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Obama Evolves on Marijuana

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 1/21/2014 11:54:41 PM

What do the I them think about America's "evolving" policies on ganja? Is America really changing its ganja policies or is this some kind of deception?

In 2010, the White House’s National Drug Control Strategy memo included a reminder that the Obama administration “firmly opposes the legalization of marijuana or any other illicit drug.” The 2013 update of that memo reiterated that the administration rejects legalization.

But President Obama himself appears to be “evolving” on this issue.

In an interview with the New Yorker editor David Remnick, published in this week’s issue, the president said he wouldn’t “encourage” pot-smoking and that he thought it was “a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy.” Yet he admitted — as he has in the past — that he smoked as a kid, and said he thought it was less dangerous than alcohol “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer.”

He also mentioned the fact that prohibition disproportionately hurts minorities.

“Middle-class kids don’t get locked up for smoking pot, and poor kids do,” he said. “And African-American kids and Latino kids are more likely to be poor and less likely to have the resources and the support to avoid unduly harsh penalties.” He added that, “we should not be locking up kids or individual users for long stretches of jail time when some of the folks who are writing those laws have probably done the same thing.”

That’s a pretty strong endorsement of decriminalization; but he went even farther, saying the legalization experiments in Colorado and Washington should “go forward because it’s important for society not to have a situation in which a large portion of people have at one time or another broken the law and only a select few get punished.”

In this he’s out of line with the Justice Department, which is taking a “trust but verify” approach to Colorado and Washington — promising not to sue, for now, without in any way endorsing the experiment or acknowledging its importance.

President Obama did express concern that, after marijuana legalization, “you do start getting into some difficult line-drawing issues.”

Still, like when he “evolved” on gay marriage, he seems to have outpaced official government policy. Will the next National Drug Control Strategy memo reflect the change?

Obama Evolves On Marijuana

Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 1/22/2014 2:16:03 AM

The policies are changing. Big investors getting involved now:

Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 1/22/2014 2:45:20 AM

Not saying there is no deception. Bunch of magicians running the USA. So is this a deception or distraction?

Could be that the feds will let things build up for a while, let people invest and network. Once there is an extensive network the feds sue or maybe detain everyone in the network... and locks them up in FEMA camps?

Really, it would be nice to know what those camps are going to be for, but that's way off topic, hahaha.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/22/2014 9:57:00 AM

One thing our black President did was Legalise It. Giving Isis where Isis are due.

What I know won't happen, but should, is the protection of small man / small business Raastafari farmers and cultivators in the carribean. I say this won't happen because Chris Whiteworst is already planning to set up a system where by you pay for the area of land which you wish to use for cultivation. In other words, the big businesses and their wallets will take over full control of the Ganja trade from the Rasta people with no money to buy the right to cultivate on their land which they have been doing so for so long.

That's why many in JA are calling for it not to be legalised. But decriminalised.......

Messenger: Iyah Oats Sent: 1/22/2014 6:20:54 PM

Farmers in Oregon have been voting against legalization for the same reasons. Many families in Oregon rely on that income and with legalization, many families will livelihood will suffer. On the other hand more jobs will be created thus ensuring the livelihood of others...

Messenger: ALMIGHTYSON Sent: 1/27/2014 12:36:45 PM

It's kind of funny because he did legalize it in certain areas, but he went astray in legalizing gay marriage, thus Sodom and Gomorrah again

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 3/31/2014 11:17:52 PM

There are people who are moving their families to Colorado just to treat their sick children with medical marijuana which is banned in their home states.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/1/2014 5:26:22 AM

Did anyone else see the racist newspaper article on "Obama: first black president starts selling weed" with monkey/ape edited pictures of him and Michelle?

Smh. They will never learn....

Still, clearly glad to see this happen. But I feel the diaspora need to follow suit and protect their export before it's too late. I also agree that decriminalisation (not legalisation) is the best step now before there is a good enough plan in place to protect small time farmers and business. I don't want all my ganja options to come from corporate America, imagine.... Woulda stop burn. But to decriminalise means larger companies and pirates are not going to get overly involved as it's not legal, but on the street level people aren't getting locked up and charged for this Nonesense.

Decriminalisation over legalisation for the first step

And Caricom / the diaspora need to stand tall on this matter, don't let it pass!

Jamaican collie a no folly

Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 4/2/2014 5:28:25 PM

The first death from marijuana anounced today.I don't know if I should believe it or not.Since the yute fell from a balcony,they might have made up the marijuana intoxication afterwards, to change the opinions about the herb.

Colorado marijuana death>>>

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 4/2/2014 7:14:32 PM

Lol..... It kinda funny still. But death a serious ting,


That's not a death from ganja.

Nobody (with a righteous heart) has smoked a herb and dead out jus like that.

The herb can't be held accountable for a man to throw himself overboard

The whole way the article was written screams propaganda

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