

I will say that having multiple Jamaican artists perform One Love concerts at the Jamaican schools is ilah. Give thanks for Oneness still

Messenger: the rock Sent: 3/23/2005 1:25:33 PM

I am not white so i can't speak on that.But i know that if one person is going to put blame on another person or race of people ,it would be a wast of time.There is know one that can forgive the sin of another man(person).ONE and ONE have to be free from that hole that man has put himself in.I do not know if you have read about how easten african,( side to be Muslims) who sold the western and northen sothern african, something like saleing the those that were captured in war.
Still i do not want to hide the harsh criminal, tactics that is used in this home grown terrorism, called one name or another.They got alot or nerve going over seas trying to tell the people about the genoside(sp) and how the side tobe ruler over there act.I saw this show on how there was about 100-3000 bodys(of Afican slaves) found in a constrution site in NYC. Just down the road form me there is a place called Somoa, it side that indian familys were brought there and killed.In the gold rush in west there so much that could be said.seen.There is no way a man can till his neighbor to take out his trash, if his own house is in need of cairing for.


Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 3/23/2005 5:48:24 PM

I don't really care who starts spreading love and who is forgiving and asking for long as it is done. Yes JAH will ultimately be the one making the decisions but we as a people should be coming together. If it is whites or blacks or yellow men or whatever their color may be it needs to be done. Roskind has asked himself that question of who is he as a white hippie to try support this one love thing, but ultimately I say it does not matter because it is for a great noble cause and whoever supports that cause is acting in god's way. At this press conference that these quotes were spoken, Luciano I believe it was, has clearly stated that the people in charge with power need to pay back and help the poorer folks, I believe in that and even if it in that matter is a black question, it still happens today and it is blacks doing it to blacks and whites doing it to whites, everyone takes advantage regardless of their color etc.

Big up for ONE LOVE and Praises to JAH Rastafari!


Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 3/23/2005 6:01:28 PM

Much Appreciation for all your comments.

I don't see how spreading ONE LOVE can be a slap in the face to anyone. I myself do not feel responsible for any harms that have been done to Jews in Germany (I was born there and lived there much of my life...part of my family way back is Jewish anyway), neither do I feel responsible for what happened to the Slaves. Now let me explain, I do not feel responsible, meaning I don't feel like I had any involvement or advantage or guilt for these things. Do I feel responsible in a way that I would like to further the course to let justice and love reign? Yes, absolutely so.

Much Love


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/24/2005 12:50:30 AM

I have two comments about Roskin's words. The first is that he doesn't really know what One Love means, but is just making his own interpretation. One Love is about about ONE Love, meaning that the Love must be Iniversal. Not One person Loving and the other person not Loving. It is about both Ones Loving, this is the fullness of One Love.

The other comment is about him talking about people that do wickedness are just making "an appeal, a call, for healing and help. It is an asking for love,regardless of the form it takes."

It is one thing to Love your enemies, but to fool yourself into thinking that their wickedness has anything to do with a call for help or love is just bringing confusion to yourself.

A child can sometimes do a little foolishness as a call for help or love. But some people deal with wickedness because they gain power or money from it, or as a result of their hate.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: RAS B Sent: 3/24/2005 1:41:53 AM


One Love One Rasta Family
One King One Saviour
One JAH Kin'dom

Oneness ,Mosiah I
Ras B

Messenger: NineMile2004 Sent: 3/24/2005 12:58:44 PM

Thank you Ark I

Nevertheless I disagree. People are after money because they think it can fullfill them but only JAH love can fullfill them so they do not know true love for if they truly knew it they would put it before everything.

Someone only knows the full truth if they truly accept it. IF they claim to know it but do not accept it then they do not know it fully.
So when people are looking for fullfillment on earthly posessions they have not realized that the one thing that matters is love.

I cannot give something that I do not have, otherwise I would be a thief. To teach unconditional love you must live and know unconditional love. I say the Roskinds do know that one love means ONE. But I cannot expect anyone to live this one love if I hold something against them and therefore withdraw my love. The quote makes this clear. Justice can go along with love and must go along with love.

Maybe people try to find wrongs because the Roskinds are white but if you take the color in consideration you are not feeling the one love because one love does not know color this way.



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Haile Selassie I