Blessed Love Jah Rasta Far I....
One, INI hail up the I-dren of teh Most high to leave this Babywrong world of MIND set in slavery.
Each Day "NEWS" mix up the LIES of nationalism to Downpress the feeble.
I have been speaking out about the wars going (against Terror, on drugs, of culture, poverty)...and it is all a bumba klatt of man's wickedness to dominate man.
I took part in a anti-war protest last year when BUSH came to the $hitty I dwell in. The police were all uptight like they were ready to mash down the ones with thier mace, billy clubs and guns....against ones with signs and songs. I have seen that this the end times. FEAR EVERY WHERE. Many so called "friends" empathize with the police.....who fear for thier life. How can the police fear for thier life, when they are the ones carrying guns against anyone who make a move ? Last year a police yelled at me becuz I straightened up a barrier that he did not close completely. HAHAH....Yelling he tried to provoke INI spirit and I sited compassion for that angry crazy cop becuz he had FEAR in his eyes,....fear of INI. It was a mystic thing to site INI power in that moment, knowing that INI could put the man down. IT be a joke to the I that he feared me, a female weighing 100 pounds carrying a sign of peace.
Today, over a year later it is come to reveal that the police are infiltrating the "anti-war" movement. They go undercover looking for what ??? Threats to the WAR continuity ? This HOMELAND security farce is that. It is making all those follow this-SLAVES to a police state, a mind set of victimization, of helplessness. THEY FEAR LOSING THEIER DOMINATION OVER THE IGNORANT.
KNOW History.......Revolutions are wrought by secret means through the militia or guerilla warfare....not through peace movements. The day that one(me, u he, she or they) is a spied upon by an organization(CIA, POLICE< GOCVT) that are spies themselves......well...who is the evil force here. DOING THIER WICKEDNESS IN THE DARK. Those abroad and at home site that there is no fredom that is given,,,it is only to be assumed by INI......FREEDOM is FREE because it is INI birth right.
FEAR NO MAN.....Site the almighty in all movements and nothing can destroy INI. INI don't need any laws for protection, no police for security and no man for LIVITY.
Let INI not be downpressed in spirit by the "loss" of civil rights and such. Notice the WARS that be marketed....Babylon don't claim an enemy...they are claiming wars on that everyone is a possible ENEMY......
This an exciting time,becuz these thigns must come to manifestation. I don't want to stop the time......INI march with confidence, with full knowledge and WISDOM......Radiate LOVE in INI LIVITY so that the ones may know that it is not the flesh that is life...but the spirit of JAH RASTA FAR I.....that lives and reign and rules and will establish INI iternally.
Speak truth.....Live Love.....Forward always.....don't look behind to fall in the polluted river of Babylon.