I and I should do what Jah calls on I and I to do. So when Jah calls on I and I to speak, then speak. When Jah calls for silence, then silence. This way, I and I will always be speaking at the right time, right place, and to the right person.
I have learned some of what I know through the Bible, some through Selassie I speeches, some through I thoughts and Jah inspiration, and some through other RasTafarI who reason with I. Just as other RasTafarI reasoned with I, I also reason with others, in due time and season.
The message has been out for a long time, since the beginning of time. Christ came to remind the people of truth a few centuries ago, and Selassie I came in these times to remind them again. It is nothing new, just as people's resistance to Jah truth is nothing new. Some will resist and some will hear.
I and I need to open our eyes to see who will or won't hear. Sometimes, no matter how many times you show truth to someone, they will not hear the truth, but will continue in foolishness. If we don't recognize these people and move on, then we will be wasting time casting pearls to swine, when the time could have been used to give Jah word to someone who will learn, or building up our own heights to rise closer to Jah. It is not just an issue with the person who can't hear not rising, but it also holds I and I down when we spend too much time reasoning with those who can't hear.
When I and I reason with those that are moving towards Jah truth, the reasoning builds up both people. But when the other is not moving towards Jah, it is like a dead weight slowing our own rise, because I and I aren't stimulated by the reasoning. So if there is not a person surrounding you that is moving towards Jah, it is sometimes better to focus on rising your own self towards Jah. And when the season comes, Jah will send Ones and Ones to the I to learn what you have learned, and also teach what they have learned.
Ark I
Haile Selassie I