Msg from Mama Farika Birhan (circa 1983 or earlier)
Who is Rastawoman?
Who is a Rastafari Woman? What is she all about? Is there such a
person as the Rastafari Woman? If she does live, where is she? How is
it that so little is know about her. Is it because she has no
counterpart in Rastafari Culture? Is the Rastafari Woman therefore
nothing but a second-hand, version of the Rastafari?
These are some of the questions people are asking today about who has
heard about the Rastafari woman. So let s take a brief look at what
the Rastafari Woman is all about. I m relying on what I have found out
through the hard knocks of experience, what I ve seen through
inspiration and what I ve observed as a Rastafri Journalist,
documenting the state of the Movement from its rising until this
present time.
Rastafari know Babylon to be a Queendom whose harlot queens are
manipulated by homosexual males. This being the case, Babylon has a
vested interest in having no queen with integrity, such as the
Rastafari Woman, reign but instead put up its harlot queens to rule
the world and draw the innocent into wickedness. The centre of this
pollution by harlot queen, is the movie industry and television.
It should be no surprise then, to learn that the Rastafari woman, as
Queen Omega, the rightful Queen Mother of Iration, is a threat to
Babylon. Every Rastafari is the son of King Alpha, Father of Iration
and rules with her Mother, as the daughter is a continuation of the
Mother. So a Rastafari Woman s highest title is Queen Omega. Babylon
has used every trick, to hide Queen Omeaga from the world. The most
crucial trick is to keep the Rastafari Woman, from ascending to her
spiritual heights as Queen Omega and African Queen, Mother Earth,
Mother Nature Herself! This was accomplished by stealing away the
majority of woman who entered into the Rastafari Way of life during
its early days, back into Babylon through the jailing of many
Rastafari and leaving the woman unprotected, the Starting of a
whispering campaign leading to the scorn of the Rastafari woman by her
family and society and the denial of the Rastafari of a land base and
Woman and youths being stability to a Movement. The overlords,
encouraged the Rastafari Movement to be nomadic,
in order to discourage women from entering it and stablizing it. The
destabilization thrust in Babylon promoted the Rastafari without
family ties as the essence of the Rastaman - the Romantic mystic
Seer/priest walking the streets bringing the judgement and fire upon
the peoples of the earth the Rastafari Queen Mother symbolized by the
moon grew dim in the uproar of attention directed at the lion.
Empress Menen wife of Haile Selassie I, is Queen Omega within this
dispensation. Makede Queen of Sheba ( who established the Solomonic
line through the son Menelik, the fruit of her union with Solomon) is
Queen Omega within her dispensation as was Mary, the Mother of Iesus.
Empress Mene s name is taken as a sign that she will bring an end to
men (unrighteous, wicked males).
The Role of Queen Omega, the Rastafari Woman, has outlined by Leonard
P. Howell in his book The promised Key ( written under the name
Gangunguru Maragh). Howell sated "Queen Omega, the Ethiopian woman, is
the crown woman of this world. She hands us the role book from the
poles of Supreme Authority. She is the Canon Mistress of Creation..."
Howell also records that after the Duke of Gloucester handed the key
of England Kings and Lord of Lords, Emperor Haile Selassie I, accept
of solid gold which had been stolen from Ethiopia by England a
thousand years ago, he handed to Queen Omega, "Empress Menen, the
Empress of Ethiopia, a sceptre of gold and Ivory, the shaft being in
the form of a spray of lilies. Howell also records King Alpha asking
Queen Omega to hand Him the Militant Balance sheet and the pay roll.
The lack of focus on Queen Omega is partly due to the fact that her
representative on earth, Empress Menen, disappeared from earth life
early in the rise of the movement. There was never a clearly iniversal
iclaration upon the disappearance of the Emperor s Queen withdrew His
presence from the eyes of sinful men. Modern writers, found it more
lucrative to build up the exotic male image to titillate harlot women
into unbridled expectations of dreadlocks sexuality ( as they see no
use for the possession of maleness except to indulge in excessive
sexuality and ignored the meaning of the presence of the Empress to
the movement within its early days.
Empress Menen s effect on the Rastafari during her earthly reign was
profound. Rastafari addressed the woman in the congregation as Queen.
The Rastafari Woman had a female model to model herself after and
followed Empress Mene s movement with close scrutiny. The Rastafari
saw in every Rastafari Woman, Empress Menen and respect was high. One
must realize that on the same day that Haile Selassie was crowned
Emperor of Ithiopia, Empress Menen, his Queen, was crowned Empress of
Ithiopia and iceived also the homage paid from the 72 nations of the
world. And just as HIM coronation symbolized the Blackman coming into
his King and his Kingdom, HER coronation symbolized the Black woman
coming into her Queenship. The Psychological effect upon the Black
woman to have an African woman reigning as Empress in regal splendour
and being paid homage has never been stressed by so called writers on
Rastafari culture. It must never be over looked by those of us
searching for the woman in the Rastafari culture.