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For All that needed Proof..and what this means about YOU!

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Messenger: Benjahmin Sent: 3/10/2004 5:03:09 AM

Yes Ark I

I know exactly what Th `I is saying there. I`ve seen it happen many times now....but if true Idren form a unity to simply ignore them kind of "disturbers"....them will loose fun and interest in disturbing.
Yes the Lion within I n I must roar against Babylon....but did Th `I ever see a lion roar against a nasty gnat or moskito ? NO !!
He will simply ignore it...or lazily fling it away with his tail.
Some nuisances are simply not worthwhile dealing with....but a waste of time and energy.Sounds harsh...I know....but life and reality IS harsh.
JAH Love

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/10/2004 9:01:42 AM


True Benjahmin, ignoring them is usually a good way to handle it. But for some people, ignoring is not good enough. I at least now ignore much of this mosquito's buzzing, but sometimes I feel the need to swat at it.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 6/1/2004 3:31:38 PM

African Dispora is very important but what good is it with out the word of God. The fact that Africans are suffering is a huge role in the Rasta factor, but people don't need to know that as much. When Jahs Judgement come, He won't be asking if you know about African history or dispora, Hes going to ask if you know HIM. everything else is bullshit next to that. Without out Faith in Jah the rest is no good.

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 6/6/2004 2:55:14 PM

Hail RastafarI... I did not bother to read ALL of the posts in this thread but the vibes were felt. Looks like very similar runnings to Baldheadspeaks... What I have to say to these vibes is that there is a science to the spirit of ones that come to deceive and break unity. I find that when ones come with accusations and anger and fingers pointing at everyone but themselves, truly the saying "when you're pointing the finger at someone else you've got three more fingers pointing right back at yourself" is truth. If looked at very deeply, often times what bothers someone about others is something they don't like within themselves. Reflection. Which is why to be truly standing in love and when reaching the heights of enlightenment, one is not pushed to feel frustration or anger for what others know or dont know..

This may be a little unclear to ones, but a next example of what I am trying to relay is that InI, as Rastafari, see a reflection of InI selves in Haile Sellassie the First. HE is the highest InI can attain to be, as Christ in His Kingly Character, which is why InI call HIM Haile Sellassie I, RastafarI. Which is why InI use the word sound of I as JAH dwells within and therefore all is a reflection of what is within InI.

As far as how ones choose to expand their knowledge of the world is up to them, wisdom and knowledge go hand in hand and yet are still not the same. One can have much knowledge and still not be wise. Knowing history in terms of dates and happenings won't do anything for a person unless they use what could be learned from it and manifest it in their lives and how they treat others.

Africa is InI first love. ***The whole world sprang out of Her***

Blessed Love

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/7/2004 12:52:39 AM

Yes I, Sis Menen I

I agree with the things that they I is saying. The runnings that went on in this thread came here for a short time three months ago, but Jah truth stand, and I and I reasonings returned to the way Jah has created I and I to reason.

I and I are on the World Wide Web, so people will come from time to time, and stir up some strife, but I and I can bring the reasonings to the way they are meant to be.

DreadNut, people should know what happened in the African Diaspora. When people try to hide their eyes and mind from things what are and have been, then they tend to continue in the same foolishness as in times before.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: seeking Sent: 6/9/2004 10:01:10 AM

who am I really to comment? except one who seeks 'truth' ... even if that truth is only relevant to I and not I and I ...

at times that which we fear the most persists, for within it are the lessons ... know who walks within ... remember I and I strength ... remember I strength ... and roar, or bleat as the moment asks for ...

in each moment we have to be prepared to answer questions ... and in answering we find further guidance to the holiest of holy light ... I might not know 'rasta ways', but i know one doesn't have to live the life, to have overstanding ... be blessed to know that I and I exist, whether it comes in wolf or sheep clothing ... the downtrodden will not remain so ... but they must not downtrot too ... love guides ... iyah guides ... accept that we are not always ALL KNOWING ...

Peace, light and LOVE

Messenger: the rock Sent: 6/9/2004 10:08:14 AM

all things in do time

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