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is the Earth a male or female Principle?

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Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/9/2015 10:05:41 AM

Beautiful word sound sista Royal! So nice, had to read it twice!
Though I tend to sight the harmony/oneness within duality in all things, I wouldn't have previously attibuted the Heart as being "masculine", always thought of it to be the Seat/Throne of the Mind. Always pictured it like Auset (heart/seat) with child (mind) on her lap, for if the heart dies, the mind ceases.

And yes, the Dogon and others spoke of us as coming from the Heavens, I find that the Earth expresses deeply feminine attributes; nurturing, fruitful, the source of our sustanance, and "motherly".

Then again, so is the Heavens, for out of the blackness of the Cosmic Womb is born the SUN, as out of the blackness of the Woman's womb is born the SON.

As above, so below.

Your reasonings have sparked NU thoughts! Give thanks siStar!

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/9/2015 10:35:52 AM

The following article reflects the duality in the Universe, nature/neter, and InI.

The Kemetic God Geb is the God of the Earth and he is responsible for feeding and house the people and animals.  He doesn’t do all the work himself.  He has his wife Nut, who is known as the Goddess of the sky, provides the rain and water to feed the people and animals to help grow their crops and food, and to provide drinking water for them.  Together Nut and Geb make up planet earth.  Earth is both masculine and feminine energy.  The rain represents feminine energy while the production of food and crops and housing the earth’s inhabitants represents masculine energy.  Everything in the universe feature both masculine and feminine energy to sustain their existence.

The earth can be viewed differently in a different light.  In our solar system, the earth has a moon in its orbit.  The moon represents feminine energy.  In this instance, the earth is representing the masculine principle of the Law of Gender as a physical example.  Almost every planet in the solar system has a moon.  The list of planets that have moons are Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  The only ones that don’t have moons are Mercury and Venus.  So why is that?  The reason behind that is because of the Law of Gender.  The Planet Mercury’s orbit is so close to the sun that it doesn’t need a moon, and because of that it needs a planet beside it to represents the feminine principle of the Law of Gender and the Law of Polarity.  The planet Mercury must balance its energy within itself to sustain its existence.  Everything in the Universe must embody both masculine and feminine energy.  The reason why the planet Venus doesn’t have a moon is because it doesn’t  need more feminine energy associated with it so instead it needs masculine energy like the planet Mercury by it side to balance out its energy from within itself.  All the planets are physical examples of the Law of Gender and the Law of Polarity.  Everything in the universe must operate under the Universal Laws.

If you have too much masculine energy in your reality and you’re not balancing it by receiving feminine energy, then you will remain imbalance.  If you are associated with too much feminine energy and you are not utilizing your masculine energy to get things done, then you will remain imbalance.  Chaos and confusion arise when the energy in your reality is not balance.

Earth Masculine/Feminine

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 12/17/2015 7:06:14 AM

The first human ever to walk the earth was named Adam. The Torah explains the name. THE HEBREW WORD FOR EARTH IS ADAMA. God formed man from the dust of the earth, and on the simplest level, that connection with adama, earth, is the basis for man's name. Once Adam sinned and ate the forbidden fruit, he introduced death to the world and was sentenced to once again return to the earth from which God created him.

The mystics pointed to various deeper meanings within the name Adam, providing layers of insight that can make our own existence more meaningful. The name Adam does indicate one's lower earthly nature. But are we really nothing more than the complicated mammals?

The Earth's Potential

In addition to the adama being a low place in the world, there is another aspect of the adama which is perhaps its defining feature. The earth is a realm in which we can plant and yield fruits, giving rise to new life which was not there beforehand. Man's kinship with the ground, therefore, hints to his greatest potential.

Man's kinship with the ground hints to his greatest potential.

Before creating Adam, God said, "Let us make man" in the plural. With whom could God possibly partner when creating humankind? According to one approach, He consulted with His ministering angels and asked them what they thought about creating man. A fierce debate ensued.

Some of the angels argued against creating man and others in favor. For example, the angel representing kindness was for man's creation, for man bestows kindness. Truth opposed man's creation, since humans are full of lies. God heard these arguments, and finally seized the angel representing truth and hurled it onto the ground, as it says in the verse, "and He threw truth to the ground" and created man anyway. The other angels protested. How could God abandon truth, which is known as His signature? God responded "may truth rise from the ground" and our Sages then cited the verse, "truth shall grow from the ground."

The whole dialogue in the heavens appears bizarre at first glance. Why did God need to consult with His angels before creating man? Why did He reject truth in order to create Adam? Were the angels negotiating with Him? How did they convince Him to revive the angel of truth? Did He really change his mind? A core tenet of Jewish consciousness is that when the rabbis tell stories like this one, they really mean to convey a deeper message hidden deep within the parable.

The Maharal of Prague explained that throwing truth to the ground was by no means a rejection of truth. It was an investment in truth. The proof is in the verse our Sages used to explain the revival of truth: "truth shall grow from the ground." God never rejected truth; instead He planted in the ground.

The metaphor of the ground and its centrality in man's name is no coincidence. The simple act of planting a seed is a powerful symbol of man's potential. Recall that day in kindergarten where you might have planted a bean in a plastic cup so that it would grow into a plant for mother's day. Every day you checked to see whether anything had grown. At first, you were disappointed as you watched the seed. It looked like it was falling apart and rotting. You wanted to throw it out, but your teacher insisted that you wait. One day, a green shoot appeared from amidst the smelly decay. It continued to grow and grow, until there was a beautiful leafy plant, with the potential for an infinite number of new plants.

Therein lies the secret of God's sowing truth. There is a very physical side to every human, but and often it brings us to places of rot and decay, places in which we can wreak more havoc on creation than the most destructive animal. Yet we also have the ability to transcend that downward pull and grow from the earth into something greater with almost unlimited potential.

There were angels that opposed man's creation. The angel representing truth argued that humans lie, and they have the potential to destroy the world. In contrast, angels are perfect. An angel is the manifestation of God's will, and is completely unable to deviate even an iota from that will. An angel has a name that reflects its mission since that is all the angel is. Angels cannot choose to disobey and have no minds of their own.

Like the ground, man can produce a virtually unlimited bounty of fruits.

Humans, however, have free choice. Every person has the ability to decompose and succumb to the earthly pull, or to defy the gravity of physicality and elect to follow more spiritual pursuits. Like the ground, man can produce a virtually unlimited bounty of fruits. Man's decision to live on a higher plane is infinitely more meaningful than an angel's spiritual existence since it is the result of man's choice and rejection his lower self, or his channeling it to a higher place. We all have ups and downs, but we can choose the realm with which we most identify and whether or not we will bounce back after we have fallen.

Control or be Controlled

The name Adam alludes to man's ability to transcend on an even deeper level. The word Adam is comprised of the letter aleph, followed by dalet and mem, the letters than spell the word dam which means blood. We need blood to sustain physical life, but it reflects the lower aspects of man. Blood has long been associated with hot temperament and loss of self control. Shakespeare described one of his quick tempered characters as "governed by a spleen," an internal organ containing a reservoir of blood. The lowest aspect of one's soul, an aspect of soul common to every animal, resides in one's blood.

In the name Adam, the word dam is preceded by the letter aleph. The letter aleph is also a word which means to teach or inculcate. It similarly indicates leadership, as implied by the related word aluf which means a general or tribal head. God created man with many base desires that reside in the blood, but he also gave us the means to assert our control over them and be an aluf over the dam. By being in control instead of subject to the dominion of our impulses, man, who is created in the image of God, resembles God. In this connection, the name Adam also alludes to the word adameh which means I will liken myself, indicating one's ability to emulate God.

From Eternity to Death and Back

Adam himself represented man's colossal potential, as well as how far he could fall. Adam's understanding of the world was vast, and his dominion complete until he ate from the forbidden fruit. God created Adam to be immortal, something that remains true of the soul, but not of the body. Adam himself succumbed to the dam in his name, and failed to rule over his inclination. He introduced death into the world, something which had not applied to human beings before that point in time. Yet although he shrank in stature, elements of the higher Adam, the potential for accomplishing greatness, remained.

Adam lived for 930 years. Our Sages explained that he really should have lived for a complete millennium, but he willingly gave up 70 years of his life to someone who would use them to reverse the death sentence that Adam had introduced to mankind. Adam prophetically saw that a potential descendent of his to be born thousands of years later had not been allocated years and he sacrificed 70 of his own so that person would live.

The recipient of those years was none other than King David, the scion of the messianic line which will usher in the end of time. Our tradition teaches that the Moshiach will help bring the world to its perfection and toward revival of the dead, reversing Adam's colossal mistake. Adam knew this, and realized that it was critical for him to ensure that King David would live and accomplish his task in the world. Adam had brought death to the world, and to correct that, he ensured that there would be someone to bring us back to eternal life.

By confronting our lower aspects and overcoming them, we can accomplish things that no angel can.

The name Adam is therefore revealing. It describes our lower side, the tremendous downward pull and animal instinct within each of us. But it also alludes to our ability to become great -- not in spite of our physical side but because of it and through our resisting its desires. By confronting our lower aspects and overcoming them, we can accomplish things that no angel can. Through our earthy nature, we are planted and have the opportunity to produce fruits through rising from the decay and becoming more than we were beforehand. The choice is ours. We can be governed by our blood impulses, as was Eisav in the Torah who killed when he did not get what he wanted and was therefore called Edom, red, alluding to his being controlled by blood instinct, or we can become stronger and loftier, remaining in control of our destinies as we always subjugate the dam in Adam to the aleph that precedes it.

Upright posture distinguishes humans from other beings, and that characteristic reflects more than just an anatomical difference. Unlike other mammals which look naturally down and connect to only their instinctual and physical nature, humans stand up straight and look ahead. We can choose whether to look up, to grow from the ground, or look down, and sentence ourselves to a life dominated by our lower side. Each one of us is created in the image of God with unbelievable potential, and the name Adam alludes to the pitfalls we must avoid, and the tremendous growth we can experience.


Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/17/2015 10:57:40 AM

Humankind was not randomly created physically by a Hebrew imagined deity, instead our development is the result of an infinite, intelligent and perfect cosmic orderly process.  As a consequence of this interaction between the sun (star), gas and dust, various planets came into being, including the earth.

Etymology is Atum-ology, Atom-ology, and Adam-ology. Atum is one of the undifferentiated concepts of creation; Atom is one of the undifferentiated particles of the universe; and Adam is one of the undifferentiated forms of life. The way in which the Ancestors traced the lineage of a King to a specific "God" (Atum), or the manner in which Chemists trace matter to a specific element (Atom), and the manner in which human beings trace their lineage to a common ancestor (Adam)

GENESIS 5:2 "Male and female created he (God) them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM (ATOM/ATUM)..." 

ADAM (EARTH / SOLID) was "made from the dust of the ground or clay."

Adam was made from“Black Mud,” in other words, “Black Matter,” “Dark Matter,” “Mel-Anin” or “Celestial Dust” in the flesh, thus, symbolizing the element EARTH. The sun’s elements or star dust from which humans are composed, include carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., just as exploding stars birth new stars and planets into the heavens. The ancestors believed that their departed ones’ soul made an ascension into the heavens as “shining beings” to reside with the gods who were called “the imperishable stars.”  We come from the eternal spiritual dust of the stars, not only from the temporal physical dust or dirt of the earth.  As it is saud, we are spiritual beings experiencing life in a physical body.


In ancient Kamit we have 1. SHU, 2. TEFNUT, 3. GEB, 4. NUT, 5. ASAR, 6. ASET, 7. SET and 8. NEBT HET all which was produced by ATUM (Atom, Adam)

Atum = The prime Neter (God) of Kama'at (TamaRE) that emerged from out of Nun, the Primodial Waters. Atum signified Light that emerged from out of the Darkness (Nun or None).

Adam = Adam means "Blood" or "from the ground." In the HOLY QUR'AN states, Adam Kadmon, the Heavenly Man (Mind) or Light that crystalized into Matter, the is the "Fall of Man." Interestingly, the Fall season's other word is Atum(n) or Autumn.

It's interesting that we find "Atum/Atom" in the word AN-ATOM-Y

Atom = The smallest particle of Life. We are Adam-ites because we have an Atom-ic structure. In the HOLY KABALAH, the YOD, HAY, WAW (VAU), HAY breaks down to the body of Man or the Son (Sun) of Man (Mind). These same four letters of the name of GOD makes up our bodily structure. 

Adam numeral value is 46. Therefore, this is an esoteric indication of the 23 chromosomes of Man and 23 chromosomes of Womb-Man, which, totals the 46 chromosomes that produce life.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 12/17/2015 11:32:20 AM

Jessep it has been proven that the X chromosome gave birth to / produced the Y chromosome. The Y is a mutation of the X. Meaning man could not have come before woman. Adam did not predate eve.

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/17/2015 12:28:57 PM

Indeed breddah Garveys. Womb-Man has double XX chromosomes. Man on the other hand has XY chromsomes. And the Y is a broken of X...

Eve symbolizes the stages of Evo-lution, o, which the stages of life in the womb. Eve also symbolizes, the replica of the Nun (None) state or Triple State Darkness or the Three Stages of Pregnacy/Three Tri-mester Periods.

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/17/2015 5:09:30 PM

The Y chromosome comes from female scientists, as Ninti, known as Mother Ninti or Nunet, who experimented with the side of an X chromosome maiming it by removing 2.8 percent of X chromosomes. This resulted in a maimed lower right stem, giving the appearance of a Y, which produces less genetic materials, resulting in a Y chromosome, called chromosomal manipulation, a well known experiment today.

The son and daughter of the father god, Anu, were called Enki and Ninti. Ninti was responsible for the creation of man.

"Ninti" means "goddess of all the living".
"Eve", on the other hand, means "mother of all the living".

The critical point arises, however, when one further analyzes the root "ti" of the name "Ninti" and finds that it also means "rib"!

Ninti was called Tefnut in Kemet. This name signifies "Moisture" and therefore the atmosphere. Another name or epithet of Tefnut in Kemet was Hat-hor, and also Mami. As a mother to both "gods" and "men".


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 12/17/2015 5:37:27 PM

Lol this reminds me of Yakub and his creation of the whiteman. The X and Y both come from normal autosomes. Any autosome pair can 'evolve' into a sex chromosome pair. In nature there are species which sex isn't determined by X and Y but by the temperature / food intake / environment on the DNA of the unborn. I'm interested to know which culture this story come from?

The black wombman IS God by a few other reasonings too !

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 12/17/2015 7:49:10 PM

The picture below depicts Mother Ninti holding a baby after she and Enki “grafted” it into existence. This is your Yacub story! Notice how they are holding what appears to be a test tube beeker. This picture can be found in the ancient Sumerian Text called The Atra Hasis in cuneiform text.

He and Ninti developed another "perfect model" Terran, a male who was the first representative of the Adamic race. The ADAMU or Adapa (He was born on Earth)

Another controversial perspective: The Theory of Parthenogenesis

The female egg has within itself a set of genes and chromosomes, and can develop into an embryo and an adult without fertilization. The hatching of unfertilized eggs is known as parthenogenesis. There are theories suggesting that the Planet being at first only inhabited by parthenogenetic women. This means women could fertilize their own eggs and thus had no need for a male Species. We find many clues of this in ancient cultures and even modern lore such as the Amazons.

In Kemet, The Queen Mother was thought to have conceived her child from Ra the sun! Ancient cultures speak of women, in perfect harmony with Nature and the Universe, in combination with proper raw food diet that alkalizes the bloodstream and is a possible requirement for parthenogenesis, would open their legs to receive the rays/heat of the sun, and be able to self-create (virgin birth)

Men were a choice that womankind promoted through parthenogenesis and selective birth. We can see similar concepts in Mary's parthenogenesis or “Immaculate Conception” as Heru was said to be the parthenogenesis child of the Virgin Mother, Auset

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/18/2015 10:02:58 PM

No human or other primates have females that can get pregnant without sperm.

Those are just stories.

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