When I trod through the earth, I give thanks to RasTafarI for every piece of Wisdom and Iverstanding Jah give I. I won't refuse Wisdom and Iverstanding that comes from the writings of KMT, the bible, quran or any other book or person. But I will refuse foolishness that comes from any of these sources.
People should make use of the teachings of our ancestors and the ancestors of our family all around the world, instead of using the teachings to separate ourselves and for excuses to quarrel with one another.
You can find people all over picking apart the writings of all cultures to "prove" they are false. All this is vanity of vanities.
There are teachings in all these books that are useful and righteous. Would it not be better for people to spend their time to filter through these books to gather all the righteous wisdom that can be found, instead of spending their days filtering through the books to gather the falsehoods or foolishness.
People need to change their focus in Life, or we will continue generation after generation in foolishness. I and I focus should be on rising ourself and others to rise closer to Jah RasTafarI, learning all righteousness and making it I and I Life. And learning the spiritual mystical ways of Jah, so I and I can rise into the Image we have refused for so long.
In the beginning, Jah made the word, and that word was taught to I and I original Mother and Father. Throughout the centuries, our generations rose and fell, lost some of the Wisdom and Spirituality we had, and refined and gained more Iverstanding of Wisdom and Spirituality that we didn't Iverstand before. There are many similarities between the cultures and stories of the world because we were all created with this word. And the similarities are also because throughout the centuries people learned from eachother and I and I still learn from eachother today. Egyptians taught many people, but Egyptians also learned from many people.
Written history is only a small part of World history. Part of world history was not written because people didn't have writing, and other parts weren't written because people didn't want to write them. Part of world history was written, but was burned with fire and lava, washed away with water, blown away with the wind, shaken and destroyed with earthquake, destroyed by invading people. Also part of World history is hidden by the descendants of the writers, because the books don't support the lies of the descendants, or they embarrass the descendants, or they are secrets the descendants don't want known.
Written history is also a big part of the World lies. Every nation creates falsehoods or hides parts for propaganda, this happens now and has happened for as long as people have been spreading "news".
So instead of being indoctrinated by the lies of one people and refusing the truths of another. Indoctrinate yourself with the truths of one people and indoctrinate your self with the truths of another. Refuse the falsehoods of one people and refuse the falsehoods of another.
Otherwise, you will always be misguided. Jah is the only guide, look to Jah and Jah will show the difference between truth and falsehoods.
As I have repeated so many times on this forum:
Selassie I say,
By the word "neutral" We do not, of course, mean that abstention from political activity which has been for so long the hallmark of a Switzerland. We can no more refrain from political activity in the year 1961 than man today can voluntarily refrain from partaking of the radioactive fall-out which will be bestowed upon him should a nuclear holocaust erupt on this globe. Nor does neutrality mean that without taking sides, we content ourselves with urging that the powers most intimately concerned negotiate in good faith to the solution of the issues in dispute between them; we have passed the point where prayerful pleading serves any purpose other than to debase those who thereby abdicate any responsibility or power to influence events.
To be neutral is to be impartial, impartial to judge actions and policies objectively, as we see them either contributing to or detracting from the resolution of the world's problems, the preservation of peace and the improvement of the general level of man's living conditions. Thus, we may find ourselves now opposing, now supporting. now voting with, now voting against, first the East, next the West. It is the worth of the policies themselves, and not their source or sponsor, which determines the position of one who is truly neutral.
This, We maintain, is the essence of non-alignment. Those who would righteously denounce one side on every major problem or issue while reserving nothing but praise for the other cannot claim to be non-aligned, nor can those whose policies are shaped for them elsewhere and who wait patiently to be instructed whether they are to be for or against be called uncommitted.
Belgrade Conference
This Wisdom can be applied in so many situations and is useful in all. Whether you are speaking about the policies of a nation, or culture. Or the words of a person. Or the books of partial-and-sometimes-false-history we read, or the partial-and-sometimes-false-news of today we hear.
By learning this Wisdom of RasTafarI, you will gain the best from that what is around you and you will drive away the worse from that what is around you.
Ark I
Haile Selassie I