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Why death?

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Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 6/1/2004 7:17:27 AM

"what about a last will ?" (Bredda Alex)

to rasta the material things are not important. so there's no reason to make a will.

but whome do you want to bury you ? do you want to be buried by a catholic priest ? I don't think so.

Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 6/1/2004 8:56:53 AM

Greetings I

Like Yeshuah taught, let the dead bury the dead!
You have to be buried, because from dust man was created to dust he will go, the scripture say.
But that should not be such dead-rituals like the heathen do... so let those who do not live in JAH, who are spiritual dead, bury the physical dead!


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/1/2004 9:52:07 AM


When I look at Selassie I, I don't look at Him as reincarnation, He is more than that. Because when people speak of reincarnation, it is usually refered to in a way that man's spirit must reincarnate back to the earth until they have reached enlightenment so they can leave their earthly form and live as spirit.

But Jah is already perfect, and Jah brought forth Jah spirit as Christ in times before, and Jah brought forth Jah spirit in these times as Selassie I.

To I, this is not quite the same as reincarnation. But this is just I view.

About the will, RasTafarI people don't put their heart in material things, but I and I know that material things help make I and I more comfortable, and can keep us warm in the winter, and make certain tasks easier to perform. And I personally would rather that I children receive the tools, furniture, house and other material things that I own, then for the government to receive it. So when I have children, I would make a will.

I would not choose a catholic priest to bury I body when it is done, but I don't really care. When I leave this flesh, this flesh is no longer my concern, it will return to dust from where it came. It could be buried in a forest with no box, tombstone or any such things, it is not important to I.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: JosephI Sent: 6/2/2004 8:00:48 PM

YES I Breda Alex, seen seen!
This is somethin InI been reasoning with my Queenwoman pon lately. When my flesh leaves this earth, InI want my flesh creamated and ashes scattered about in Ethiopia and the ocean. This is the only reason InI consider a will. If it was up to my family, InI flesh probably would not be creamated, there would be a catholic service and InI flesh (body) would most probably have to be buried.
So fe materialSHISTEC reasons, no point for InI will. But for the most practical and most important reason.
Jah Blessings
Joseph I

Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 6/3/2004 2:01:08 PM

sorry, but I-man cannot see what the I mean ...

you mean, if you wouldn't be burnt and your ashes would't be spread out above the ocean and Ithiopia you wouldn't make a will ?

I-man see your oppinion right ?

Messenger: JosephI Sent: 6/3/2004 3:10:01 PM

Greetings Bredda,
Let me clarify for the I: THE only reason INI even consider a will is to make sure that when InI physical body (flesh) is no more, InI flesh will be cremated and ashes scattered back to the earth from where InI was created.
InI don't want my Catholic family to decide what they want to do with INI remains.
And as for material concerns, of which InI have few, I want them properly dispersed to my Queenwoman, family and friends.
Thats all!
Blessed Love to you,

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 6/3/2004 10:49:09 PM

Blessed Love JAH RASTA FAR I

TO the ones bredren and sistren, HEARTICALLY, all due raspect, so DO whatever the I sites as RIGHT. Rasta not living under no Babylon $hit$tem. I sometimes feel like we come here to get a vote of confidence of what I should do. BUMBA KLATT Bredren and sistren, INI not under any law. Ya check ? NO LAW.

INI not checking out how the body is to be dealt with when the spirit leaves it. INI not this body or that body. TODAY INI take care of the body that JAH manifests in today.

Rasta don't die. Selassie don't die. WHy living in this dead world business, Rasta? ones calling upon the most high, but then the day of "death" comes ones worrying about the dead will deal with the body? Some say Selassie dead, reincarnated, alive.......well, INI reason out that INI live for-I-ver. If you want to die, then why worry about what will be done with the emptiness of the garment of your spirit, the flesh. THe flesh that has battled with the spirit the whole earth life. THe day that I leave the flesh is the day of freedom from the flesh, so what does it matter if it goes to the worms or the makes Rasta another religious after life. That is pure folly, it would be like having a ritual for the clothes that you wear out.

RASTA...LIVITY is HERE and NOW and always will be and always been...

Be aware of the yeast of the Pharisees, (including the ones be selling funeral rituals). Into this world the body is naked and out of the world the body is naked. Nothing that I possess materially is mine but belongs to the Most High, the creator of all things. so "leaving" what the most high has blessed I with,to someone, is vanity. SITE? JAH KNOWS...INI Father is the MASTER, the CREATOR of all and is the caretaker of all. So why this talk of giving that respondsibilty to some undertaker ?

INI marching to ZION.......high places.

INI children of the most high
Haile I Selassie I

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 6/4/2004 3:19:01 AM

TRUUE Sistren! InI must deal with LIFE.

So many get caught up in philosophy of death and after-life, reincarnation, etc. I know what I can prove, and I cannot prove anything about reincarnation so I do not know reincarnation... but I do know that the ancestors lives were lived for one purpose as of this moment.. for InI. What else could possibly be the purpose of all those ones whom came before InI?
What I also know is there has been no mark of the beginning of life or end of life, life is eternal.. as a circle has a beginning and an end yet no beginning nor end. As Ark-I stated, from dust we came so dust we will return. So why take up more room on this blessed earth that could be utilized to cultivate?
As well, leaving a will is actually a smart move in these serious times. The government plays the role of what community should play in our lives while dwelling in the belly of the beast so in order for our well earned Gates and land to be passed on to our loved ones and not taken by them would surely be of importance.

Hail Rastafari in all manifestations.
Blessed Love

Messenger: JosephI Sent: 6/4/2004 3:28:18 PM

Blessed Love Sistren, yes seen, seen!

I-man nah citing death, cite up LIFE. And yes InI agree life is eterenal...From the moment of conception to the moment the flesh becomes dust and InI's life and light spirit pass on and become ONE with the most high JAH. Rasta spirit and light is I-ternal.

Only reason InI reason pon this subject is for the sheer practicality of what happens when the time comes for this particular physical body to pass on. InI cite that the flesh is material and has an end, but the spirit is I-ternal and lives forIver in Jah sight. Has nothing to do with vanity.
Blessed ONE love
Joseph I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/4/2004 4:55:37 PM


Yes I, Nefertiti, and Sis Menen I, I agree with what the I them are saying.

There is too much things to think about in Life, then to worry about what happens in death.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

1 - 1011 - 2021

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Haile Selassie I