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12 tribes of israel HQ New york
1 - 3
Time Zone:EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: RaS DJ
6/1/2004 3:22:54 PM
greetings in the name of HIM Selassie I. InI would like to kno if anyone can help me in finding the adrress for the 12 tribes HQ. in new york city. InI would like to make myself an official member in the organization but InI need the adrress and dont kno any 12 tribes members. Thank You for your help.
Messenger: Ark I
6/1/2004 4:00:53 PM
I am not sure, but if the I goes to the links page. Go to the Inity drop down box at the top right, and click "RasTafarI Links", or click the link below: