Greetings in the name of
Haile I Selassie I. Bredren and sistren, kings and queens, Blacka
Culture here without fear in no heathen, downpressors and world
leaders. JAH blessing reigneth in I with strength and power and glory
within the fullness with the honour of I way of life and JAH Rastafari
everyday live. I hailing up all bredren and sistren with words, sound and
power and true inspiration. All bredren and sistren who receive the words
from JAH what come through I must overstand that Blacka Culture only
writes through inspiration for a presentation for each and everyone to be
strong. The words of I inspiration will encourage everyone to find the
quality and the purpose within themself and know that everything comes
from deep within, all science and all technology. Right now is a serious
time, now is the time of work to fulfill the livity and the prophesy of JAH
Rastafari. I know vatican make it so difficult for some of us to survive and
find sufficient time to do JAH work. But one advice I have to give what
can solve that solution, anywhere bredren and sistren are, whether night
or day, whether work or home, always remember to shout out JAH name
and give praises for every moment of InI time. For some people who don't
know JAH at the workplace, they will frightened and look strange, get
nervous when InI shout out JAH name. Bredren and sistren, pagans
cannot take JAH Rastafari name. JAH Rastafai name is divine, highly
spiritual. The name of JAH alone slews the downpressors and tears
down the walls of vatican. I say many words through inspiration and I give
thanks for all the bredren and sistren who give I a positve reply for all the
words, sound and power and I give thanks for the bredren and sistren
who still don't reply, I give thanks for everyone without no partiality. Is
not everyonee gonna see themself at the same time because nuff bredren
and sistren in vatican still lack of energy and strength and the full force of
JAH because they don't spend as much time praising JAH because of
focusing on other else things. But always know this..that the Almighty
is the first in everything I doing and there is nothing done right and bless
without the Almighty JAH Rastafari in it for sure. I Blacka Culture
have some upcoming inspiration to reveal unlimited prophesy in this
universe. The weak who love JAH will get strong and the blind who love
JAH will can see and the dumb who love JAH will can talk and the deaf
who love JAH will can hear and the cripple who love JAH will get up and
walk whilst they doing JAH will, everything will turn around for them and
the blessing of JAH will bring forth all energy and all life to perfection and
to the highest region. Many people out there in the world today are
controlled by the system and them believe that they are so lost that they
can't return to find them inconscious mind. But everyone should know
that is a very long time downpressment is on this land by all the world
leaders. InI as Rasta children know that the queen elizabitch is wearing
a false crown and call themself royalty. They are the head of corruption
practicing father and daughter and mother and son to lie down in bed and
have sex because thats all they do because they don't know what is love
and love is not in the vatican book, is just spirit tek. Right now the queen
elizabitch and all her followers getting confused but this is just a little
smoke off of the fire. The one queen victoria receive alot of riches from
His Majesty for all of I black nation who go through stagnantation though
the system and the riches pass on to queen elizabitch and InI
Nyahbinghi face the vatican to release that money and it all reach in the
court and approve and that money still don't given to the bredren and
sistren in the west up until today. What I overstand, some of the bredren
and sistren who was on the frontline communicating with the system,
meanwhile I and bredren and sistren on the foundation pushing the fire,
those bredren on the frontline and sistren bring a failure to Rastafari
Nyahbinghi House seed. Them stiffle the seeds by working underneath
the table and taking influence from the system and bring bad command
to the youths. Many of those bredren get up eveyday and night and
preach the same thing, they only preach what I Blacka Culture or other
else bredren and sistren manifset but they don't have a speech of them
own, everything is just carbon copy or adoption. That's why I know that
the race is not for the swift but is I JAH Rastafari children who gonna
endure it for-iver more. These bredren don't believe that they can bring
stagnantation in JAH Rastafari House. I Blacka Culture know that all
these bredren know themself and early on, early days to come I will
publish their names for all bredren and sistren to see and read for
theyself and know some of the wolves in sheep clothing and I know that
they themself will also see them dirty works revealing right before them
eyes but they cannot touch I JAH Rastafari annointed Haile Selassie I
is I life and InI protection every moment of InI time. I have an upcoming
post on the world federation organization. There is special ones in that
organization I have on audio who collect up thousands of dollars in
america off of fundraising and contributions in the name of JAH
Rastafari. The contributions made to help out the clinics and the
tabernacle on Shashamane and that money was not spent for that
purpose and I and one bredrenn Mutabaruka interview the bredren on Irie
fm. The bredren was talking on a telephone from in america, I was in
Jam down at the time. Right now Rastafari House don't want no
weakness in it or wonger belly or crab, neither grabbalicious. JAH
Rastafari House need the full I-nity through all bredren and sistren what
only can come through honesty and truth and the purification of JAH
Rastafari. These inspiration I send to all bredren and sistren, they will be
updated by I with more addition inspiration and will be a book for the
babes in suckling to read and know how to avoid weakness and wolves
in sheep clothing. I see the 12 tribe come and also failing out because
of weakness and honesty they don't reserve. Any organization who take
up weakness on themself just because of lust and greed and don't be
honest must get a beating and I see it before I eyes right at this
moment. When can all these things stop? Many bredren and sistren
know the truth and holding back but I don't hold back the truth because
the truth floats on the water top like a oil. This is one example make
Nyahbinghi Order don't believe in organization nor leaders. Nyahbinghi
respect and love all elders but Nyahbinghi don't see elders as leaders. If
bredren and sistren to notice the news whether CNN or BBC or
whatsoever, all the guys them who giving the orders as downpressors,
they all look like the devil and them is the devil, they look like they
wearing 50 tons of skin hang down underneath them neck and them face
look all shriveled up and them feedin on baby blood to survive and
maintain them dirty work. Many of them organs fail them and after they
organs fail them, them pay them doctor to select a organs from a healthy
strong person who is young and have a long future before them. Many of
these leaders only can live out oof their frige, cannot live natural and divine
because all them life is artificial. If electricity was to leave earth for 2
weeks, 99% of the rich would die without anyone touch them with a stone
nor a gravel because all them protection and survivment is artificial. So
have no fear in the vagabonds, all these downpressors who feeding under
the illuminati table and pick up every crumb that drops. Don't give
them a chance to come and vomit them nastiness before InI eyes, shout
away all stumbling blocks and infidels because them can't take the
words, sound and power of nature revealing. Give thanks and praise
again for this strong I-nitation and the full inspiration what flowing through
Blacka Culture. I hope all bredren and sistren overstand all these words,
sound and power. Anyone want to make a comment, they can reply to I
at the group where this inspiration sent to or by this email address
goldenuprising@r.... JAH Rastafari present this universal site for
all of His children to come and find that oneness within to build the
fullness and uplift the I-nitation to higher tranquility. JAH bless and liveth
and reigneth for I-ver more. Selah. Bredren and sistren can print this
inspiration and passit on to bredren and sistren who don't have a computer and
allow JAH blessing to go on and on. Selah