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Buddha was a african man

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bobo Lion Sent: 6/28/2008 12:17:39 AM

Buddha of India was Black. That is why his woolly hair is always shown in corn rows, or in a pepper corn style with small tight curls. Original statues of Buddha clearly show him to be Africoid, with the wide nose, thick lips and frizzy, nappy, hair which are distinctive Negro characteristics. In most ancient temples throughout Asia where he is still worshipped, he is shown as jet Black. In fact, in most of the ancient temples of Asia and India, statues of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features with woolly hair in the pepper corn style, while some even have dreadlocks. These pictures of Buddha portray him in no uncertain terms as a Negro with kinky, coiled hair, a flat nose and full lips.

Thailand Buddha from the 7th century Buddha from India Buddha from ChinaBuddha from Vietnam
Buddha - Thailand Buddha – India Buddha - China Buddha - Vietnam

Javanese Buddha Buddha from Japan Buddha in Japanese temple
Buddha- Javanese Buddha- Japan Buddha in ancient Japanese temple

Buddha from Thailand Buddha from Siam Massai from Kenya
Buddha- Thailand Buddha- Siam Massai man from Kenya

Note the ears of this modern Massai man from Kenya and compare to the Buddhas.

The Greek BuddhaThere are absolutely no historical records that portray Buddha as Aryan or White, and the only time in history that he changes colour is through a statue like this one that was displayed in Greece.

The first people who conceptualized and worshipped the divine image of the Negroid mould of humanity were the Negroes, and they actually started the practice of Buddhism, the world's first missionary religion.

BuddhaBuddha was an Enlightened Master from the Sakya clan of the Naga Race, and was the first man on earth to preach the great principles of equality, liberty and fraternity. He caused the Nagas to become conscious of their own mind power as opposed to the mantra power.

Buddhism, whose doctrines include the Golden Rule, was established 500 years before Christianity in the area now called the Middle East (Africa). Buddha is not a name but a title meaning Enlightened One, Blessed One, or to Become awake. Over the centuries, there have been several recorded Buddhas like Gautama, Sakayanumi, and Siddhartha. Black Buddhist missionaries introduced Buddhism to China, Japan and other countries.

It is clear therefore that Buddhism did not start in Japan nor China, yet it is professed and practiced by millions of devotees throughout Asia. Under the Black King Ashoka, the religion of this Negro God was spread throughout Europe, even into the remotest parts of Britain. Buddhism actually started on the India Continent where the first inhabitants were Black people who had migrated from Ethiopia some 50,000 years earlier, establishing what is known as the Indus Valley Civilization.

There were two types of Blacks from Africa who created the first civilization of mankind. One was the Nubian, who had broad features and Woolly, Nappy hair, while the other had the aquiline nose with straight hair,(Dravidian) but both were early descendents straight out of Black Africa.

Southern Indian man Southern Indian Southern Indian girl
Modern Black people of Southern India

This Negrito or Ethiopian Black initiated the first migration out of Africa. The next migration was by the Australian Aboriginal. Intermixing between the two groups produced the people of the Indus Valley, then the Paleo Mongoloid race or the Mediterranean Black Mongoloid also came and intermixed, and together, these types made up what is known as India (which means Black).

BuddhaDuring the time of the Buddha 2,500 years ago (500 B.C.), Black-African people were in the seat of world power, but about 500 years ago the Aryans invaded Northern India causing the native inhabitants to seek sanctuary in the southern areas of India. Battles for supremacy in the Indus Valley between these savage white barbarians and the indigenous Blacks for control of the Black lands lasted for over 1,000 years, and were recorded in The Rig Veda in the form of hymns, which were actually prayers to white Gods to defeat the Blacks.

Being unable to defeat the Black Nagas outright because of their advanced military tactics, these nomadic Ayans resorted to corrupting and distorting the Ancient Texts written by the Blacks to create this racist colour caste as a last resort to dominate the Blacks. This corrupted version of the Black's religion (varna system), ensured their superiority while suppressing the Blacks, in much the same way that their European cousins did later through Christianity and Judaism.

These nomadic, uncivilized, barbaric tribes of whites who invaded India were in fact civilized by the Blacks, but like their Greek relatives, these whites overthrew the Blacks and destroyed their magnificent civilization.

Black women of India
Orissa women from northeast India. Note the similarity in jewellery worn compared to the African women below.

West African woman wearing jewellery Ndebele woman

Woodabi woman from West Africa Ndabele woman from South Africa

After defeating the Black people, the Aryans (whites) instituted the worst kind of inhumanity in human history against this group of people, in the form of a caste system where Black people were treated worst than animals.

This anti-Black caste system was originally called Brahmanism but is better known as Hinduism, the greatest curse to the Blacks (Sutras) of India. This Aryan, Hindu religion, which is a form of sanctified racism and the source of their devious, oppressive religious ideology, was designed to control and enslave the mind, body and soul of the indigenous Black people of India who had respect for all human beings, and even assured equal status to women.

Although a type of caste system was already in place before the whites arrived, the Brahmin intensified and exploited it, putting themselves at the top of the Hindu caste system, while the heavily exploited, degraded, humiliated, slave-like, impoverished so called “Untouchables” who carry the weight of the entire population on their shoulders, are on the bottom rung of this social ladder. These Blacks are the worse victims of Hindu society.

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 6/28/2008 11:17:00 AM

Interesting, I think I've read this before, Bobo Lion, where did the I find this on the net? if possible, please provide the link.


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 6/28/2008 5:47:04 PM

check out superman too

Messenger: Gizzmo Sent: 6/29/2008 4:42:50 AM

I have 2 problems,first it is disrespect to talk about Siddhartas race and image since he himself forbid such talk to his disciples and taught how race and image are nothing more than illusions to overcome.
2.The Aryans were not white in any way.They came from Asia,had dark thick hair,and were most likely only a few shades lighter than the Indians and most people they ended up ruling over.(something Hitler and most Arians over look).Even though,I would not call them barbaric sinc they had a system of heirarchy,government,and philosophy.The Aryans could not have influenced the Hindu religion all that much since they did not believe in any such thing as god or gods or after life.As far as the cast system,name me one people that conquor another and do not put themselves ontop.
Also,most of the dates are way off.
And the Middle east is not Africa,its the Middle east.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 6/29/2008 9:35:12 AM

What middle east?
So where is the middle west, middle west,middle north,middle south??

Remove the Suez canal,and what do you have

"The whole world is Africa, the hills and valleys and plains,say i want you to know they are from ancient days"
Long time since i play Black Uhuru

Messenger: Bro Dominiq Yehyah Anbesa Sent: 7/1/2008 7:34:18 AM

Blessed Love in JAH Mighty Name

The Ancient Indian (asian) historical roots are also in my field of interest. I would like to bring a few points from my knowledge to this reasoning.

The Indus Valley Civilization IVC is the oldest known civilization in the Indian part of the world. Although it's main concentration was around the Indus in today's Pakistan. The original inhabitants of this part are linked to the Aboriginal People of Australia (due to "racial similarities") and to their migration Out of Africa through south-east Asia. But it is believed that Humans have existed in India before Aborigines in Australia, although the discussed times stand in relation to each other.

This art shows an IVC woman from about 2300 bc.

It is said that the IVC existed from about 3000 bc to 1500 bc. At about 1500 there started the socalled Vedic Period which is described as "Indo-Aryan" and gave rise to what is called Hinduism. Somewhere between 1800 and 1500 the Aryan invasion must have taken place. Nowadays sources say that due to not well-known factors the IVC in this time was weakened and thus making the Aryans able to conquer them.

As I mentioned, it is said the Hinduism and Vedic scriptures is Indo Aryan. About the indiginous religious and philosophical believes of the IVC is not known much. But scientists have found IVC art which clearly shows the presence of Yoga which is thus believed to be the real source of later asian philosphies like Hinduism. Although Hinduism and vedic scriptures are called Indo Aryan, the presence of Yoga which is its foundation shows that the Indo Aryan religions were just a remix of what the found still in existence from the IVC.
Thus the articles claim that the IVC cultured the Aryans, like the KMT cultured the Greeks, has definately a well established foundation.

But as already one of the I them remarked, the dates given in the article are confusing. Because the The Aryan invasion and thus the beginning of the Vedic Period with it's Hinduism and the very central element of the caste system which is a forerunner of Apartheid, is dated at about 1500 bc. This means more than 1000 yrs before the coming of the Buddha at about 500 bc.

That brings me to some questions which got me confused.
In Buddha's time there had already been 1000 yrs of Aryan domination. This means the caste system, which placed the African descents on the very bottom, was in full effect. Especially in the north while Africans in the south were able to remain some freedom, as the article claims. But Buddha was from the Sakya in the north near Nepal. And history says he was from a royal, wealthy and powerful family, a position impossible for African descendants in the caste system of Hinduism.

So maybe I am overlooking something due to lack of knowledge. Maybe Buddha was from a seperate Kingdom not under Aryan Domination but still in the Indian cultural sphere?

Of course the statues and pictures of the Black Buddha stand es evidence, and the African Descendants still visible today make it very likely. My Question is just a theoretical one concerning the possibility due to the caste system.

Another question in that context is this: The Sadhus range from very light skinned to completely African looking. And really, when you search photos of Sadhus on the Internet most of them will show you pure africans, except for the straight hair, very much like Aborigines. But we hear that the dark lower caste people were seen and treated with so much hate and disrespect, as we also read in this article. But how can then be so many (it seems even the majority) of the holiest of men in India the Sadhu be of clearly African descent?

Maybe a bottomline should be that I really do not like race-discussions as they often turn diss-cusions where objectivity is no longer welcomed. But I like historical truth, like I stand for the truth of the Black Christ.

Qedamawi Haile Selassie Yimmesgan

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 7/16/2012 9:08:52 PM

Many Peoples, many Songs

Before one can aspire to any understanding of the creative impulses of the inhabitants of the India-Pakistan-Bangladesh subcontinent, it is a well to know something about its vast conglomerate of peoples. India, for example, has 845 languages and dialects. This alone will convey some idea of the diversity to be apprehended. How did this diversity come about? Mention has already been made of the Indus Valley civilization during the pre-Vedic era (6000-2500 B.C.). Flourishing at the same time were the Sumerian civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates basin and the Egyptian civilization in the Nile basin. These three cultures formed what is known as the Fertile Crescent. We know that they traded with each other and that jade from Central Asia was sent from Kashgar down to Mohenjo Daro, and thence across Persia to Ur in Sumer and Memphis in Egypt. The Aryans entered the subcontinent around 2000 B.C. probably through the Malakand and Khyber Passes. They came in successive waves and by 800 B.C. had established themselves as far east as the river Brahmaputra. They brought with hem the Vedic age. This means that the great religious literature of India that started with the Rig-Veda and the predominant religion of India, Hinduism, are both foreign in origin. Hindu extremists in India today would do well to consider the fact. With the Aryans came the institution of caste. The Aryans themselves, who were the rulers and fair-skinned, became the higher castes. The indigenous inhabitants, who were dark, either became the lower castes or isolated themselves in hilly areas and forests. It is interesting that the Sanskrit word varna means both caste and colour. The Aryan expansion into south India was checked by the mountain ranges and dense forests which extended across central India. However, Aryan sages and missionaries spread into the whole of Dravida, south India, and converted the inhabitants to the Aryan way of life. These sages and missionaries, with their families, formed the nucleus of the south Indian Brahmin castes. Knowing that they were surrounded by a sea of dark, hostile Dravidians, these south Indian Brahmins have always preserved their identity more fanatically than their Brahman brothers I the north. Their situation, in fact, was analogous to that of the whites in southern Africa today. To this day the Madras Brahmins pride themselves on their exclusiveness and the fairness of their skin. The Aryan Brahmins monopolized all learning and developed a facility for coexisting with the lower castes on the basis of their own superiority. They were an elitist class who were in a position to manipulate the power of state and religion in order to maintain Brahminic ascendency. They provided the philosophers, the chief ministers, the diplomats, the high priests and, sometimes, even the generals. The breakaway or reformist movements, therefore, were mainly inspired and led by non-Brahmins. The Buddha who founded Buddhism, Mahavira who founded Jainism and Guru Nanak who founded Sikhism were all born Kshatriyas. Mahatma Gandhi was born a Vaishya. The Brahmin gods were mostly fair-skinned but one of the notable exceptions was Krishna, the Dark One, who represented a major concession by the Aryan Brahmins to their dark-skinned compatriots. He was always depicted as a charming young man with a flute, whose ethereal music melted the heart of every maiden. Krishna is a popular god in India, for, in sociological terms, he has become a bridge between the Aryan and the Dravidian cultures. In the 6th century B.C. Persia established a powerful empire and Darius annexed Sind and the western Punjab. These areas remained a part of the Persian Empire up to the time that it was overthrown by Alexander in 330 B.C. The rest of the subcontinent was divided up into kingdoms, principalities and republics. The chief kingdoms in the north were Magadha, Anga, Kosala, Vatsa and Avanti; in the Deccan plateau were Andhra and Kalinga; and in the south there were the Chola, the Pandya and the Kerala kingdoms. After Alexander’s death his kingdom was parceled out among his general. It was at this time that the Mauryan Empire took back the Indian territories from the Greeks and pushed its frontier to the Hindu Kush. The Mauryans controlled a large part of subcontinent from their capital in Taxila, now in Pakistan. Nevertheless, the Chola, the Pandya and the Kerala kingdoms in the south were independent of them and the Andhra kingdom in the Deccan was probably an independent state within the empire. The kingdom of Kerala, on the south-west coast of India had, all this time, been trading with the Phoenicians and the Greeks by sea. From the time of Augustus the Romans also started trading with Kerala via Alexandria and the Red Sea. During the reign of Claudius the monsoon winds were harnessed to aid navigation and this helped the development of the international trade. The Romans came to Kerala for spices, hardwood, gold, peacocks, apes and ivory. After the second sack of Jerusalem many Jews sought refuge here and a colony settled in Cochin. There is also, in Kerala, a large community of Christians who take pride in the ancient origin of their Church and claim that it was founded by St. Thomas. With the fall of the Mauryan empire in about 180 B.C. northern India was conquered by four different peoples and each of them settled there. The Greeks from Bactria, known to Indians as the Yavanas, held sway for about fifty years; the Pallavas and Sakas from central Asia ruled for about two hundred years; and the Yue-chi under Kanishka established the Kushan empire that lasted for over a hundred and fifty years. The racial and linguistic mixture was becoming very complex but this was not, by any means, the end. The Gupta dynasty now established an empire that covered a large part of north India. From 300-500 A.D., there was a period of comparative peace and the arts flourished; the Vayu-purana was compiled during this time. The Deccan and south Indian had once more regrouped into different states. The Tamil language of south India had reached full maturity by now for in the second century Ilango Adigal had written Silappadikaram, the “Epic of the Anklet”, which is a classic of that language. The Hindu colonization of Java, Sumatra, Cambodia, and Malaya had started in the first century and this continued for a long time. The colonists were chiefly from the east coast of India and from what is now Bengal and Bangladesh. The Huns from central Asia were now threatening the whole of the civilized world. Under Attila they crossed the Rhine and were soon extracting tribute from the Roman Empire. Another horde, the White Huns, over-ran Persia and entered India. They destroyed the Gupta empire and established themselves under their rulers Toramana and Mihiragula. At the beginning of the seventh century Harsha, who had led the Indian princes in their confrontation with the Huns, united most of north India. Harsha’s plans, however, to bring the whole of the country under one rule were frustrated by the powerful Chalukyas of the Deccan, who stopped him at the Vindhya mountains. In the south the Pallavas were the paramount power and there was constant warfare between them and their neighbours, the Chalukyas. After the collapse of Harsha’s empire the map of India was very confused indeed. In the Punjab was the kingdom of Jayapala; the centre was the Prathihara empire comprising a number of Rajput clans (descendants of the Gurjaras who had invaded India after the Huns); in the east were the Palas; in the Deccan the Chalukyas were being challenged by the Rashtrakutas; to the east of the Deccan there was the Kalinga kingdom; and in the south the Pallavas had collapsed and the Cholas were back in power. While India was undergoing these long periods of disunity and political rivalry a new force had arisen in the deserts of Arabia. Islam was a strong monotheistic religion as well as a social and political philosophy. Within a short time the petty warring Arab tribes had been welded into a powerful nation. Being a daughter religion of Judaism and Christianity, Islam sanctioned the use of military force for the attainment of religious and political ends. At Qadesiyeh in 636 A.D. the Arabs destroyed the Persian Empire and a century later they entered India. They crossed the Indus and settled in Sind as their advance further eastwards was checked by the Rajputs in the Thar desert. This was not, however, India’s first contact with Islam. Arab traders had already started trade with the Malabar coast of Kerala and a number of Arabs had settled there. There was, nevertheless, one vital difference; whereas in north India the Arabs were rulers, in Kerala they were traders. It is interesting to see that or two hundred years – from the 8th to the 10th centuries – the Muslims made nor further territorial gains in India. In fact, during this time, the Indian states had the most cordial relations with the Abbassid Empire which was ruled from Baghdad. In music the cultural exchange is exemplified by the names of two ragas, Yemani and Kafi, which clearly indicate Arabic origins. In mathematics, the Arabs took their numerals from India (the Arabic word for numerals is ‘Hindsa’, meaning ‘from India’). Of course, when Europe adopted ‘Arabic’ numerals it was not realized that these were ‘Indian’ numerals. After the Turks had dominated the Abbassid empire they commenced the invasion of India. It was they who started a permanent Muslim settlement in India during the eleventh century. These Muslims were of differing racial stock – Arabs, Turks, Persians, Afghans, and Mongols. All brought with them their own contributions to the multi-coloured fabric of Indian society. Even though they were of the same religion, their cultural and political interests were often at variance. This is seen from the history of over four hundred years of Muslim power in the subcontinent prior to the Mughal invasion. Indeed the Mughals, who were Muslims of Mongol origin although of Persian culture, wrested the Indian empire from their co-religionists rather than from the Hindus. The Mughals brought most of the subcontinent under one central authority and the greatest of them, Akbar, who was a contemporary of Elizabeth I, made a genuine attempt to bring about a synthesis of Hindu and Muslim religions. Never were religions more different than Hinduism and Islam. Hinduism had evolved over the ages, Islam was a revealed religion; Hinduism was polytheistic, Islam was emphatically monotheistic; Hinduism had engendered an elaborate system of castes and sub-castes, Islam preached that all men were brothers; Hinduism saw many paths to God, Islam only one; Hinduism encouraged the making of idols, Islam was iconoclastic; Hinduism was non-prosleytizing, Islam was the opposite; Hindus venerated the cow, the Muslims it. The list can go on for pages. For over a millennium, in spite of the many invasions, Hindu society had not been challenged in this way. Islam too had never before encountered such a bewildering number of problems. Both religions had now to adjust to an entirely new situation. This adjustment found expression in many ways. The Bhagti movement, for instance, stressed the brotherhood of man irrespective of religion or social background. It combined the most attractive features of both Hinduism and Islam and produced saints like Kabir (1440-1518) who, though born a Muslim, renounced formal Islam and became the generative source of great poetry and music. Bhagti encouraged mysticism as did Sufism, which was a pantheistic type of Islam, and both relied heavily on the use of music. It was the tremendous influence of Sufi thought throughout the Islamic world that directly influenced the later Muslim monarchs in India to encourage and even foster the Hindu arts. Nevertheless, it would be an exaggeration to assume that there was a complete Hindu-Muslim integration in India. Integration is a fashionable concept today but not necessarily a wholly desirable objective. The subcontinent is the richer and the more fascinating for the many kinds of people that inhabit it. The wider the variety of birds in a garden the more varied the song.

From The Music of India by Reginald & Jamila Massey foreword by Ravi Shankar p-34-39)

The Buddha

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Haile Selassie I