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Messenger: soulsurvivor Sent: 10/4/2010 9:24:24 AM

What would you do if one of your children turned out to be gay?
The Bible states that it is wrong to lay with another man.
Well one of my sons is gay an has been since about the age of 5.
He is now 23, but despite him being Homosexual he is a good person who works hard as a care worker looking after the old people.
I have prayed to Jah on this matter an asked for His forgiveness.
I am conscerned about it tho as the thought of my son going to hell is something i cant come to terms with.
does anyone have any suggestions?

Messenger: Than I Sent: 10/4/2010 3:53:21 PM

I agree that I man should no lay with another man. But he who wants forgiveness can ask Jah and If him truly want to change his life then Jah forgive him. U can pray for him but he need to ask forgiveness himself also. Talk with him about it and see if you can come to an overstanding. I am 18 years old. I see the younger people of this worldmore and more being homosexual. I cannot reason y these people wanto choose that way of livin. But we can hope to tell them bout Haile Selassie I the almighty and hope they can turn from the way they livin and see the truth.

Jah Almighty give us reasoning!

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 10/4/2010 3:56:43 PM

Here are some examples of things I have said regarding this. After the I reads it, the I can click the links to see more Reasonings from I and others.

I see my life as the same as my father's and mother's life. I don't see my life as beginning when this flesh came out of I mother. I see I life as beginning when Jah created Life.

And I see that all of my ancestors since the beginning of time, have Itinued their life by fighting to survive and having children to Itinue their line.

So to I it is a shame when I hear people choosing not to have children, because of their lifestyle or any other reason. It is a great disrespect to all their foreparents who have Itinued this life for so very long. The only reason that we exist is because all of our foreparents Itinued Life.

Just think of how many centuries have past since I and I life began. So many centuries of struggling to Itinue this life. Then one selfish generation comes and only sees their life as born and dead, and give up what their foreparents fought so hard to keep.

If Jah strikes a man or woman so that they cannot have children, then this is Jah's doing. But if a man or woman chooses this, it is a great sin, and Jah will not turn his eyes away from this.


I don't believe that a man or woman is born gay, I believe it is a choice. I believe that some men are born more masculine and others more feminine, and that some women are born more feminine and others more masculine. But that doesn't mean that they are supposed to be gay, they are just supposed to be the way they are structured along the range of masculine and feminine. And join with another to Itinue their Life. It is the confusion that says that a feminine man or a masculine woman must be gay that convinces people of this, and so they follow what they have been taught.

If people are born gay as many people say, then that means that it is time for that person's line to end, the life of their foreparents was not meant to continue.

But I still see it as a choice that people make. A man is to Love their friend as a Brother, not a wife.

RasTafarI is a movement of Life, not death

batty bwoys


Many people talk about genes that show a person is gay.

If they truly found genes that were linked to batty boys, what it is really linked to is men who are more feminine than other men. Just because a man is feminine doesn't mean they are gay. But when these feminine men grow other people tell them that they are gay and they believe that foolishness. Or others are not told directly but are treated differently and nobody came and told them that it was ok to be a feminine man and it doesn't mean that they are gay.

I just saw an episode of Dr. Phil the other day. He had men on the show who were heterosexual and married, but had many feminine ways and a feminine physical and facial structure. Dr. Phil criticized these men for their feminine ways, but I know that if some batty boys came on Dr. Phil's show, he would never criticize their feminine ways. This is part of the conditioning that guides these people into destruction.

When I was in high school, if a man was more feminine but not gay, people would say that it was just a matter of time and they would eventually fall out. And then there are men who are old and gray and are feminine but are not gay. If only more would see the truth and realize that being feminine may be part of their structure, but being gay is not.

Many people may not believe me, but one day when your scientists learn more about Creation, they will tell people the same thing.

batty bwoys

Messenger: soulsurvivor Sent: 10/5/2010 7:12:45 AM

InI humbly respect what the I is saying, but i still needs to overstand, why my boy when he was very young around 5 years old that he experimented then first with a young girl of his age an then around that time with a boy also around the same age an at a later date he tried again with another boy, it was all innocent experimentation, I am an ex traveller(new age) an lived in Ireland at the time when this was happening,I an my Queen an our 2 sons lived in a converted horsebox in the wilds of Ireland an didnt have a tv or any thing to do with babylon world as much as we could so the only contact my son had was with us an other fellow travellers, we never made an issue of it when we found him under a blanket with said boy or the same when it was with a girl. we just thought it was nothing an we hadnt ever mentioned anything about homosexuality as he was to young to understand but we didnt raise him to be prejudice of anything either an thought it was just a passing phase that he would eventualy grow out of, 17 years or so later he suddenly comes out an anounces that he was gay. He still finds women attractive an for a time i thought he might be Bi-sexual an if the right women came along i'm sure she could turn his head, but tbh i think he's either scared of a relationship with a women through lack of experience as he doesnt hang out with girls or he is genuinley gay. He has a partner who he has been living with for a few years, but it appears to be a rocky relationship (lots of fights an arguments)But whatever our son is we love him all the same no matter what. As i've said InI have prayed for him an asked for Jah Giudance that my son may have a change of heart. As i said he is a care worker an washes an cares for the elderly an even the dead who he has to lay out an prepare. I hope Jah considers this service as good deeds an compensates for his sin? but InI would like to point out that he didnt choose this way through information as he was too young at the time to know about anything of that nature. I guess he could of learnt it from the other person involved but then again they were both the same age altho i dont know what the other person might of learned an passed on an i dont want to judge.

One other point INI would humbly like to make is the descriminatory/judgemental word that has been used towards homosexuals (batty boy) isnt this a form of racism almost like someone using the "N" word ?

Messenger: Fikre Jahnhoi Sent: 10/5/2010 9:10:47 AM

go and bury your dead, yuh dont need fi mek a long post describing the death and funeral details , Rasta nah go to no burial

Messenger: soulsurvivor Sent: 10/5/2010 9:15:39 AM

Seen, Jah Bless

Messenger: Fikre Jahnhoi Sent: 10/5/2010 9:27:28 AM

"But whatever our son is we love him all the same no matter what."

And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

lets see who will enter Zion gates dragging their dead behind dem

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 10/5/2010 12:19:42 PM

It is the responsibility of parents to teach their child about everything they can teach them. At 5 years old, a child is not likely going to do things with another child intentionally for sexual reasons, but in their experimentation and play they may do sexual things, and I would think that a parent should teach their child what kind of behaviour is appropriate and teach them not to do sexual things with another child, whether it is with a boy or girl. If there is a choice, boy children tend to play more with other boy children and girl children with other girls. And if part of the allowed play is sexual in nature, then the child will do whatever they are not discouraged to do. So just because your child played with another child in a sexual manner, and happened to play in that manner with a boy twice and a girl once, doesn't mean he was gay at 5 years old.

I have been asked on several occasions, "what happens if one of your sons turn out to be gay" I tell them that it is impossible, because I am a Living Man and will Teach I children to be a Living Man or Living Woman (if I ever have a girl). And while Teaching I children is essential, it is not only because I will Teach them that they will grow up to be a Living One, it is also because I am a Living One and they are my Seed.

People often underestimate the intelligence of their children at a very young age, and so they don't teach them as many things as they are able to Learn. Here is a Reasoning I made before.

Intelligent Children

In regards to this comment,
One other point INI would humbly like to make is the descriminatory/judgemental word that has been used towards homosexuals (batty boy) isnt this a form of racism almost like someone using the "N" word ?

It vexes I when I see people make these kind of comparisons. It is utter disrespect to the African Race, comparing their race to sexual perversion and sin. People who are against another because of their race, have no just cause to be against them, but people who are against another because of their sin, do have a just cause. I am not talking about violence, I don't condone or encourage any violence towards batty boys, there is no reason to hurt them, as long as they don't harm you, they will face their own consequences for their sin. The scriptures say, if a man lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, they shall surely die, their blood shall be upon them, they have already killed theirself by their choice, their eventual and permanent death will be their reward for their sin.

The word batty boy is in no way racist, because it has nothing to do with race, it is merely a descriptive word, meaning boys that prefer batty.

Messenger: soulsurvivor Sent: 10/5/2010 6:17:10 PMHidden - Wickedness
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Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 10/5/2010 7:19:46 PM

Fire burn Sodom and Gommorah

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