My Idren reasoned with I recently that he doesn't deal with friends any more, he only deals with Family.
He has seen enough friends come and deal with wickedness, that he has no more interest in friends. So a person dealing with him must come as Family, because the ones that come as friends are no friends at all.
I agree with my Idren, too many people these days don't behave like Family even to their own blood line. It is sad that selfishness and envy has caused many to only care for theirself, with no concern for others, even their own children, brothers, sisters, or parents.
Family is someone who cares for you, and will not try to destroy you, or use you, or abuse you. And Family is loving and helpful, and Family is someone who you can call for help, and they will be sure to come.
Family will not hurt you for their gain, but will sometimes choose to suffer themselves, for your gain. In the same way, you would do the same thing for your Family.
Family is someone you can trust, who you can leave alone in your house with no worry of them abusing this position. Family is someone you can trust with your children, and you will know that they will risk themselves for the safety of your children.
It is great to have Family, both from your direct blood line, and from Family that have lived in different regions for many centuries before. It is a lonely life without Family. I and I will grow to be great people, when I and I live as Family.
Ark I
Haile Selassie I