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Red Bull?

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Jah Seeker Sent: 6/8/2016 12:26:12 PM

I know it can't be seen as healthy or something in an ital lifestyle, but iman personally find red bull gives me the boost i need when studying, reading, doing hard work etc. Coffee never had a strong impact on me,i can drink 2 cups of strong black coffee and still fall asleep, lol. What do the i dem think? Anyone else drinks it?

Messenger: empress_kiyah Sent: 6/8/2016 12:43:43 PM

I and I new here but from my experience and what I've read RedBull is a No-No. I used to drink energy drinks as it gave me a boost but you may not notice but it increases your heart rate. Have you tried any teas? Have you tried taking herbal supplements for energy? I personally feel like RedBull is just as bad as drinking a Coke. Just my opinion.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 6/8/2016 12:47:49 PM

I would rather drink coffee than Red Bull. I drink a Red Bull once and it made me feel like I was having heart palpitations. With coffee it gives me energy but I feel drained afterward.

I think the energy from ganja herb is the best, it gives energy but does not give the drained feeling that coffee gives. Though I admit I have combined coffee and ganja to stay up late.

I know they grow a lot of coffee in Ethiopia and Rohan Marley has a coffee brand, but it still is not an ideal source of energy in my opinion. Ganja or herbal tea would be better.
I read in a health magazine that coffee is a good source of antioxidants.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 6/8/2016 1:03:06 PM

Ises + Love All
Yes JAH Seeker, this is something the I have to decide for the Iself, but personally I would stay FAR AND WIDE from this and all similar products. Just the tin can alone is a good enough reason, but the ingredients inside compound the poisons further.
Depending where the I live, the I may be able to find a health food store carrying maca root powder (unless the I live in the Andes mountains, then the I can probably find the wild root), this especially combined with Spirulina, has given I&I great results. Another upside is that maca root has properties to balance hormones, while caffeine has properties to disrupt them.
Best wishes and JAH guidance

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 6/8/2016 3:53:59 PM

I don't know how accurate this is, but I heard that it contains bull semen or a bi product of...


Messenger: Jah Seeker Sent: 6/8/2016 3:58:22 PM

nah, nothing like that RG, i check all the things i consume.

Messenger: Humble one Sent: 6/9/2016 3:03:57 AM

Sorry its been ages since I have been on.

Try ginseng tea. Panax Ginseng is the strongest sort, but siberian ginseng is good too. It is renowned in china as the king of herbs for energy - not quick energy like coffee but lasting energy.

I have personally used it during a period of extreme exhaustion and it worked a treat. Very powerful stuff which helped me consistently throughout the days and not just an hour or so.

Hope this helps,


Messenger: Humble one Sent: 6/9/2016 3:31:29 AM

Also try to help yourself as much as you can with yourself - get plenty of sleep if possible

Messenger: Jah Seeker Sent: 6/9/2016 4:12:25 AM

Give thanks Humble one.

Messenger: Sister Ifua Sent: 6/14/2016 4:19:33 AM

Goddess, I think it is Taurin you heard of. They take it from the gall of the ox or bull. It can also be produced chemically.
But neither the one way nor the other is an option for a rastaman - in my opinion. Cause it is far from a natural product.

JAH has given InI in every region special plants for the purpose of stayin' awake in certain situations. You have the Maca, the Guaranį, the Koka or the Chat... So why using something out of a can, a weird mix of chemicals from a factory? No need for that...

Keep natural, mi brethren

Sister Ifua

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