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Thoughts on carbon dating and its credibility?

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Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 6/5/2016 1:08:07 AM

Garveys, I just re-read di I's post again and have a question regarding this particular word sound:

"Re: Humans. Take one example like stratigraphy, no modern human fossils have ever been found past the 300,000 year strata or layer. This is the first clue that man and dino didnt live togeher - dino fossils are always found way deeper."

Unless I've misoverstood, is di I saying no humans skeleton found predate 300,000 years (three hundred thousand)?

But wait.......and "Lucy"?

Isn't she said to be MILLIONS of years old?

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 6/5/2016 1:51:27 AM

Give thankhs for sharing the truth about those Inca Stones! At least the farmer is a very artistic and imaginative man!

What about the Kuwait cave tho?
And the living dinosaurs of today show that humans live simultaneously with dinosaurs, it is only a question of which types and sizes, and for how long.
What about what I Ras Goddess said: "I know that our ancestors studied and recorded 26,000 year constilations/cycles." and what about all the time before they even thought to record the cycles?
Humans have clearly existed for hundreds of thousands of years at least. And the real source of the human species is still a mystery, we dont even know if we come from this planet, or perhaps from the Sirius system as the ancient Dogon had learned. So who is to say how ancient the human species is?

JAH Love

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 6/5/2016 2:40:58 AM

A thought ran across my mind about ancient tales and Mythology of "dragons", which some suggest are dinosaur-like.

Here's some food for thought...

Greek mythology (often plaguerized Ethiopian mythology) said that there were giant "dragons" that were native to the land of Aethiopia.


"Ancient explorers and historians, like Josephus, told of small flying reptiles in ancient Egypt and Arabia and described their predators, the ibis, stopping their invasion into Egypt. (Epstein, Perle S., Monsters: Their Histories, Homes, and Habits, 1973, p.43.) A third century historian Gaius Solinus, discussed the Arabian flying serpents, and stated that “the poison is so quick that death follows before pain can be felt.” (Cobbin, Ingram, Condensed Commentary and Family Exposition on the Whole Bible, 1837, p. 171.) The well-respected Greek researcher Herodotus wrote: “There is a place in Arabia, situated very near the city of Buto, to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe. The form of the serpent is like that of the water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat.” (Herodotus, Historiae, tr. Henry Clay, 1850, pp. 75-76.) This is a remarkable description of a pterosaur!"

"In his third volume Herodotus goes on to tell how these animals could sometimes be found in the Arabian spice groves. He describes their size, coloration, and reproduction. It seems that venomous flying serpents were infamous for living in frankincense trees.

After Alexander the Great invaded India he brought back reports of seeing a great hissing dragon living in a cave. Later Greek rulers supposedly brought dragons alive from Ethiopia.

The Italian historian Aldrovandus also claimed to have received in the year 1551 a “true dried Aethiopian dragon”

John Harris was a scientific man that edited the first encyclopedia. He gives a singularly account of the capture of a dragon: “We have, in an ancient author, a very large and circumstantial account of the taking of a dragon on the frontiers of Ethiopia, which was one and twenty feet in length, and was carried to Ptolemy Philadelphus, who every bountifully rewarded such as ran the hazard of procuring him this beast.” (Harris, John, Collection of Voyages, vol. i, London, 1764, p. 474.) But this pales in comparison to the account St. Ambrose gives of dragons “seen in the neighbourhood of the Ganges nearly seventy cubits in length.” (Ambrose, De Moribus Brachmanorum, 1668.) It was one of this size that Alexander and his army saw in a cave. “Its terrible hissing made a strong impression on the Macedonians, who, with all their courage, could not help being frighted at so horrid a spectacle.” (Aelian, De Animal, lib. XV, cap. 21.)"




Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 6/5/2016 2:55:09 AM


Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 6/5/2016 6:10:12 AM

True Istren. If dragons were a real creature, they have to have been dinosaurs, otherwise what is the difference between the dinosaur and the dragon? The time period? That is if the I take it for truth that so many various groups of people were recording interactions with dragons, which I see no reason why we shouldnt.
Dragon parts were also known to be used in apothecary, maybe thats why we dont see their bones anywhere, people were grinding and eating them.

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 6/5/2016 6:25:08 AM

I remember in 6th grade I failed my science class because I refused to answer the test questions per the teacher's lessons on dinosaurs. I didnt think that dinosaurs were real, or that is to say that I had in mind that the scientists were lying, that they were just finding bones and putting them together however they wanted. It turns out that they do this a lot, having only partial and sometimes only a tiny percentage of the whole skeleton. They make a lot of guesses. Haha now I wouldnt say that dinosaurs never existed, but that what we think we know about them, we really are not sure about. Maybe the carbon dates are right and maybe they are way off, maybe the ideas of the dinosaurs we all think we know are way off. Except the ones we see for ourselves!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 6/5/2016 7:10:40 AM

Yes I Jah Child humans been here (modern form) for hundreds of thousands of years, science agrees with this. But no so much evidence to suggest millions of years. Re: the 26,000 earth axis precession cycle observed by the ancient kemetic and nubian civilisations - No this does not mean they would have had to been observing for two complete cycles / 52000 years to make this claim. None at all. Given the ancients were the masters of astronomy and mathematics...... They could have simply worked this out similar to how modern astronomers have. Remembering there is 1-2 degrees of movement every 70 years anyway. Lets not question their ability at scientific and mathematic interpretation!

Give thanks RG, the Ica stones is something I been familiar for some time and what a disappointment when I see them for what they really are. One of the first things that made I learn to always raise i suspicions when presented with new info as their is so much bs out there from people with hidden agendas.

Re: LUCY. This is important. Lucy is millions of years old. Lucy is NOT a modern human / homo sapian sapian. Lucy is THOUGHT (and there is even some ?? here) to be the ancestor of modern humans........ And possible other primates. Remember the whole common ancestor thing? Look at her digital reconstructions and she clearly doesnt look human

Bless up I dem.

Hot out here too now might take a page from bro VDR today and draw for the Loccz to mask the red eye; in addition to I 🔥;🔥; breathing reasoning; Garveys Africa, Rasta Dragon.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 6/5/2016 7:28:28 AM

Uno with this subject, you get people who claim man and dino co-existed, and look for any likkle piece of supporting evidence. Then the other group of people are the ones who claim dinosaurs R fake and all fossils are a hoax. These groups often cancel each others claims out

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 6/5/2016 9:44:55 AM

Gwaan Rasta Dragon and di fire breathing reasonings!

HOT IT HOT! Going through a heat wave out here in Cali!

"Lucy" alias Dinknesh – literally is defined as the first WOMAN in Ethiopian history, an intrepid walker some three million years ago. I suppose she isn't considered a modern human, yet we define her as the MOTHER of humanity.

I dare imagine we are older then a few hundred thousand years.

And yes, it is possible that the ancient Nubian figured out the constilation cycles by mathematical calculation as opposed to having personally witnessed them, but something tells me that there is more to 8t.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 6/5/2016 11:28:54 AM

Nothing wrong with saying its a vibe or feelin you have! Maybe an ancestral connection!

Uno this reasoning of how old humanity is eventually leads us to the point of creationism vs evolution and how did the first life on this planet come to be? Did humans arrive on earth as a fully formed modern human or were there evolutionary stages? Even scientifically, there is no "facts" and certain truths when going so far back into time..... These things cause whole heap of debates.

Me personally - I have no problem with the idea that all life including humanity evolved from small single cellular organisms whose compounds include the primordial elements of both the earth and the cosmos. Sounds nice too!

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