Greetings to JAHpeople,
InI would like to wish you all a very delighted and uplifting celebration of the 112th anniversary of InI Glorious and Majestic King,Emperor of Ithiopia,His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Jah RasTafari!!!!!!!
Come we go chant them down,with drums,harps,all kinda musi=cal instruments,let His name be exalted above all others.For in this iwa,and from the beginnung,it is JAH alone,that is worthy to be praised....So let us all mek a joyfull noise unto HIM..JAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Lets forget all the wickedness of todays world today,and be lifted up through the Powers and Inspiration that abides roundabout the Court of JAH SELASSIE I LIVES
dwell in Love,Peace,and Inity RasTafari guides