I have a Great Aunt that lives in Massachusetts who recently recieved a 4, 000 dollar fine from the federal government via obama care for smoking.. Apparently she filed for obama care as a non-smoker, then was found out by a co-worker and reported for tobacco usage..
I and I 28 year brother recieved a 7, 000 dollar fine for not signing up for obama care. He eventually got the fine dropped because he 'has' insurance via the V.A..
I find it disgusting that goverment can federalize -- privatize -- the entire 'health care' market, set the price at what ever they want, usaully tripling premium prices --calling it the affordable care act -- and then fine people for not getting this 'mandated serVICE'..
Personally, I think that only through an open market with independent competitive prices, can people get the service that fits them best.. Shopping around the market until finding the best plan vs having no choice but to follow regulation and subsequent finning for not...
As far as 'Sun Life' not classifying GanJAH users as medically hazardous smokers, I think this is a step in the right direction.. How could something that is seen as medical by so many states still be federally illegal and dangerous? Burn babylon